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(Revised: 8 December 2021)

Part 1 (Bagian 1)
PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM (Formulir Informasi Pribadi)
1. Full name (Nama lengkap) : Steffi Santoso
2. Country, place, and date of birth (Negara, tempat, dan tanggal lahir) : Indonesia, Jakarta, 23 Jan 1997
3. Citizenship (Warganegara) : Indonesian WNI
4. Home Address (Alamat rumah) : Villa Melati Mas Blok U6-9, RT.057 / RW.008, Kel. Jelupang, Kec. Serpong
Utara, Tangerang Selatan
6. Tel & Mobile (Tel & HP) : +62811 970 1319
7. Email (Surat elektronik) :
8. Religion (Agama) Christian (Kristen) Catholic (Katolik) Buddhist (Budha)
Hinduism (Hindu) Moslem (Islam) Others, please stated ______
9. Marital Status (Status keluarga)
Single (Belum menikah)
Married | Year of Marriage (Menikah |Tahun menikah)
Widow/widower | Year of status changed (Janda/duda| Tahun perubahan status)
10. Names, ages, latest education, and profession of your immediate family members
(Nama, umur, pendidikan terakhir dan profesi dari anggota keluarga inti Anda)

- Agus Santoso (48 tahun ), SMEA, Karyawan Swasta

- Jonatalia ( 46 tahun ), SMEA, Ibu Rumah Tangga
- Caroline Santoso ( 22 tahun ), SMA, Mahasiswa ( Binus )

11. Qualifications: University, faculty, GPA, degree & dates of graduation

(Pendidikan formal: Universitas, fakultas, Index Prestasi, gelar & tanggal kelulusan)

- Universitas Pelita Harapan, Psikologi, IPK 2.96, Sarjana, 18 September 2020

12. Other professional certifications (Sertifikat profesi lain yang dimiliki)

- none

13. Describe your English Competency: (Gambarkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saudara)
Speaking (berbicara) Good (baik) Average (rata-rata) Poor(kurang)
Listening (mendengar) Good (baik) Average (rata-rata) Poor(kurang)
Writing (menulis) Good (baik) Average (rata-rata) Poor(kurang)
Reading (membaca) Good (baik) Average (rata-rata) Poor(kurang)
Any certification of English Competency Test that you have ever taken, when it was issued
(Apakah ada sertifikasi untuk Test Bahasa Inggris yang pernah diambildan kapan dikeluarkan)

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
1 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
14. Chronological details of experience including name of Institution, period of employment and positions
held (Pengalaman kerja secara kronologis termasuk nama institusi, periode masa kerja dan jabatan yang

- In Aug 2016 – Aug 2017 I worked as a part-timer in Admission Call center at UPH. My responsibility the
new applicant student to complete their procedure until the final payment and student orientation day.
- In Aug 2018 – May 2019 I worked as a shadow teacher at Jakarta Nanyang School handling special needs
PDD-NOS in nursery class.
- In Aug 2019 – Dec 2019 I worked as a HR Recruitment part-timer specialist at PT. Alam Sutera Realty Tbk.
My responsibility was handling recruitment process, preparing the psychology test instrument, and
scoring test, contacting and scheduling the applicant's interview with the user, filing the data of the
applicant's and also their psychology tests.
- In Jan 2020 – Aug 2021 I worked as a HR Generalist at PT. Mekar Jaya Palmindo. My responsibility
handling payroll and recruitment matters, updating the company legal data, employee documents and
BPJS application, assisting the board members' accommodation, ordering, and checking company
- In Sept 2021 – until now, I’m working as HR Generalist at Risland Indonesia (branch company from
Country Garden Group ). My jobdesc are :
o Contributed to annual performance appraisals by working with supervisors to achieve
consistency and compliance with established procedures.
o Reviewed and screened applicant resumes to identify qualified candidates.
o Performed internal and external audits and research and administrative reviews of programs and
plans to support HR administration.
o Documented human resource records and maintained confidentiality of sensitive personal
o Maintained office supplies, distributed mail and processed invoices for payment.
o Created and completed personnel action forms for hires, terminations, title changes and
o Maintaining BPJS Kesehatan and Ketenagakerjaan Data to apply and discharge employees.

