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Name: Hoor Saif Grade: 12C

Impact of my surroundings on me and my growth:

Growing up in Dubai, my family, community, and school

have all played an integral role in shaping my dreams and
aspirations as a student. I am grateful for the
opportunities and experiences that have shaped my path
so far and for the values instilled by my family and the
support provided by them.

My family has always emphasized the importance of hard

work, honesty, and creativity. My father came to Dubai
when the country was still at its developing stage. He had
no one else and was residing in a completely new place.
Being a hard working man led him to the level he is in
now. Raising three children all under the age of 4 was
definitely challenging for both of my parents, this showed
me how dedicated they were to build a great future for
us and how they were so keen on providing every facility
that was essential for a child’s growth. Dedication,
perseverance, and responsibility were some of the
attributes that were instilled by our parents. They
encouraged us to pursue our passions and supported us
in our academic pursuits. Their incredible support has
motivated me to strive for excellence in all that I do.

In my community, I have been fortunate to have access to

resources and opportunities that have allowed me to
develop my skills and talents. I have been involved in
various extracurricular activities, including painting,
music, and community service. Through these activities, I
have learned the importance of teamwork, leadership,
and community involvement. I have also had the
opportunity to work with individuals from diverse

My school has also played a crucial role in shaping my

aspirations as a student. My teachers have challenged
and motivated me academically and encouraged me to
pursue my passions. They have provided me with the
tools and resources necessary to succeed in college and
beyond. I have also been fortunate to have access to
advanced courses and extracurricular activities that have
allowed me to explore my interests and develop my skills.
This school has provided me with a lot of opportunities
that I am truly grateful for.

As a student, my experiences in my family, community,

and school have shaped my dreams and aspirations to
make a positive impact in the world. I am passionate
about painting and designing, and I hope to pursue a
career in which I am able to implement these skills in.
My passion for art was ignited at a very young age, I
remember the time when we first had done a painting in
school. That was the moment in which I knew that art
was something that I was very fond of. Taking part in
multiple art competitions and exhibitions made me
realize the true talent that I posses. This school has also
made me realize what I am capable of. Such competitions
have also showed me the importance of great teamwork
and leadership.

As a student, I am committed to pursuing my passions

and using my talents to make a positive impact in the
world. I believe that education is the base to unlocking
opportunities and creating a better future for all. I am
dedicated to using my skills and talents to bring in more
ideas and color to the world, and I am grateful for the
support and encouragement of my family, community,
and school in pursuing my dreams and aspirations .

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