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18EC32 – Network Theory

Module – 04
Laplace Transformation & Applications

Prakash M B
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication
Government Engineering College, Mosale Hosahalli

18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

Mosale Hosahalli
Table of contents
4.1 Solution of networks
4.2 Step Responses
4.3 Ramp Responses
4.4 Impulse responses
4.5 Waveform Synthesis

18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

Mosale Hosahalli

18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

Mosale Hosahalli
4.1 Solution of networks
Concept of Laplace Transform
• Laplace transformation is a technique for solving differential
equations. Here differential equation of time domain form is
first transformed to algebraic equation of frequency domain

• After solving the algebraic equation in frequency domain, the

result then is finally transformed to time domain form to
achieve the ultimate solution of the differential equation.

• In other words it can be said that the Laplace transformation

is nothing but a shortcut method of solving differential
• we will be discussing Laplace transforms and how they are
used to solve differential equations.
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Mosale Hosahalli
• They also provide a method to form a transfer function for an
input-output system, but this shall not be discussed here.

• They provide the basic building blocks for control engineering,

using block diagrams, etc.

• Many kinds of transformations already exist but Laplace

transforms and Fourier transforms are the most well known.
The Laplace transforms is usually used to simplify a
differential equation into a simple and solvable algebra
problem. Even when the algebra becomes a little complex, it
is still easier to solve than solving a differential equation.

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18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
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Laplace Transform Definition
• To understand the Laplace transform formula: First Let f(t) be
the function of t, time for all t ≥ 0

• Then the Laplace transform of f(t), F(s) can be defined as

Provided that the integral exists. Where the Laplace Operator,

s = σ + jω; will be real or complex j = √(-1)

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History of Laplace Transforms

• Transformation in mathematics deals with the conversion of

one function to another function that may not be in the same
domain. The transform method finds its application in those
problems which can’t be solved directly.
• This transform is named after the mathematician and
renowned astronomer Pierre Simon Laplace who lived in
• He used a similar transform on his additions to the probability
theory. It became popular after World War Two. This
transform was made popular by Oliver Heaviside, an English
Electrical Engineer. Other famous scientists such as Niels Abel,
Mathias Lerch, and Thomas Bromwich used it in the 19th
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• The complete history of the Laplace Transforms can be tracked a
little more to the past, more specifically 1744.

• This is when another great mathematician called Leonhard Euler

was researching on other types of integrals.

• Euler however did not pursue it very far and left it. An admirer of
Euler called Joseph Lagrange; made some modifications to Euler’s
work and did further work.

• LaGrange’s work got Laplace’s attention 38 years later, in 1782

where he continued to pick up where Euler left off. But it was not 3
years later; in 1785 where Laplace had a stroke of genius and
changed the way we solve differential equations forever.

• He continued to work on it and continued to unlock the true power

of the Laplace transform until 1809, where he started to use infinity
as a integral condition.

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Laplace Transform Table

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Laplace
• Analysis of electrical and electronic circuits.
• Breaking down complex differential equations into simpler
polynomial forms.
• Laplace transform gives information about steady as well as
transient states.
• In machine learning, the Laplace transform is used for making
predictions and making analysis in data mining.
• Laplace transform simplifies calculations in system modeling.

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Application of Laplace Transform In Signal Processing
• Laplace transforms are frequently opted for signal processing.
Along with the Fourier transform, the Laplace transform is
used to study signals in the frequency domain.

• When there are small frequencies in the signal in the

frequency domain then one can expect the signal to be
smooth in the time domain.

• Filtering of a signal is usually done in the frequency domain

for which Laplace acts as an important tool for converting a
signal from time domain to frequency domain.

18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

Mosale Hosahalli
Application of Laplace Transform In Control Systems
• Control systems are usually designed to control the behavior
of other devices.

• Example of control systems can range from a simple home

heating controller to an industrial control system regulates the
behavior of machinery.

• Generally, control engineers use differential equations to

describe the behavior of various closed loop functional blocks.

• Laplace transform is used here for solving these equations
without the loss of crucial variable information.

