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1. Clarity of Goal
- It shows how neighbors will help you even in small things. Also, it
shows how they care for each other.
2. Synthesis of Ideas
- The people in that town helped the mother to call her child Totoy
because he needs to drink his medicine. It’s quite nice to see people in the
same town to help each other.
3. Context of Presentation
- It’s good because they do the presentation in the town. And you can
see their gestures and body language.
4. Start and End
- In the start it shows some people in the boat and then children playing
basketball until the mother shouts his child’s name and the neighbors started
to call his name to until they show up together in front of the boy and shout
something and mother gives him medicine for his sickness. Having neighbors
being nice to you is something you need to thank for.
5. Quality of Video
- The video is okay and I can see the message they want to tell in their
6. Transitions
- It’s good because the transition is simple
7. Audio
- The audio is quite good in the start but in the end when the people
gather in front of the boy, I cannot hear what they say.
8. Creativity
- It’s nice because they actually do their video in the town and the
people is so cooperative.

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