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Activity 10 Reaction Paper

“Cultural Sensitivity”

There are still many people who emigrate to work for their families. In
business, others are partnering with foreigners to further expand their business
not only here in the Philippines but also in other countries. These people accept
the culture of the country they go to work and partner with. Because they can't
do their jobs if they don't respect and follow the culture there and they can just
be fired from their workplace.

If we accept the culture of others, respect and follow it as a respect for

the people who live there, we can achieve our plans, especially for those who
want to grow their business. Culture Sensitivity empowers explorers and
laborers to effectively explore an alternate culture with which they are

Social mindfulness is having information on the presence of numerous

various societies with various mentalities and perspectives; social awareness
implies the acknowledgment of those distinctions and not accepting that one's
own way of life is prevalent.

It allows travelers and expatriate workers to successfully navigate to a

different culture with which they are interacting for their businesses. Because
it's easier to communicate with others if we know their culture especially if we
are in their country.

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