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Properties of Laplace Theorem
Linearity: Let C1, C2 be constants. f(t), g(t) be the functions of
time, t, then

First shifting Theorem:

Change of scale property:

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Time Shifting:
If L{f(t) } = F(s), then the Laplace Transform of f(t) after the delay
of time, T is equal to the product of Laplace Transform of f(t) and
e-st that is

Where, u(t-T) denotes unit step function.

If L{f(t) }=F(s), then the product of two functions, f1 (t) and f2 (t) is

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Final Value Theorem:

This theorem is applicable in the analysis and design of feedback

control system, as Laplace Transform gives solution at initial

Initial Value Theorem:

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Find the Laplace transformation methods of a simple function
f(t) = eαt.

Comparing the above solution, we can write,

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Mosale Hosahalli
Similarly, by putting α = 0, we get,

Similarly, by putting α = jω, we get,

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And thus,

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18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

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Initial Value Theorem
• Initial Value Theorem is one of the basic properties of Laplace
transform. It was given by prominent French Mathematical
Physicist Pierre Simon Marquis De Laplace.

• He made crucial contributions in the area of planetary motion

by applying Newton’s theory of Gravitation. His work regarding
the theory of probability and statistics is considered pioneering
and this influenced a whole new generation of Mathematician.

• Laplace is one among the 72 people to have their name

engraved on the Eiffel Tower.

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• Initial value theorem and Final value theorem are together
called as Limiting Theorems. Initial value theorem is often
referred as IVT.
• It will enable us to find the initial value at time t = (0+) for a
given transformed function (laplace) without enabling us work
harder to find f(t) which is a tedious process in such case.

Conditions for the existence of Initial value theorem

1.The function f(t) and its derivative f(t) should be Laplace
2.If time t approaches to (0+) then the function f(t) should

1.The function f(t) = 0 for t > 0 and contains no impulses or

higher order singularities at origin.
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Statement of Laplace Initial Value Theorem

• If f(t) and F(s) is Laplace transform pairs. i.e

• then Initial value theorem is given by

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Proof of Laplace Initial Value Theorem

Laplace transform of a function f(t) is

then Laplace transform of its derivative f ‘ (t) is

Consider the integral part first

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Substituting (2) in (1) we get

Upon cancelling f (0–) on both sides we get

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On considering (s) tends to infinity on both sides in (3)

Hence, Initial value theorem is proved.

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Final Value Theorem
If f(t) and f'(t) both are Laplace Transformable and sF(s) has no pole
in jw axis and in the R.H.P. (Right half Plane) then,

Proof of Final Value Theorem of Laplace Transform

We know differentiation property of Laplace Transformation:

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Here the limit 0– is taken to take care of the impulses
present at t = 0

Now we take limit as s → 0. Then e-st → 1 and the

whole equation looks like

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Points to remember:

• For applying FVT we need to ensure that f(t) and f'(t) are

• We need to ensure that the Final Value exists. Final value

doesn’t exist in the following cases

If sF(s) has poles on the right side of s plane.

If sF(s) has conjugate poles on jw axis.
If sF(s) has pole on origin.

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1. What is the steady state value of F (t), if it is known that F(s) = 2s(S+1)(s+2)(s+3)?
a) 12
b) 13
c) 14
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: From the equation of F(s), we can infer that, a simple pole is at origin
and all other poles are having negative real part.
F(∞) = lims→0 s F(s)
= lims→0 2ss(S+1)(s+2)(s+3)
= 2(s+1)(s+2)(s+3)
= 26=13.

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2. What is the steady state value of F (t), if it is known that F(s) = 1(s−1)(s+2)?
a) 1
b) –12
c) 12
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: d
Explanation: The steady state value of this Laplace transform is cannot be determined since;
F(s) has a pole s = 1. Hence the answer is that it cannot be determined.

3. What is the steady state value of F (t), if it is known that F(s) = 1(s+2)2(s+4)?
a) 116
b) Cannot be determined
c) 0
d) 18
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Answer: c
Explanation: The steady state value of F(s) exists since all poles of the given Laplace transform
have negative real part.
∴F(∞) = lims→0 s F(s)
= lims→0 s(s+2)2(s+4)
= 0.

