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School of Computing Science and Engineering

Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

September 2022
Language Translator [Mobile Application]

Presentation ppt for the Review-1

Under the Supervision of:-

• VAIBHAV NATH (19SCSE1010199)
Dr. Ajay Shanker Singh

This mobile application can be used for translating one language into another. In today’s world I have seen many times

language becomes barrier in order to convey any idea that’s why I want to create this application to overcome this issue. This

application is easy to use, anyone can download and tipe any existing language to translate into any other language. As

everyone knows in our country there are so many languages has been spoken, to understand one’s culture it is very

important to know their language. In this application one can translate the image text into any language. In dark one can use

flash light to take a pick of the image to translate its text into any language, flash light option will be available inside the


• This mobile application can be used for translating one language into another.

• In today’s world I have seen many times language becomes barrier in order to convey any idea that’s why I want to create

this application to overcome this issue.

• This application is easy to use, anyone can download and tipe any existing language to translate into any other language. As

everyone knows in our country there are so many languages has been spoken, to understand one’s culture it is very

important to know their language.

• In this application one can translate the image text into any language.
INTRODUCTION (continued)

• In dark one can use flash light to take a pick of the image to translate its text into any language, flash light option will be

available inside the application.

• In country like India which is very diverse like culture, language, food and many more things. Need of a mobile application

for translating one’s language is very important.

• There are many translator application already available in this field but developing my own application and putting what I

want in a translator to make it unique.


Splash Screen Layout

This is the first screen which seen at the starting of application it is an animation screen which is used to download

some file of application when application is started or if there is network problem this screen helps to make the

application properly runnable.


View in android is the main source to show something when application is running. In this Splash Screen animation

view is used to show the animation on first screen when app is launched. The source of animation is Lottie animation

this animation is downloaded in the form of JSON file and kept inside the layout’s raw folder and in animation view at

source tag .json file has been set.

Main Screen Layout

• This is the main screen where all functionalities has been defined like where the tiped text will be kept, where

translated text will be kept.

• After taking input by keyboard where this text will be shown.

• When Input is taken by microphone where this text will go where the output will be shown everything is defined and

declared on this screen.

• How to rest the text one reset button is also added on this screen. Taking the photo using camera there is a button also has

been added on this screen.

• This main layout is comprised of different-2 Views and layouts which are shown on next page.
Output on Real Device
History Screen Layout

• This screen is comprised of Constraint Layout, Toolbar and RecyclerView.

• When user visits this screen, can see all the word meanings has been searched and can delete the word meanings

from the history if user thinks that it is not worth to keeping this word meaning.

• Because it is very important to see the history whatever has been searched if needed we can refer the history and

will be able to recap whatever we have forgotten.

Output on Real Device
Camera Screen Layout

• This screen comprised of Toolbar, CardView and RelativeLayout.

• Toolbar is used to show the heading of the screen when screen is opened.

• CardView is used to show the detected text form the image.

• Relative Layout contains three text buttons which is used to show capture the image, for detecting text from the image and

if needed to translate one button can send the text for translation and we can translate the text easily.
All the views and widgets are defined above. In this design We have shown that what are the views and widgets we

have used to capture the image and then detecting the text from the image.

Requirements of application means what are tools and technology has been used to develop the application. What are the

API(Application Programming Interfaces) have been used. What are the Hardware requirements and permissions which is

required to run the application.

 APIs & Permissions:

 Programming languages: Java, XML

 Built Using: Android Studio

 API Used: Android ML-Kit for Translation one language into another

 Hardware Permissions: Camera and flashlight to capture the image

 API used for Hardware permissions: CameraManager, PackageManager


Main Screen DFD

History Screen DFD

This application which is used for translating the language is very demanding application almost everyone needs this

application. This application can work like dictionary for normal human people and for working professional it is very

important because they have to visit other state, other country and it is also not possible to learn all states and countries

language so having this application is very important. Almost all functionality and DFD, layout Design is explained in above

chapters of this report. This application is supporting 14 languages right now but in future it will increase. This application

functionality is amazing one can use it at any time rather than writing in the copy one can search here it will store the

meaning of the searched word in history screen so that in future one can refer it. We have not make it too much messy it is

very clean only one meaning appears for each text which user want to translate.

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