18EC71 Solved-Qp-Tie

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CBOSS CHENE cm LTTTTTT) ; 18EC71 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Computer Networks Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. 1 . 1a. Describe significant services of all'layers in TCP/IP protocol suite along with the ‘ encapsulation and decapsulation provessés with necessary figures. (a6 Marks) q b. List different performance criteria of @ network, (04 Marks) = fe OR = 2 a. Explain different physical structires and networks topologies with the help of diagrams (16 Marks) i b. Distinguish TCP/IP madét with OSI model. a (04 Marks) 3 i Module-2 3. a. Describe various, fields in the format of an ARP packet and explain how ARP sends request and response messaes. (12 Marks) b. Write shortn6tes on implementation ofsfiridard Bthemet topologies. (08 Marks) i& oy, OR 4a Describe, thé concept of bit stuffing and byte stuffing. we (0 Marks) b. Explai€SMA/CD working withthe help of flowchart. (06 Marks) ¢. List the characteristics of wireless LANs. : (04 Marks) é Module-3 js" : 5 5a. Explain working of DHCP,{Bynamic Host Configtiration Protocol]. ~ (08 Marks) s b. Inspect the following MAC addresses arid ‘categories them as unicast, multicast and s broadcast. oe s i) 44:30: 106212 10:14 3 ii) 47:20: 1BS9E :08 EE : 3 iii) EF: FF: 10 :01:11:00 iH iv) FF :PRe FF :FF :FF: FF 2%, (04 Marks) 5 ©. Explaiy ig Pv Aatagram format;vith a neat diagram. (08 Marks) Be OR ZS 6 a. Expldina simple implematation of Networks"Address Translation NAT) (10 Marks) ga ». “Explain distance vector routing algorithm, usitig’Bellman ford equations. (10 Marks) £5 me Module-4 32 7 a. Describe connectidnless and connection ~ oriented services provided by the transport layer. Bo Sy (14 Marks) aa b. Describe the general services provided by UDP. (06 Marks) ge 2 OR EF 8 a. Explain working of Go-back°N protocol. (10 Marks) aa b. Describe sending and recgiviig buffers in TCP, and explain how segments are created form a the bytes in the buffers. (10 Marks) a Modu! £ 9 a._Explain the architeSture and format of electronic mal (10 Marks) z b. Distinguish Local Logging and Remote Logging. (10 Marks) oR 10 a. Explain fersistent and non-persistent connections in HTTP. (10 Marks) b. Write-a'short note on DNS recursive and iterative resolutions. (QO Marks) SEVEMISEMESTER SE WEAKES Com butER NETkiorks ((I8ECH) | SCHEME AND SoLUTTOnl SKA POLE NITY OOM, EIS] VIPUL VOD —f sani gO Abewe Ap fur Amall ibtenet LirAt the apple im y The mer w ft A ae do oA mhah corfator clabhechiay apythicech D The colt ta becnrup! 0 ot ChTeb) GH 8 Kehwerk Mu 0 Ole ie Bo Fdecaprtoke, |S Fy mM — Moe. / e vhnws Enequnlabin| Deaxprletin eontty # Encapsdodim o ab the Source Host sae 4 rat thea The snee ie hae oe iach a ouchauged : tae mE, ee Ii t6 alps Ol the ee Fe t Bee eae pee ii ae Of h 4 oats pet a SSN bd Hed ig Phe ape = the ~£e ¥ Te dang nt layer Phew. frases the pasket h the ot # The ao Layee teclect the feaegnnt Layer ipl tes aay Source Hvak Een nena lie. [Lm Apr Reuter aaticarn| aT Hf Tianspak Ee faut pat Er _M_ | [Nelwak] tama | BEA [Network Bey 1 Dalal wat] eb eT] (J [Physicad ila) Tg ea Legend ; Gl ands an eyes 5 EaGeptote, Re per oy hasler, bb awed te Petal aye i wand Heat was ie fe Died. pate ec d; Cvvop) O Wy au vas or payload aud adds Th vwin hesceler pie a heade. corteuhs the adcrewer of Whe souce cued eloshiuboh Da eee ie ae ae en gee gee p Renlt cs ae Tea ae oe fey the dale bidide pe eee — ee Se! cpbad