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NAME: RANJANI S REG.NO:921320106140

Millions of people are living with heart diseases and some of them don’t even realize
they have it . Heart diseases is the number one cause of death ;above cancer , diabetes
and injuries . That’s why it’s important to get it diagnosed and treated quickly .
Fortunately , doctors have a lots of tests and treatments at our disposal to combat heart
diseases . To overcome from such diseases we use a procedure called cardiac
catheterization. Cardiac catheterization is a common medical procedure that rarely
results in serious complications. It is used to examine the function of the cardiac valves
and arteries , as well as the cardiac muscle .During cardiac catheterization ,a long thin
tube called catheter is inserted in an artery or vein in the groin, neck or arm and
threaded through the blood vessels to the heart. The procedure also includes taking X-
ray scans of the coronary arteries that transport blood to the cardiac muscle .For
diagnosis CT scan of the arteries can be performed but it is less accurate than a
diagnostic cardiac catheterization.
In cardiac catheterization ,your doctor puts a very small ,flexible , hollow
tube (called a catheter) into your blood vessel in the groin , arm or neck and
threaded through the blood vessels into the aorta and into the heart . The
health care provider inserts the catheter through a blood vessel into your heart
. More than one catheter is often used.
The catheter may be inserted in your groin(most common), shoulder or neck(less
The procedure also includes taking X-ray scans of the coronary arteries that
transport blood to the cardiac muscle.
When the catheter is in place, a small amount of dye is injected so that the
coronary arteries can be seen clearly.
When a catheter is used to inject a dye that can be seen on X-ray , the procedure is
called angiography.
This procedure is often done to get information about the heart or its blood vessels .
It may also done to treat some type of heart conditions or to find out if you need
heart surgery.
Causes of congestive heart failure or cardiomyopathy , coronary artery disease ,
heart diseases that are present at birth (congenital) ,high pressure in the
lungs(pulmonary hypertension) and problems with heart valves.
While the catheter is placed , doctors can check how well the blood is flowing into and
out of your heart and through the arteries around your heart, measure the oxygen level
in your heart and even take a tiny piece of heart tissue called a biopsy , when there is a
situation of unexplained heart failure.
It is a safe procedure when done by medical experts and some possible risks include
bleeding , infection and blood clots and even in very rare situations heart attack or
stroke may appear.
After a cardiac catheterization , doctor should have a pretty idea of what is causing your heart , valve or
heart vessel problem. Knowing exactly what the problem is can help doctor find just the right way to
treat your particular problem.
After analysing the report we can go for surgery ,if it needed.
In future we can perform this procedure without causing any failures.

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