Common Questions in Title Defense-1

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COMMON QUESTIONS IN THESIS -According to article 10, Everyone has the

PROPOSAL DEFENSSE right to freedom of expression. This right

shall include freedom to hold opinions and
1. Why did you choose this study? to receive and impart information and ideas
without interference by public authority and
Answer: We choose this study because we
regardless of frontier.
want to know if the BEED students really
learned and develop their public speaking 6. What research method will you use?
skills when they conducted the public
speaking subject through online. Answer: The research method we will use is
the quantitative – descriptive- survey
2.What is your thesis proposal all about?
7. Who will be the respondents?
Answer: Our thesis proposal aims to
develop the public speaking skills of general Answer: 100 4th year general education
education student and improve the students of tsu
curriculum of public speaking subject.
8. What sampling method will you use?
3. What prompted you to propose this
study? Answer: The sampling method we will you
will be the stratified random sampling.
Answer: We noticed that there are many
education students whose public speaking 9. how will you gather data?
skills have not developed as a result of 2
Answer: We gather data by the use of
year online class. And that’s prompted us to
questionnaire through Google Form and we
proposed this study.
will disseminate it through online via
4. what’s your statement of the problem? messenger, email or in the MS teams
account of the respondents.
Answer:1. What are the factors affecting the
development of public speaking skills of 10. Do you think your proposed study is
general educations students in terms of: timely and useful?
cognitive, affective and psychomotor
Answer: Yes, because we will know the
2. What are the ways of gen ed to develop effectiveness of online class in the public
their public speaking skills. speaking subject and If the students really
develop their public speaking skills through
3. What is the proficiency level of the online
general education students in public
speaking in terms of vocabulary, grammar, 11. What is the essence of the proposed
fluency and pronunciation study.

4. What can you suggest to improve the Answer: The essence of this study is to
curriculum of public speaking subject improve the curriculum of the public
speaking skill and also if you do not give a
5. What legal basis do you have? chance to approve this study, we will lose a
chance also to discover the insight of the
Answer: HUMAN RIGHT ACT OF 1998 students about their suggestions to improve
the curriculum and their public speaking
Logos – is about persuasion through logic,
data and statistic
And pathos – is about appealing to the
12.There were many studies of this kind emotions of the audience
already. Why proposed still?
17. What finding, or results do you intent to
Answer: We want to address the gap gather?
between past and this present study.
Answer: We will find out the effectiveness
13. Who will be your respondents. Do you of public speaking subject when conducting
think they will cooperate? through online and at the same time we will
suggest to improve the curriculum of public
Answer: The respondents of our study will
be the 4th year general education students
and yes I think they will cooperate because
this will be beneficial to them as a future
14. What do you mean by public speaking
Answer: Public speaking is a skills that
possessed by a generalist student and their
effectiveness to deliver a message to their
15. What possible contributions can this
study yield?
Answer: The possible contribution can this
study yield is to improve the curriculum of
public speaking subject.
16. What theory can you anchor this study?
Answer: The theory can anchor to this study
is the communication theory.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle, one of the
founding fathers of communication theory
that talks about 3 pillars of communication –
the ethos, logos and pathos.
Ethos – is all about building credibility
with the audience – the audience should
feel that the speaker is the authority on
the topic

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