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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Schools Division of Bislig City

Objective 2: Used researched-based knowledge and principles of teaching and

learning to enhance professional practice

Part I. Objectives:

It is imperative to understand that there are different types of learners who

have varying needs. Studies by Benjamin Bloom (on cognitive domain), David
Krathwohl (affective domain) and Anita Harrow (Psychomotor domain) have been
encompassed into the three domains of learning (Sousa, 2016). Thus, the teacher
developed and delivered the lesson using the three domains of learning: cognitive,
psychomotor and affective to ensure that the needs among learners are being

Part 2. Instructional Activities:

Ensuring that the learners capture the essential ideas, the teacher employed
the 7Es framework (Eisenkraft 2003) in delivering the instructional activities which
stands for Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate and Extend.
In the “Elicit” stage, a picture is posted while guiding students through
questions. Here, learners’ prior knowledge are found. In the “Engage” part, learners
are asked to arrange the situation in the context of a students’ experience. In this
stage the teacher wants to engage interest and curiosity among learners and raise
“The BIG questions” and introduce new learning through teacher explanation
modelling. For the learners to understand the concept of food chain, the learners
“Explore” through a task by classifying the organisms according to their feeding
process alongside the guide questions. Learners are given opportunities to work
together following the initial teacher input to solve/explore problems, building
concepts through first-hand experience. Key concepts are then discussed in the
“Explain” part. Using deep questioning and also explanation/modelling the teacher
builds the scientific explanation. To correct the misconceptions, learners complete a
diagram through labels alongside the guide questions in the “Elaborate” part. This is
the stage that will be KEY in assessing learners’ progress, knowledge and
understanding. In this stage, students may work independently to demonstrate
learning. To check the learners’ understanding, they will answer the short quiz in the
“Evaluate” part. And lastly, learners are opted to answer the additional “Extend” stage.
In this stage learners are encouraged to apply or extend the concepts and skills
through asking about organisms that makes a food chain.

Part 3. Assessments

To ensure thorough understanding and transfer of learning, level of difficulty is

gradually introduced all throughout. Various formative assessments are used in the
lesson plan. One type of assessment is through sequencing of events. Sequencing is
one of many skills that contributes to students' ability to comprehend what they read.
Sequencing refers to the identification of the components of a story — the beginning,
middle, and end — and also to the ability to retell the events within a given text in the
order in which they occurred. The ability to sequence events in a text is a key
comprehension strategy, especially for narrative texts. Sequencing is also an
important component of problem-solving across subjects (Reading Rockets, 2015).

Address: Sikahoy, San Jose, Bislig City

Email Address:
Facebook Page: Sikahoy National High School
School ID: 304869
Results-based Performance Management System 2021-2022

The teacher also employed assessment using diagrams. A study suggests that
giving students pertinent visual information, such as a diagram or outline, at the start
of a lesson will lead to better understanding of that lesson. The study, by Mark A.
McDaniel, a professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, and
graduate student Dung C. Bui, found that students who had visual aids given to them
during science lecture were better able to understand and remember the lecture, but
illustrative diagrams helped more than outlines.

The use of differentiated instruction is also used in the lesson. Tomlinson

(2005), a leading expert in this field, defines differentiated instruction as a philosophy
of teaching that is based on the premise that students learn best when their teachers
accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interests and learning profiles.
A chief objective of differentiated instruction is to take full advantage of every student’s
ability to learn (Tomlinson, 2001a, 2001c, 2004c, 2005). Knowing students well allows
teachers to figure out their strengths, thereby helping them to move forward
(MacGillivray and Rueda, 2001). Engaging students actively in the learning process
and in the content allows them to see patterns developing, to see the overlap between
disciplines, to see learning as a cumulative whole (Coleman, 2001).

The teacher used the individual assessment through a short quiz. Quizzes have
several advantages compared to other types of assessments: quizzes are quicker to
execute, quicker to grade, quicker to return with feedback and less stressful than
major examinations (Kennedy 2015). It enhancea the students' learning experience.
Short, low-stakes tests also help teachers gauge how well students understand the
material and what they need to reteach (Berwick 2019).

Address: Sikahoy, San Jose, Bislig City

Email Address:
Facebook Page: Sikahoy National High `School
School ID: 304869

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