aod io cw? oped tilt larger ateaer Hee iis tee roxnt a robehd # The pewlls called ¢ Faw. Ta frevose TLD bie = ee hh For train yp Decapnledinn 7 na Enaapritabiy atthe ube # Roster ot cormected by how oe mare Lbls 7 AF Anke bith clecapnslectin antl eneaynuledtn | ae Lib aleliceced be thee daterheble L a fen a te on” Lanta a aul cs OF Fhe oebsaesl “t ates Lye Nn ne Lae leh C4 Bee g fale bs thd the roouet hap reed of hee eee eye ee ule thee he eae es (linge ay , “The pct he ‘fhe nah pee 1p Hhoke 7 ees ot aig aE eo ee - as ¥ F Becopmtetinn al the Dakthodior spe oye ep DE ee ey, ie clecay ttt dead, axed CRRA & P Becapraletdn dy the heat ents ee % Putmance can be measured in mony occeps ela taanat bine wnat bine const despre kine. tr a saaruit Line 1 the anuneed Ff bbce 1 enoER On ae oe ene ae obpPume Tyee Hue thie W bie od elapred ts eee th lary aud a Ley Bie len eaabiahed yoo o ig aucldlelay, ble often need mie +» Roliablitky ; In adddtin to aerucey of cloldecey. - of falling, the thee Aecorer trnca tedlne, and Fhe nebo Ldustney a cadk-cea| eS ecuruty ; Kefvork secuty rad Led Eon data tum unauthuted axcos. breaches ae loser. ee, fe Nee » te = jp of ey ee fo hea ie offal | /L> Pabomwnce culleréa ofa rela lo V- SO and delay e neboor “Lelealallally td se ee (a ie pve eine rd dye od a — aon 7 oO g 245 Phuyereal Srcccteues #A nebool. Wl hvo OL male histor diber trom one deuce to uvelbect. # Thee cre bro fenite spo corrvechind potht-to— slot aul op tg Pudth- o- vint 5H Punredles % Pont bo=pa Tht) abd # Mullypeint [mater ebryt) commech'n a ailrple Lhhe as tale e| \ +. ar Pélobeho- Pei a Fi a bide e Ina meeltr a Tt deecbcal dlevuves 0 e the ku _ Ff tracheal dies come 9 Lie Uk DP commechin th user alee Elia, Ete 7 & Grtdezeced! connechin A Phynteal Tepologtes (oehoart. Tpelgeet) # The Fein paypal by y mh whdlh o& ees CLE EIS detubes errmected! ddiler. A dill. ee i nmnuruttatonn jp i theph clealucectoel Adele. bebveor} ith ope , Ew dee T To etd c of Hee belch 0) Lerocad | OTe ial When Ure bo abe nt commechand ude cable te connect 9 Ofer ophivs one mitaoweue or dalllte hbLed ome th ~ whah mace fan tw apecchte clorudes hace | | burly ® a |? Thee ate tau bane Evpolugces pose 1 anveah thes | + Mesh Fopol: Euat deve has glesboretadt fourt-h-pelbt dh | bus and vg. #* Euec » to ee obhae 4-The puchisbes Of hugrteed Labdeg sh 6 cermechd moh nebwork voit hp nodler 14 epeeedl bo nln-1) Phyereal Lhtes. ly 4% In cluplere mode the orvaber phayrieel Aepiiadl ace ntn-t) /2 # Euce clesucte on the neberst. mul fietee n-| ypu [eretpucte Crlo) pot. e eA z he ack conneck can coy own oleda lo : , % eh bpology M4 abut: TP ome Lelde seroma wenyrale Jit raad thtoparterte the euble aS - L 9 Thace cb cluartege of ee cia # Fell oletion ae a ae ts edey 4 Divacluclespes # rouse Gablrg and the nemaber I Fle ports th moh & ry 13 mace ¥ Havlwace uvwed fo correct each. sqlermiee. F Aid Fly corrected mop) 10 Eley 9 Se aly rr Hau Tipelors ) al » Goch deze has clechcted Hub poiot=by-point bdile only bs a — aes ty | Poy eee ee Tans |e Theconbrller ack os o ereelacge zt a ee eer h — oO a f cot Sed olaba fo erabher, We as whih thon aeliiy toe clata 4@ bo the aber c hed - dlewbe, 7 Dduantager {Lon euprenaice thar ce mesh hy otfecked, Ml other lls Locate, aeblee. ii) Easy Aoult cdetitratim eel fart m olatiinn Fea aaa +A bu by Wa a r mudegele 7 Cable Lotti’ pang ti p One cable cect-ced UF tap Tip Tp catidl a backbone fo bik rye, : yOA bus te eammechhg. abl fie eect “Hide Selina ¥ a cluyy Lie ke ce cermech bebeon theo docre avd Phe aad cable. 