15. Specify your interests, activities, non-formal organization/community involvement and interests
outside your job
(Sebutkan minat Anda, kegiatan-kegiatan, keanggotaan/keterlibatan pada komunitas/organisasi non
formal diluar perkerjaan Anda)

- My hobbies are cooking and baking, watching movies and listening to music
- I used to be a youth treasurer at my old church ( GBI WTC since 2015 – 2020 )

16. Professional development undertaken, with names of institutions and dates. (Sebutkan kursus dan
training yang pernah di-ikuti beserta nama penyelenggara dan tanggalnya)

- English Courses at EF and Elokuensi

17. Membership of Professional Affiliations or organizations, if any (Sebutkan keanggotaan pada organisasi
professional, bila ada)

- None

18. Details of any overseas experiences (Uraikan pengalaman kerja di luar negeri, bila ada)

- I don’t have any work overseas experience, but when I was grade 8 th, I went for students exchange to
YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
2 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
Melbourne for 2 weeks at Heatherton Christian College.

19. State of health; any permanent/long term problems or disabilities (Kondisi kesehatan; sebutkan
gangguan kesehatanyang bersifat permanen/lama yang pernah diderita)

- I had Sinusitis since I was a kid

20. Briefly outline your viewpoint on education in general and specifically on education in Indonesia
(Uraikan secara singkat pandangan Saudara tentang pendidikan secara umum dan pendidikan di
Indonesia secara khusus)

In general, education is an essential part of societal and personal advancement. It gives people
the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes needed to succeed in life and make a positive impact on
society. Inequality, social marginalization, and poverty can all be reduced with education.
Education is seen as a fundamental right and the government's primary priority in Indonesia.
Access to education has significantly improved in the nation, particularly at the primary and
secondary levels. However, there are still issues with relevancy, equity, and quality.
Some of the main issues facing the education system in Indonesia include inadequate funding,
poor infrastructure, limited teacher training, and outdated curricula. There are also disparities in
access to education between urban and rural areas, as well as between different regions and
socioeconomic groups.
To address these challenges, the government of Indonesia has launched various initiatives and
programs to improve the quality and relevance of education. These include efforts to increase
funding, upgrade facilities, enhance teacher training, and revise the curriculum. The country is also
working to expand access to higher education and promote innovation and entrepreneurship in
Overall, education in Indonesia is a complex and evolving issue, and there is no simple solution.
However, by continuing to invest in education and address the challenges facing the system,
Indonesia can ensure that all its citizens have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and
contribute to the country's development.

21. Please provide us names, phone numbers and email addresses of referees who can comment
significantly on your profession / work experience (3 referees)
YPPH will contact your referees to obtain their recommendation about you.
Tuliskan nama, nomor telpon, email dari orang yang dapat dihubungi untuk menjelaskan tentang profesi /
pengalaman kerja Anda (3 orang). YPPH akan menghubungi mereka untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi
mengenai Anda.

- Ms. Putri (PT. Mekar Jaya Palmindo) +62 821-1379-1902

- Ms. Caroline (PT. Alam Sutera Realty, Tbk) +62 811-1050-0222
- Ms. Diah (Jakarta Nanyang School) +62 815-9223-717

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
3 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
Part 2 (Bagian 2)
SPIRITUAL INFORMATION FORM (Formulir Informasi Kerohanian)
If you are a Christian, please complete this form:
(Jika Anda beragama Kristen/Katolik, silahkan mengisi formulir berikut ini)

Name (Steffi Santoso)

Your church (Jakarta Praise Community Church (JPCC))
Address (Kota Kasablanka, Lantai 3, Jalan Casablanca Kav. 88, Menteng Dalam, Tebet, RT.16/RW.5, Menteng
Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12960)
Email Address of your pastor
(Alamat email pendeta/pastor)
Mobile number of your pastor
(HP pendeta/pastor)
Have you been baptized: No Yes Date 8 December 2013
(Apakah Anda sudah dibaptis? Tanggalbaptis)
Name and address of Church where you were baptized
(GBI WTC – SERPONG, Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok W1 No. 29, BSD City, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten

How are your church’s view of Christian belief and practice similar and different from those of YPPH, as
expressed in The Statement of Faith? Are your own views more in line with your church’s views or with
YPPH’s views? Please explain!
Bagaimana pandangan gereja Anda dan apakah ada persamaan atau perbedaan terhadap Pernyataan Iman
YPPH? Apakah pandangan Anda sendiri lebih sejalan dengan pandangan gereja Anda atau dengan pandangan
Pernyataan Iman YPPH? Mohon penjelasannya!