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4. What is the steady state value of F (t), if it is known that F(s) = 10(s+1)(s2+1)?
a) -5
b) 5
c) 10
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: d
Explanation: The steady state value of this Laplace transform is cannot be determined
since; F(s) is having two poles on the imaginary axis (j and –j). Hence the answer is that
it cannot be determined.

5. What is the steady state value of F (t), if it is known that F(s) =b/(s(s+1)(s+a)), where a>0?
a) ba
b) ab
c) 1
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explana on: F (∞) = lims→0 s F(s)
= lims→0 sbs(s+1)(s+a)
= lims→0 b(s+1)(s+a)
= ba.

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6. The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = 2s2+3s+2 is ______________
a) -2e-2t + 2e-t
b) 2e-2t + 2e-t
c) -2e-2t – 2e-t
d) 2e-t + e-2t
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Answer: a
Explanation: s2 + 3s + 2 = (s+2) (s+1)
Now, F(s) = A(s+2)+B(s+1)
Hence, A = (s+2) F(s) |s=-2
= 2s+1|s=-2 = -2
And, B = (s+1) F(s) |s=-1
= 2s+2|s=-1 = 2
∴ F(s) = −2(s+2)+2(s+1)
∴ F (t) = L-1{F(s)}
= -2e-2t + 2e-t for t≥0.

7. The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = 2s+ce−bs is _____________

a) 2e-k (t+b) u (t+b)
b) 2e-k (t-b) u (t-b)
c) 2ek (t-b) u (t-b)
d) 2ek (t-b) u (t+b)
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Answer: b
Explanation: Let G(s) = 2s+c
Or, G (t) = L-1{G(s)} = 2e-ct
∴ F (t) = L-1{G(s) e-bs}
= 2e-k (t-b) u (t-b).

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8. The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = 3s+5s2+7 is _____________
a) 3 sin (7–√t) – 57√ cos (7–√ t)
b) 3 sin (7–√t) + 57√ cos (7–√ t)
c) 3 cos (7–√t) + 57√ sin (7–√ t)
d) 3 cos (7–√t) – 57√ sin (7–√ t)
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Answer: c
Explanation: F (t) = L-1{F(s)}
= L-1{3ss2+7+5s2+7}
= L-1{3ss2+7√2+57√7√s2+7√2}
The inverse Laplace transform is = 3 cos (7–√t) + 57√ sin (7–√ t).

9. The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = 5s2−9 is ______________

a) 16e3t+56e−3t
b) 16e3t–56e−3t
c) 56e3t+56e−3t
d) 56e3t–56e−3t
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Answer: d
Explanation: F (t) = L-1{F(s)}
= L-1{5s2−9}
= L-1As−3+Bs+3
Hence, A = (s-3) 5(s−3)(s+3)|s=3=56
And, B = (s+3) 5(s−3)(s+3)|s=−3=−56
The inverse Laplace transform is 56e3t–56e−3t

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Initial value Theorem- Problems
Example 1 :
Find the initial value for the function f (t) = 2 u (t) + 3 cost u (t)

By initial value theorem

The initial value is given by 5.

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Example 2:
Find initial value of the transformed function


By initial value theorem

[as s → ∞ the values of s become more and more insignificant hence the result
is obtained by simply taking the ratio of leading co-efficient]

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Final Value theorem Problems
Find the final values of the given F(s) without calculating explicitly f(t)



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In Example 1 and 2 we have checked the conditions too but it satisfies them all. So
we refrain ourselves of showing explicitly. But here the sF(s) has a pole on the
R.H.P as the denominator have a positive root.

So, here we can’t apply Final Value Theorem.

In this example sF(s) has poles on jw axis. +2i and -2i specifically.
So, here we can’t apply Final Value Theorem as well.

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4.2 Step function
Definition : The unit step function, u(t), is defined as

That is, u is a function of time t, and u has value zero when time is
negative (before the switch ) and value on when time is
positive(from when we flip the switch)

Value at t = 0?

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Shifted Unit step function
• In many circuits, waveforms are applied at specified intervals
other than t = 0. such a function may be described using the
shifted(α delayed) unit step function.