4 6 fuprya comether pool edtler Aap Acgesest and ie men We, EP a rp Cds he aay zal edlcen L2 Coobath Renee aera 7 pam # ela the ie el The freotveot Bold cb hes Me richard laa yerpro F tPclp [roteecd os Coboo)¢e: Pea Ta CO NE CLO Tae Que ceautble dou H, bokdy aetha and rehwirk— “L sion ptr 9 The deatation pure adble lowed protecad addicy) ae dobine fhe Macey Ot Lille ley h aud nh addkenes. p An fee fe eucaprrloted olincetly bh a labor Lille ty chow that the acl elo fy the hap url! nit fo the Peale, CH” apes cof te cer Ya The freame peo hh hewe ar hel hid has rig) sp pace wane = The bare uh &re om the aes Gyr Syshem he | Syohem @ t Ny { oe 1S &! — et peer pease Tee : ARo GI r Reguecsl Mo's J aulbicol are +-———* Fim BKB = (om Te Bek Te SE50E 5 [Ox bh} One ARP Reply 7 4 : pe Desbhchin Firme ae “Etheawet opolegs @d. # 10 Base 5 ro Sa Baseband cabal md LE oulerral feuncescet Cheovapea peer ar wld a thaeh coauul cable 5 Mahim & tH 16 Gov my y Encocldhg ! Oe | | | # lo Base 2! Thih eee a 18Sm> aig apps Cepgitct cabel rel, move tlewible tre thaw Hearl. coarctal : Be ina One rarer. Cheece(vee thor fen. b Encocdely > Marrclethey . % lobuce—F C Tooke frook ctarnret) ~ F Liseg Ffeu topeley # &bahing ice pau dred Coite ' if) BAL ane a Chad nate ~— thoplensentih in of. dteleed | \ 0 a a a | Le swm ees ce 5 Abr called 10 tues, Paul ee eee Fink thevel poubucin, br roe a ett, a CHhenet ox cheapenct Paar) + Dees. bus brpulogey and cable ta ed Hedmer conmeched bahub ta tro S Q. b Taanwedeer 1 atop, te Nekucrl Spledoe Cal Cree) , "Lag 7 bolablaah Amide. Hho fea | ‘Manly lombpt Toivled ll a | ee) To pus : Ta er Saene loBace —T mee Two fiasies Aitted ces cable ereccte Come ee Cea ee chvCovd hatin ey ¥ Encodilyg | Mearrelesber . aw fa | + 10 Race F 7p paca: Two ibe Tie iat = ° ave : lt Mbpt 7 eee el ) '} (oBanF wera then Lopulog: tation be blak. TOES b The habia Owe cerned Phe huh vatlg. — Avo Aker-y optic cables, a Ercedelg } Wie Mubeter: ah Desevibe The “Fhe concept of bit shuetbig ama byle — i —Chicthit eit Lud g A Rit ebeethig ia the frocen axdldclg me bua 0 | 4S Atlas @ 0 th the | whence fire crvecutiue clomal rovitale \Vas foc ernect D S 3 x ES) ° x & et < @ epee shove bit shelling af Phe sencler ond dnt en ee Lae ; Wier # Note that econ (f we bawe O oO atbber Meo 44 we aki! Pact O',,The "0! will be denconert the hecectier Reamered Stated ; [Fig [Hea dee Soonngnooniigeteo [radu [Pg] Peta from upper lecyer OOM MOONII LOLs Mask, ee eee ele _< Ey fig ena | ovr omiseie> [Toe [Bg] ce Liwhetted | ae goon isonnowe) ee Bela be upper dees wa # Byte fudthhg iw the cedf of adding one 7 i et, whe fleg os wape chase, a the bout. ul buthh . 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Aevocleces ae Aegis ep * eae Hee isbovreled fis thd fo air’, pecocteel nuey Aececice muse fan tne A Lan thedawe dandy becuue of olectee eh, waves gid Ce, as ee rocally, 1 he rend objec me Emon » Eno ond ir cae TUMe - eu frees th & whelen nebutdls Phan th {ES a oted Seah ree Baty 7 PH Ditcp (Dynan Pegi og shu ao DucP t4. The pining , heal cvecdted @ DHCPPISCOUER Inch colsth pai the hauathion?? | Byeld 1 aef ty = Awntlanr hoo 6. of corre « pe the a ee ae with whith PTT oo yo) nulefted th a OP ceoen cle be il tte ove Up ahe Vi 68 and he — inn pat eb ae ap user habe gy cen by Orrcee/ J th ur TP) bLeds/ set bo 0:01:00 Cred | hat) hed rs ie kohbo 265. 