My church’s view and my own view is quite similar with YPPH. But my view is more likely the same as my
church’s view. I grew as a Christian since I was a kid

1. Describe the things in your life that are most important to you. Why are these important to you?
Uraikanlah apa hal terpenting bagihidup Anda. Dan mengapa hal-hal tersebut penting bagi Anda?

My family is the most important things for me. I’ve always been close with my family and from everything in
these world all I’ve got is my family.

2. What are your spiritual gifts and how are you using them?
Apa saja karunia rohani yang Tuhan anugerahkan pada Anda dan bagaimana anda menggunakan karunia
rohani tersebut?

3. Please describe your involvement in church!

Uraikan keterlibatan Anda dalam gereja tempat Anda beribadah!

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
4 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
4. How do you nurture your relationship with Jesus Christ?
Jelaskan bagaimana Anda memelihara dan membina hubungan pribadi Anda dengan Tuhan Yesus?

5. Please explain your understanding of Salvation!

Mohon uraikan pemahaman Anda mengenai Keselamatan!

6. Please explain your experience with, and attitude towards religions and cultures other than your own!
Mohon uraikan pengalaman yang pernah Anda miliki serta sikap Anda terhadap agamadan budaya lain
yang berbeda dengan Anda!

7. What are several reasons for your interest in working at schools under Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita
Harapan (YPPH)?
Uraikan apa saja alasan utama Anda tertarik bekerja di sekolah-sekolah dibawah Yayasan Pendidikan
Pelita Harapan (YPPH)?

8. How does God influence / impact your personal and professional life?
Bagaimanakah keberadaaan Tuhan ikut memberipengaruh / dampak dalamkehidupan pribadidan
kehidupan professional Anda?

9. What are some of your strengths and weaknessess?

Apa saja kekuatan dan kelemahan Anda?

10. Do you believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God? Please explain!
Apakah Anda percaya bahwa Alkitab adalah Firman Allah yang sejati dan di dalamnya tidak terkandung
kesalahan? Mohon penjelasannya!

11. Please read YPPH Statement of Faith (SoF) thoroughly and provide your personal comment about it!
Mohon untuk dapat membaca Pernyataan Iman YPPHsecara seksama dan mohon lengkapi kolom di
bawah ini dengan komentar pribadi Anda!

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
5 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
12. In what area of YPPH Statement of Faith (SoF) that you are still struggling or having difference
perspective or point of view, please kindly express your comment! (Di area mana dari Pernyataan Iman
YPPH yang Anda masih bergumuldan mempunyaisudut pandang yang berbeda, silakan menuliskan
komentar Anda)!

13. I, hereby, understand that the Agreement with this YPPH Statement of Faith (SoF) is a requirement of
the YPPH Employment. (Dengan ini, saya memahamibahwa Persetujuan dari Pernyataan Iman YPPH
adalah bagian dari persyaratan kekaryawanan di YPPH)

14. Please provide us names, phone numbers and email addresses of referees who can comment
significantly on your Christian faith (2 referees)! YPPH will contact your referees to obtain their
recommendation about you.
Tuliskan nama, nomor telepon, email dari orang yang dapat dihubungi untuk menjelaskan tentang iman
Kristiani saudara (2 orang)! YPPH akan menghubungi mereka untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi mengenai

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
6 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
These questions below are ONLY intended for those who apply for ACADEMIC position.
(Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini HANYA ditujukan bagi mereka yang melamar untuk
posisi ACADEMIC)

1. How does the Bible influence your understanding of your academic discipline?
Bagaimana Alkitab memberikan pengaruh pada pemahaman Anda terhadap disiplin ilmu yang Anda

2. Please briefly describe your philosopy of Christian teaching and learning.

Mohon uraikan dengan ringkas falsafah belajar dan mengajarAnda!

3. In your view, what is the role of Christian teachers/lecturers in an educational institution?

Dalam pandangan Anda apa peran daripendidik atau guru Kristen dalam suatu pendidikan?