• A function which has value 0 upto the time t = α and

thereafter has value 1, is written:

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Example 1: Shifted Unit Step Function

The equation means f(t) has value 0 when t < 3 and 1 when t > 3.

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4.3 Ramp function

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• The ramp functions with unity slope i.e. having magnitude of
one always, is called unit ramp function and denoted as r(t).

• As magnitude A of such function is always unity.

Mathematically is expressed as,

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• Any waveform if multiplied by unit step function does not
change its value. Hence unit ramp function is expressed as,

• A straight line f(t) = At actually exists for all positive and

negative values of t and hence mathematically occupies first
and third quadrant. Practically in the network analysis t = 0 is
considered as the reference time.
• Hence the waveforms existing for any t less than the reference
time(t = 0) are not to be considered for the network analysis
• Hence it is necessary to suppress such waveforms, existing
mathematically for all values of t less than the reference time.

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• Hence the ramp, mathematically existing in third quadrant for
t < 0 should be suppressed. Unit step function is the one
which exists only for t greater than equal to reference time.

• And it is zero for any negative value of argument in the

bracket. Hence to suppress the ramp in third quadrant it is
multiplied by unit step function u (t).
• This is physical significance of multiplication by u(t) to the

• Similarly the ramp of magnitude A can be expressed in terms

of unit step function as,

• where t u (t) is unit ramp functions and A is the slope of the

ramp function f(t).

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18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

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Shifted Unit Ramp function

• Similar to the shifted step, the ramp functions can also shift.
Such a shifted ramp is also called delayed ramp function.

• The shifted ramp shown is starting at t = a. Its slope is always

unity as it is unit ramp functions. Such a ramp is expressed as,

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• Such a delayed ramp can be expressed using delayed unit step
function, by the same amount.

• where u(t – a) = Unit step function delayed at t = a.

• The shifted ramp function having magnitude A can be
expressed as,

• The delayed unit ramp functions is also denoted as r(t – a).

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• The Fig. (a) shows the ramp with negative slope -A while the Fig. (b)
shows the delayed ramp with negative slope – A.
• The ramp in Fig. (a) is represented as,

• while the ramp in Fig. (b) is represented as,

• where t u(t) is unit ramp functions and (t – a)u(t – a) is shifted unit ramp

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Addition of two ramp functions:
• Consider the two ramp functions having equal but
opposite slopes
i.e. A and -A as shown in the Fig(a)

• If such two ramps are added together, then for every t > 0
they cancel each other to produce a constant valued function
as shown in the Fig. (b)

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• Now consider a ramp f1(t) as shown in the Fig. (a) having slope A.

• And another ramp f2(t), of same slope but with opposite sign i.e. -A is added to
the initial ramp f1(t) at the instant t = 1.

• After addition of such two ramps, the resulting function has a constant value
equal to 1 for all t >1. This is because the two ramps cancel each other for all t >
1. This is shown in the Fig. (b).
• From the above two cases it can be concluded that the addition of two ramps
having same slopes with opposite signs produces a function of constant value,
for all t greater than or equal to the instant at which the two ramps are added.

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4.4 Impulse function
• The Laplace Transform of Impulse Function is a function which
exists only at t = 0 and is zero, elsewhere.
• The impulse function is also called delta function.
• The unit impulse function is denoted as δ(t).
• The amplitude of impulse function is infinitely large at t = 0,
but for unit impulse function the area under the curve is
equal to one. The unit impulse function is shown in the Fig.

Mathematically it is represented
as, δ(t) = 0 t ≠ 0
and area under the pulse is unity i.e.

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• Consider a rectangular pulse of unit area having width T1 and
amplitude 1/T1.

• If now width is decreased from T1 to T2 then to have unit area

of pulse its amplitude must increase from 1/T1 to 1/T2

• If the width is further decreased to T3 then to have unit area

of pulse its amplitude will further increase to 1/T3.

• In the limiting case now if the width tends to zero then the
amplitude of the pulse tends to infinity to get the unit area.
• Such a function i.e. pulse with infinite amplitude and zero
width, having unit area under the pulse is called unit impulse
function or delta function.

