BIOy11u2L22 SLI - Selective Breeding PDF

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Combined Science - Biology - Key Stage 4

Selective breeding

Mrs Gibbs
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Introduction to selective breeding

The process of selective breeding

Evaluating selective breeding

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Introduction to selective

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Selective breeding

Wikimedia - Claude Valroff - Beagle Upsy Flickr - existentist - Pug Portrait

Humans breed organisms with specific genetic characteristics

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What is selective

When humans breed organisms When two different species breed

with specific genetic characteristics to produce fertile offspring

When an organism selects a When selected genes are

mate for reproduction inherited by offspring
How long have humans Webcam goes here

been carrying out selective

Over the past 200 years Thousands of years

Millions of years It is unknown

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What were some of the first
organisms to be selectively

Tigers and lions Wild flowers and wolves

Food crops and domestic

Fish and insects
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Selective breeding is when humans...

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Selective breeding is when humans

breed organisms with specific genetic

Resume once you’re finished

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The process of selective


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Parents with desired characteristics
are chosen

They are bred together

Offspring with desired characteristics

are bred together

Repeated over many generations

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Explain how a farmer could carry out

selective breeding to ensure their herd of
cows produced lots of milk

Parents with desired characteristics The farmer selects a female cow who produces
are chosen lots of milk, and a male cow whose mother
produced lots of milk
They are bred together The parent cows are bred

Offspring with desired Cows which produce lots of milk are selected
characteristics are bred together and bred
Repeated over many generations This is repeated over many generations until all
female cows produce lots of milk

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________ with desired characteristics
are chosen

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Parents with desired characteristics
are chosen

They are _____ together

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Parents with desired characteristics
are chosen

They are bred together

with desired characteristics

are bred together

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Parents with desired characteristics
are chosen

They are bred together

Offspring with desired characteristics

are bred together

Repeated over many _______________

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Parents with desired characteristics
are chosen

They are bred together

Offspring with desired characteristics

are bred together

Repeated over many generations

Explain how a gardener could carry out
selective breeding to ensure all of their roses
produced large, pink flowers

Parents with desired characteristics

are chosen

They are bred together

Offspring with desired

characteristics are bred together
Repeated over many generations

Explain how a gardener could carry out
selective breeding to ensure all of their roses
produced large, pink flowers

Parents with desired characteristics Parents with large, pink flowers are chosen
are chosen

They are bred together The parent roses are bred together

Offspring with desired Offspring with large, pink flowers are bred
characteristics are bred together together

Repeated over many generations This is repeated over many generations until all
the offspring have large, pink flowers

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Evaluating selective breeding

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Advantages of selective breeding

Selective breeding is used for:

● Disease resistance in food crops

● Animals that produce more meat and milk

● Domestic dogs

● Large or unusual flowers

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Disadvantages of selective breeding

Can lead to inbreeding:

● Prone to disease

● Inherited defects

Wikipedia - MlBailey2 - Female English Bulldog

Advantage Disadvantage

Reduces food shortages
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Advantage Disadvantage

Can be used to breed guide dogs with a

gentle nature
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Organisms are more prone to disease

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Advantage Disadvantage

Can produce large, unusual flowers

which make spaces look nicer
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Advantage Disadvantage

Increases the prevalence of inherited

disorders in a breed
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Exam skill: evaluating

● Advantages, disadvantages AND a justified conclusion

A farmer has been selectively breeding cows to produce more meat.

High levels of inbreeding between cows has been found to cause

skeletal problems in individuals.
More profit
Evaluate the use of selective breeding in cows. (6) Less food shortages

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Exam skill: evaluating

Evaluate the use of selective breeding in cows. (6)

● Cows that produce more meat will generate a higher profit for the farmer,
and will help to reduce food shortages.

● However, if the cows have skeletal problems, they may be in pain. They
may not survive to adulthood, which would generate a loss for the farmer.

● In conclusion, I think that selective breeding in cows is a good thing as the

benefit of reducing food shortages is greater than the disadvantages.

Exam-style question

A farmer has selectively bred her wheat crops to be resistant to drought.

The farmer has noticed that some of her crops have stunted growth.

Evaluate the use of selectively breeding wheat to be drought-resistant. (6)

Justified Conclusion:

Exam-style question

A farmer has selectively bred her wheat crops to be resistant to drought.

The farmer has noticed that some of her crops have stunted growth.

Evaluate the use of selectively breeding wheat to be drought-resistant. (6)

If there is a drought, the plants will survive. This will provide the farmer
with a higher profit. This will also reduce food shortages in countries
affected by drought. However, the crops with stunted growth will be
Justified conclusion...

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Introduction to selective breeding

The process of selective breeding

Evaluating selective breeding

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That’s it for this lesson.

Don’t forget to do the end of lesson quiz!


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