4. As a teacher, what do you hope to contribute to the mission/vision of YPPH?

Sebagaiseorang guru, kontribusi apa yang dapat Anda sumbangkan guna menggenapivisidan misi

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
7 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
These questions below are ONLY intended for those who apply for ADMINISTRATION (NON-
ACADEMIC) position.
(Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini HANYA ditujukan bagi mereka yang melamar untuk posisi

1. How does your Christian Faith influence how you do your job? Bagaimana iman Kristen yang
Anda miliki memberikan pengaruh pada pekerjaan Anda?

2. As an administrative, what do you hope to contribute to the mission/vision of YPPH? Sebagai

tenaga administrasi, kontribusi apa yang dapat Anda sumbangkan guna menggenapi misi/visi YPPH

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
8 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
Part 3 (Bagian 3)
SUPPORTING INFORMATION FORM (Formulir Informasi Pendukung)
1. Where do you live? (Saudaratinggaldimana?)
Own house (Rumah sendiri)
Rented house (Rumah sewa)
Boarding house (Kost)
With parents (Dengan orang tua)
Others (Lainnya), please stated (sebutkan) __ _

2. Have you sent an application before? (Apakah saudara pernahmengirimkan surat lamaran
sebelumnya?) When and for what position? (Kapan dan jabatanapa yang saudara lamar?)

3. Have you ever been employed by any schools under Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan –
YPPH (namely : Sekolah Pelita Harapan – SPH, Sekolah Dian Harapan – SDH, Sekolah Lentera
Harapan – SLH, SMA UPH College – UPHC, Hope Academy) and Universitas Pelita Harapan –
UPH), please stated!
(Apakah Anda pernah bekerja di sekolah-sekolah yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Pendidikan
Pelita Harapan-YPPH (yaitu Sekolah Pelita Harapan – SPH, Sekolah Dian Harapan – SDH, Sekolah
Lentera Harapan – SLH, SMA UPH College – UPHC, Hope Academy) and Universitas Pelita Harapan
–UPH), sebutkan!

4. Do you have any relatives who work in YPPH? If so, please mention the name, school
unit, department?
Apakah saudaramempunyaikeluarga/famili yang bekerja di lingkungan YPPH? Bila ya, sebutkan
namanya, namasekolah dan bagian?

5. For what position are you applying now? Jabatan apa yang Andalamar sekarang?
Mention school’s name and location! Sebutkan nama sekolah danlokasi!

6. Referenced by? Siapa yang merekomendasikan saudara?

7. When can you start working? Kapan saudara bisa mulai bekerja?

8. What is your present salary (net/gross)? (Berapa gaji Saudara sekarang (bersih/kotor?)

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
9 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :
9. For the initial interview, we need to have the following documents : (Untuk wawancara
pertama, kami perlukan dokumen-dokumen sbb :
Copy ID card & recent photo 3x4cm (Photo copy KTP & foto terakhir 3x4cm)
Completed YPPH application form (Formulir aplikasi YPPH yang sudah dilengkapi)
Copies of degrees (Photo copy ijazah)
Copies of transcript (Photo copy transkrip nilai)
Copy of your baptism certificate. (Photo copy surat baptis)
Copies of work reference letters (Photo copy referensi kerja)
Copies of salary slip (Photo copy slip gaji)
Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)

10. For employment stage, we need the following documents : (Untuk tahapan pengerjaan,
dokumen- dokumen berikut ini diperlukan)

Reference letter from your church / pastor. (Surat referensi dari gereja).
Latest TOEFL score (Nilai TOEFL terbaru)
Health examination result – after job offer. Surat keterangan kesehatan – setelah penawaran
Copy of your birth certificate. (Foto copy akte lahir)
Copy of your civil and church marriage certificate. (Foto copy akte menikah sipil dan gereja)
Copy of birth certificate of your children. (Foto copy akte lahir anak)
Copy of family registration card. (Foto copy kartu keluarga)
Copy of tax identification number. (Foto copy NPWP – Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)

These are my honest answers, and I am fully responsible to those answers I have given above.
Semua pertanyaan tersebut dijawab secara jujur dan saya bertanggungjawab penuh atas semuajawaban
yang saya tuliskan.

Signature of applicant (Tanda
Date (Tanggal)________/ /_

YPPH – Recruitment Dept | UPH Campus, Building A- 6th Fl, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1100, Lippo Karawaci
10 Tel. 021 5460901 | Website :

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