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• we can write that if f(t) is the pulse with width T then the unit impulse
function is,

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• The unit impulse function can also be obtained using step functions. The
unit impulse function is the limiting case of a rectangular pulse. A
rectangular pulse can be obtained by subtraction of two step functions as
shown in the Fig.

• Hence the rectangular pulse can be expressed as,

• this is a pulse of width T.

• Hence unit impulse function having unit area under pulse can be written

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Delayed Unit Impulse Function

• It has an unit area, but existing at t = a as shown in the Fig. It

is denoted as,

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Properties of Impulse Function
• Shifting Property :

where δ(t — T) is delayed impulse function.

Replication Property :

This property tells that the convolution of any function with an

impulse function results into the original function.

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Relation between Unit step and Unit Ramp functions
The unit step is given by,

while the unit ramp is given by,

Differentiating ramp function with respect to time t,

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• This differentiation gives, nothing but an unit step function.
Thus we can write,

• Conversely if we integrate unit step function with respect to

time t we get,

• This is nothing but a ramp function.

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Relation Between Unit Step and Unit Impulse

• Differentiate unit step function with respect to time t,

• Now at t = 0, the u(t) function changes from 0 to 1. Hence only at t = 0,

du(t)/dt = ∞.
• Thus at t = 0, du(t)/dt is nothing but an impulse of infinite magnitude and
zero width having unit area under the pulse.
• Thus,

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• integration of an unit impulse function results into an unit step function.

• Relations between standard functions

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Laplace Transform of Standard functions

Step function
The unit step function is,

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If there is step of amplitude A i.e. f(t) = A u(t) then its Laplace is
given by A/s.

If the unit step is delayed by T instants then,

From the shifting theorem of Laplace transform we can write,

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Ramp function
The unit ramp function is defined as,

Integration by parts

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• While the Laplace transform of ramp having slope A i.e.

• If the unit ramp is shifted by T instants then,

• From the shifting theorem of Laplace transform,

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Impulse function
The unit impulse function is δ(t) and defined as,

We know the relation between unit step and unit impulse.

Taking Laplace transform of both sides,

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• If there is a delayed impulse function δ(t – T) then using
shifting property we can write

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4.4 Waveform Synthesis
Laplace transform of Periodic function
Consider a Laplace Transform of Periodic Function of time period
T satisfying the condition,

where n is positive or negative integer.

The Laplace transform of such periodic function is given by ,

where F1 (s) is the Laplace transform of the first cycle of the

periodic function.

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Consider the periodic function f(t) shown in the figure.

Let f1 (t) be the first cycle of periodic function f(t). It can be expressed
in terms of unit step function as,

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Consider the second cycle of the function f(t) as shown in the
Fig. (a) of unit step function as,

This can be expressed as,

It can be seen from the expression of f1 (t) that,

Multiplication by u(t – T) confirms that f2 (t) i.e. second cycle is

zero for t < T.
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Consider the third cycle as shown in the Fig. (b)

This can be expressed as,

It can be seen from the expression of f1 (t) that,

Multiplication u (t – 2T) confirms that f3 (t) i.e. second cycle is

zero for t < 2T.

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From equations (1), (2) and (3) we can write the expressions for
various cycles as,

Hence the given function f(t) can be written as,

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• The Laplace transform of f(t) is

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• Find the Laplace Transforms of the periodic function
shown below

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• Sawtooth Waveform

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Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli
Text Books:
1. M.E. Van Valkenberg (2000), ―Network analysisǁ, Prentice Hall of
India, 3rdedition, 2000, ISBN: 9780136110958.
2. Roy Choudhury, ―Networks and systemsǁ, 2nd edition, New Age
International Publications, 2006, ISBN: 9788122427677

Reference Books:
1. Hayt, Kemmerly and Durbin ―Engineering Circuit Analysisǁ, TMH
7th Edition, 2010.
2. J. David Irwin /R. Mark Nelms, ―Basic Engineering Circuit
Analysisǁ, John Wiley, 8thed, 2006.
3. Charles K Alexander and Mathew N O Sadiku, ― Fundamentals of
Electric Circuitsǁ, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Ed, 2009.

18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,

Mosale Hosahalli
18EC32 - Network Theory Module 04 GEC,
Mosale Hosahalli

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