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Wave Shaping Circuits

Lesson 3

Engr. Verna C. Magnaye, EcE
Wave shaping circuits are electrical networks in which
when an input alternating signal is inputted to it, it will give
an output that is different from the shape of the input. The
simplest and most common wave shaping circuits are clipper
and clamping circuits. They both employ diodes to produce
the desired outputs that the circuits were designed for. The
lesson will be focusing on the mentioned circuits in which
the design procedures for the circuits to obtain the desired
outputs must be considered.
After successfully completing this lesson, you should be able to:
 Identify the basic elements needed for the wave shaping
 Learn how to design wave shaping circuit for desired output.
 Learn how to trace the expected output curve to be
produced by the circuit.
 Learn to analyze, compute, and measure the electrical
parameters specifically for input and output signals of the
wave shaping circuits.
Course Contents:

The lesson covers two diode wave shaping circuits:

• Clipper Circuit
• Clamping Circuits
The output of clipping circuits appear as if portion of the
input signal was clipped off. A clipping circuit requires at
least two fundamental components, a diode and a resistor. A
DC battery is also frequently used. Clippers are also called
voltage or current amplitude selectors or slicers.
Clipper networks have the ability to “clip” off a portion
of the input signal without distorting the remaining part of
the alternating waveform.
Tips in analyzing clipper networks
1) Make a mental sketch of the response of the network based on
the direction of the diode and the applied voltage levels.
2) Determine the applied voltage (Transition Voltage) that will
cause a change in state for the diode.
3) Be continually aware of the defined terminals and polarity of
4) It can be helpful to sketch the input signal above the output and
determine the output at instantaneous values of the input.

Series Negative Clipper
Series Positive Clipper
Parallel Positive Clipper
Parallel Negative clipper
 Clampers
The clamping circuit has a minimum requirement of three
elements: a diode, a capacitor, and a resistor. The clamping circuit
may also be augmented by a DC battery. The capacitor present in
the clamping circuit changes the DC level of the input signal. Thus,
the output waveform which is a replica of the input waveform is a
new DC level when compared to the input signal.
Clamping Circuit
Parameters related to capacitor
 Charging Time
 The capacitor will store energy depending on the polarity of the
input signal.
o Time constant = RC
 Discharging Time
 The capacitor will release energy if the polarity is reversed.
o Time constant = RC

For all practical purposes, a capacitor will

charge(discharge) to its final value in five time constants.
Steps in analyzing Clamping circuits
1) Start the analysis of clamping networks by considering that
part of the input signal that will forward bias the diode.

(The above statement may require skipping an interval of the input

2) During the period that the diode is in the “ON” state, assume
that the capacitor will charge up instantaneously to a voltage
level determined by the network.
3) Assume that during the period when the diode is in the “off ”
state, the capacitor will hold on to its established voltage level.
4) Throughout the analysis maintain a continual awareness of the
location and reference polarity for Vo to ensure that the proper
levels for Vo are obtained.
5) Keep in mind the general rule that the total swing of the total
output must match the swing of the input signal.
 Clipper and Clamping Circuits.
Chapter 2
Boylestad, R. L. & Nashelsky, L. (2013). Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory. First Lok Yang Road, Jurong, Singapore: Pearson Education
South Asia Pte Ltd.

 Clipper and Clamping Circuits.

Chapter 2
Floyd, T. L. (2007). Electronic Devices (Conventional CurrentVersion). First
Lok Yang Road, Jurong, Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte
1. Identify the basic elements for clipper circuit, and clamper
2. Design clipper circuits employing the basic elements only,
and employing additional DC battery.
3. Design clamper circuits employing the basic elements only,
and employing additional DC battery.
4. Trace the corresponding output curves of your circuit
designs in #s 1 & 2 given that the input to the designed
circuits is the same for all.

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