5. FRE murda \- y ‘ha ® @ Moly (ts Mla en) Sua | eioricoroe: Dest es é asl? (21. He 16130 Destnabhaal: IS. WATS ———$——— DircpREQuEsT Pr oumcte hin aa beat Pee eS 4 Leowt fe Fea ntgabs (ga DUcePACe Transechn T0: Loo! Lease Time! 2660 Deshrabin adh ora WS. 255.285 | ternal ae ie eer Sete rn rl.oo Vlei, l6-D0 Desbhahin edo’ 965.262307) WV Time ine Q x Duce gourercor See (if mace thames Ae Hea DUCPOFFER wtp d the flag Bip hel dee eed tp odie Uh tr foi lah tu a Mee ae tele eee ip OL * Tt aby thtudes the Lease bine Gr whith, the ‘hab can Msp the EP adelon , i{ 9 ih Miarly Aw Aececucs ene crn ; me (nes hd |e ae The cjotrgih Yah Te = feuds a DHCPREQUELT menage fo 4 Col Got the best Offer . foc! toucer Aes) orieh woth & depth. a ane bbs id but if the "hee ofyeded oP aclelon wy rm ald Se offer, thesoucer +f Hee tec carmeb keep ' ty Oo. Cercdt a DHCP LACK men pet eel eee 0 Eby tt) Unrest lee Git) Malticact (iii) “dba. (iv) Broadcast witht a pone [oo in’ Sas ree Pv dip» Pavaect OG SS 53 byes oe an ee ee ttew! Healer <[Header [TRaytead) Pees te. 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Line | Livedl fo ao the muahwm number of hips Crinedeus) wolted by tho. dabagaan : s Prdveof + onatph pepe £ bit number a Ths ted to whelh frvtocel fhe - M pojead head de Lida | b Mewdlee Checksum: xe adel, feacler eleelcium held fo cheek Yee l-acedlos , bo not Khe pied © al Sauce aud deahnatin adda: & Ochhes 92 brit Sera cud oleotrhebla addrecs & Options : Optra que wed tor othok feshing Caleb gpiog é Payload * Muy load or ala 1 the packet coming ten) ofber protocols ature He sucied ¢1P. Gab Explach a Simple smplevwcntadiin of Kehvork Addl 10 Taulecdim Cre 7) ef e Teanalechin Curr) ts Kh whith) 1 et ble arf POAI el ccdlclerres Ot tho are thee Lempert a ae pructe nebweorks e The technol allows atte fo vue asehof — Leate ads poherrel Communiadin ancl a dof of baad totene?t addresses (at least mes Fea tommtinitadiro with the res of, the world 4 The tite meut lawe onky one connection te te geet Tnteenct thrrgh a near-capable, dade tka} rund AT tebhocue, oa Figuee thaw aphe ypdovrentectiing of| aN \ WWF. {71 \ re 194183, ho = , { {| { ( ( ( 4 1 hao | 200: 24g, Q | NAT, ° , NIN ‘ ( P2183. f 1183.20 ea ‘ ( i Gite aah [risate ade ep1es =} S # Ae Agire dhau the et arene ani Mera een addieber Th SAE, comech the n Eng the g eee ae one frete Cl The friicate pohoosle. ty touetitble bo the aedt-of-| The Lobeunet # The seb, He hhenettees nly the neal voter wth tha addon £00168 5 [6RE pet deer uecler ecchg odgasithna ahs Bella # Bellman — Ferd Epcahiny \ Thi epeccrn 10 exsod bo thd the Load cosb hthorbell- lanee) behween a truce node By ana dehnahin noele Y) he hkimedt eee when tt Phe fgoruce and The hh — , medsauy eels andl fhe heat ar Lehveon the intermecliacy necles cucl the detract are elie $ Gevecal Case? Diz He thurtes? cllance ond Cy W the cout Lebween rreces laud Dey = rath }Cexe+ Day), (Cb +Dby) Coxet Dy). | ) tn chitence —eeetey sewbg 71 we want & cpelede aur ercithleg leas ccat tht 2 Load?cook Thigh an shturedds nde, such as 2+ tt the - hatte 4 thater In Mal case eguatln beeerned - Eg p Ce dha beled Duy smb } Dry Coxgt Day) a bxaplaial dea Ey ; ay epecachiin Dy n tia -- 7 @rdy Ce 7! Cre Orne 1 essecal cave wll Ure) nbeameypaedy- b- Updadng path voip newne | Ve @ J Marley thle cay day ttc flee Bellman Ford (chon onglle a by butd a new Least ~cook peth “firm precettably = takablibed lect coot path Y Io te abe toute we ar See Ch-ry), antl (e—zy) a4 ‘ecole, ef, \. ‘cede — Age Pe eee cw facet cost pot. bbe caw cccorr (hbk of thi) egecahln as the ~ brulee, anew leat-calb kee tm prreusttly Otechhe lecit-calt hreeg "t we ude Hle epeccchive Distance _ oe ) ng Loucicos provided y the aay] % Commectinders Kuuice ah } The Stwree cory (apphlecteler cur) bo to diel i ga 4 int JS [Ti hon UDolbiotce gcomd vector [EDC pled ye db] D Cyl] c 0 tate NOP ae depeod Chr exeer) Ply ea nedlhor) $ \ Boy ae, fyd nacl (tn awechor 14s frm neple de a Cy=4 tom) Oya Dey anh OCyy, Ce Gmpulé GT PACT 2 VP Gray chawe th w0cehr = sound ueeht fotijote3. - Din] bh all nedgh br Val Gad ¢ Ditearee Ueebw ‘| Fah Describe connection leva fete =i, a it Layer wd Ser act a it them & the hovapet d or Me =One, y-The franapnd ee es a hn poe blthart ony Aelatihy belweenr the A lena cotiln errcapuleder thn pote terds It ' Shee Chue a) ee bebreen tHe podecke cd the ta. ot layer, the paclocle awoke otf order kt fhe clathesyr a ep ba ee ye cacley fo fhe tauer prowess MevsageQ', aetect O Wace MLLLLIZO EO * meee Pata ‘ fae ce Lz ZLLECL CA Menage 2 sy Met heaped ( SEs Paolohr t | cul efordey eer ‘65a. f ' Vv 4 Smee | wlengge 4 Tine: Tae a ae eee Char the mucut of paslot wang gee lal “ AF clalent thle thrice hula of xe ane deloud 6b the chiout bu b ori Piped) \ Becacre Ff fue nba olelary th ee the Thee 4 ne ena a wer dakagaovrs cuore €7 They We a ard, by Fhe vi Kae eres peg jac iti) Flew Cotad! zg » No Has cortacl wu bance no wh dew Z morlowrd ry The pecede cucdttus wilh ae -| oe ea wy Mg Pes Encen Conten | d There we fo tte covbrel mechandm Ubp b Fer the checksum Wh Cheha ; bop ee ae = forty, the — OF rclecelas ad Bree pe a& Dor header aud the pal bre —_ ae lore Sect ? rnlert Une |b bweor tha oludficonl tron, vage ee Cartdl! vop ses mat pronedle. Pin ceovrlrs[ vith Drives ease gues ace anrcntool wlbh pore vii & Prucltiplercrlg & Demultijlening bpp eo drregides mull, ey ord Bemaltypony @ of gs m the she of fhe ~Pefucue nui fi ite. By The gel wihdnw can ulicle one or mere bol pho au tuo free Ack with ck hla dow than br epesed — te aul Lew thar 4 Ch vredaSee ania Jeuhay + hacecice bel olod p The aecerue wihidan td an abskach enrcept deh yn an thacagtbony hove. of die t with a ot vasuitble ny, The codon) slides ver. a.corret fas arudecd, » Pliding ours ene vbot ata Ame, y% Timert' Bo be- Bork-N frotoeed uses one her. » Recoudryo parle ; tether the Acer erepteed j the — fey al onbotera they paced Bib Describe folly curd Keeeduby | bh how Sf byfes A the buFPherst TCP neocls biftowu ty era . Thew ae hea — bude , the tenth beef curd Tile cecocterng butter, ene Fu each im ; Oe ae eee A Pfer mt to Lecatttrna as ghun Sa A77e. t Pack tert Cormeth pUTTeO Venn bl og @ prostirterd connechin hy — pec Fea o } Ina postdtent camechn), Phe deuce leacucs bhe—| conrettein opens For ance acguak ecble, ~Sendlg a comporde \ The deuce, Cun chore the Lee fim of fee # a clout ww if a bie cot has bean The donde, sually cerns the Louglh f the dala with each Aeyiente & Dn ces oly menue eaenbecl ole oud, Hh Pawn fol ie ee eal fe Toph oM in nat brawn and! ane ote ip pron cad ttre clata So Hue the choot pure Haak thea +tie clate has been avaclod, Tine ard seanmncer He doued eet Gane 2 cormechind # _Nompeutitont Cormethou 7 ee eee Tee comechin eceat/ AB Prd ps Fhe ateps ib “thas ahalegy ‘ Me ri 1 te Bact ous TCP T senmactin cot Louth | | ancl clerey the & be a mf Bena Ne Se MELLO ea ae) the Aoyperde camechin | dy teaolala why ibenwanley es hhond “ ond-of- Hle yuarceer } It fhe cloves the be oe a bie antey Lob if Tn

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