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Lesson Plan in SHS TVL (Cookery)

4 A’s Approach


A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of preparing and cooking meat dishes.

B. Performance Standard
The learners independently prepare and cook meat dishes.

C. Learning Competencies / Objectives: LO2. Methods of Cooking Meat Dishes

1. Identify cooking methods for cooking meat dishes.
2. Choose the appropriate cooking techniques in cooking meat dishes.
3. Appreciate the importance of cooking methods for cooking meat dishes.


Topic: Methods of Cooking Meat Dishes
Instructional Materials: Power point presentation, pictures
References: TVL Home Economics Cookery Manual
Other resources: TVL Home Economics Module ADM.
Values Integration: Unity and Teamwork.
Strategies: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application)


Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am
B. Prayer Kindly stand for the prayer
Paul, kindly lead the prayer Paul leads the prayer.
C. Checking of attendance Do we have any absentees
today? Classroom monitor Haspi
who is absent for today? No absent for today ma’am.
D. Review of the past lesson Anybody from the class who A student is raising his hand and
could give me a short give a recap.
review/recap of our lesson

Alright very good Paul, thank you

for the brief recap.
E. Motivation/Activity (10 Before we proceed with our
minutes) lesson for today let’s have a
quick game. It’s called, Guess
This activity is only good for 10
minutes and I will divide the
class into 2 groups and I will give
pictures of meat dishes per
group, then each group will
recognize the name of the dish
and identify how it is being
cooked or prepared. A
representative per group will
present their answers.
This is for 10 points.
Are you all excited? Yes, Ma’am

Okay so let’s start.

Group I
The Group will have a sharing of
answers and choose a
representative to present their

Group II

Done class? Yes, Ma’am!

Group 1 will go first and will be

followed by Group 2. Group 1 representative presents
their answers in front of the
. class, followed by group 2
Thank you for your presentation representative.
Group 1 and 2. Good job! Let’s
give everyone a mosquito clap.

So based on the pictures that

you have shared a while ago.
What is our lesson for today? A student will raise her hand and
answer, It’s all about methods in
cooking meat dishes.
Excellent answer! Yes you are
right may TAMA ka.

So today we will be learning

about the Methods of Cooking
Meat Dishes.
Our Objectives for today are the
1. Identify cooking methods for
cooking meat dishes.
2. Choose the appropriate
cooking techniques in cooking
meat dishes.
3. Appreciate the importance of
cooking methods for cooking
meat dishes.
F. Analysis (5 minutes) Guided questions per group.
The teacher will call students to
answer the questions.
1. Based on your answers in the Group l will answer.
activity, categorize the dishes
under dry heat method and Group II will answer.
moist heat method.

2. What did you observe about

the meat dishes that go with
each method?

Alright! Good job group 1 and

group 2.
G. Abstraction (20 minutes) Okay so let’s define the methods
of cooking meat dishes.

Haspi, kindly read the definition

of dry heat method.

1. Dry heat method - This refers Haspi will read the definition.
to any cooking technique where
the heat is transferred to the
food item without using extra

Thank you, Haspi!

How about for moist heat

Ruiz, please read the definition.

2. Moist heat method - This Ruiz will read the definition of

refers to any cooking technique moist heat method.
where the heat is transferred to
the food item using liquid or

Alright! Thank you Ruiz for


There are different techniques

that you can use in cooking. For
the dry heat method, we have:

1. Roasting - Roasting is
recommended on large cuts of
meat such as Rib Eye Roast. The
meat is placed on a rack or in
roasting pan and cooked until
the desired level of doneness.

2. Baking - The meat is cooked

in a baking dish that may be
covered or open. Temperatures
for roasting and baking range
from 300–425°F (149–218°C).

For broiling, kindly read it


3. Broiling is the cooking Patrick will read broiling.

technique that uses radiant heat
from above to cook your food, so
it's like upside-down grilling.
Broiling is a good method to use
for thinner and leaner cuts of

Thank you, Patrick!

4. Grilling is a form of cooking

that involves dry heat applied to
the surface of food, commonly
from above, below or from the
side. Grilling usually involves a
significant amount of direct,
radiant heat.

Alexis, please read number 5.

5. Sautéing is a form of dry-heat

cooking that uses a very hot pan Alexis reads the definition of
and a small amount of fat to sautéing.
cook the food very quickly.

Okay, thank you Alexis!

6. Pan frying only uses a small

amount of fat which is added
first. Pan frying is used on
ground, or thin slices of meat.

7. Since deep-frying involves

submerging food in hot, liquid
fat, it might take some time to
get used to the idea that it's
actually a form of dry-heat

For moist heat method, we have:

1. Boiling, the cooking of

food by immersion in water that
has been heated to near
its boiling point (212 °F [100 °C].

2. Steaming is a moist-heat
cooking technique that employs
hot steam to conduct the heat to
the food item.

3. Braising is a form of moist-

heat cooking in which the item
to be cooked is partially covered
with liquid and then simmered
slowly at a low temperature.

4. Stewing is the moist heat

method, which is similar to
simmering in that the liquid is
heated until it forms gentle, yet
quickly moving bubbles.

5. With simmering, the cooking

liquid is a bit hotter than
poaching from 180°F to 205°F.
Here we will see bubbles forming
and gently rising to the surface
of the water, but the water still
isn't at a full rolling boil.

Okay class! Again, what are the

techniques under dry heat
method and moist heat method?
Students will answer that the
techniques under dry heat
methods are roasting, baking,
grilling, broiling, sautéing, pan-
frying, and deep-frying. For
moist heat method the
techniques are boiling, steaming,
Good job, everyone! So let’s now braising, stewing, and
go to the Factors Affecting simmering.
Choice of Cooking Methods in

Mikay, please read, number 1.

Cuts of meat.

1. Cuts of meat
• Tender cuts like ribs and Mikay will read cuts of meat.
loin cuts are used for
roasting, broiling and
• Less tender cuts from leg
or round are used for
• Tougher cuts from chuck
or shoulder are usually
• Least tender cuts from
shanks, breast, brisket,
and flank are cooked by
moist heat
• Ground meat and cubed
usually made from
trimmings can be cooked
by dry heat or moist

Thank you, Mikay!

2. Fat Content
• Meats high in fat are
cooked without added
fat, such as roasting or
• Meats low in fat are
often cooked with added
fat to prevent dryness,
like sautéing, pan frying
or braising.

3. Desired quality
• Tenderness is not the
only goal of cooking.
Flavor and appearance is
also one of the
objectives to get the
desired quality.
H. Application (Individual activity That’s all for our discussion this
- 5 minutes) afternoon. Do you have any
questions, clarifications or
concerns class? None, Ma’am!

If none, then let’s have another

activity. This is an individual
activity. I’m giving you 5 minutes
to answer, and this activity is
worth 15 points.

Instruction: In your cookery

notebook, answer the following

1. Why is it important to study

the methods of cooking meat? Students will do the activity.

2. How important is it to choose

the right cooking method when
cooking meat?

I. Assessment (10 minutes) Time’s up! I’ll be checking your

notes later before you go out.

Instruction: On a 1/4 sheet of

paper, answer the following:

1-3. Name 3 meat dishes and

identify the cooking technique Students will answer the
used. following questions.
4-7. Give two meat dishes
cooked on dry heat and two
meat dishes cooked on moist
8-10. Write the importance of
learning the methods of cooking.

J. Assignment Are you done? Yes, Ma’am.

Haspi, please collect the papers.

Study in advance the next topic,

Plate/Present Meat Dishes.


Student Teacher


Teacher II

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