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Dairy delivery POS Portion

Admin side:
1. Create role
You should create a role if did not has already any role for pos user
Please follow according to picture
2. Create POS Login:
You must create a pos login to use the pos portion . You can create login like
other any login created but in this case you should must assign shop to that user
POS Portion
1. POS Module
There is a separate module to use the POS portion . as shown in picture
2. POS Opening and closing save amount (Shifting)
There is a form to save opening and closing amount
Login user create on opening and closing in a day

3. POS Opening and closing report

There is a report of opening and closing records.
Login user can view his records of one selected date

4. Point Of Sale Form

This is the main form POS module . From here Shopman can add sale Items.
This is a very simple and userfiendly form.

User can select product by two method

(a) Select from group down
(b) Click on product
Before submitting this form User must enter the received amount .
After that user can submit this form
5. Daily sales summary Report
This is sample report where we can view date and product wise sale report

POS Stock
1. Shop Issue Stock
This is use for issue stock to shop by admin or other user which has write
2.Shop Return Stock
This is use for return stock from shop
3.Shop stock ledger
This is use for track of stock

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