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Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D1

Name:_______________________________________ Grade & Section:__________________

Teacher’s Name:______________________________

Department of Education- National Capital Region

Schools Division of Pasay City
First Quarter/ Week 7/ Day 1

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the
understanding of a text. (EN10RC-Ib-11.2)


Textual aids are educational instruments which could be written or printed texts
emphasizing the essential phrases, thoughts, graphs, and images.


Text aids are predominately used in nonfiction text. Text features focus the reader's
attention on specific parts of the text, and help the reader identify important ideas in the
reading. Aids in the form of pictures or graphs give the reader additional information to support
that found in the text. Text aids are also useful for previewing text.

A graphic organizer is a visual display that demonstrates relationships between facts,

concepts or ideas. A graphic organizer guides the learner's thinking as they fill in and build
upon a visual map or diagram.

A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the

process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process
step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow

Title summarizes the main ideas or ideas of your study.

Venn diagram is a diagram used to identify the similarities and differences between two
or more concepts. It is represented by two overlapping circles.

References for Further Enhancement:

Online References:

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D1

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Identify the two sets of texts containing the linear and non-linear texts. Which between the two
sets of examples would you prefer the most in understanding a text? Why?


Linear texts printed on paper are considered as linear texts. Novels, poems, short stories,
letters, educational texts, all those texts we read from the beginning to the end, are linear texts.
Non-linear text the readers do not have to go through the text in a sequential manner in order to
make sense of the text. Most people consider texts with visuals or graphs along with it as examples for
nonlinear texts.

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D1
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________
Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________
DIRECTIONS: Look at picture and answer the questions below.

Process Questions:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. What do you think is the story all about?
3. What is the purpose of the title?

4. What is the effect of the title in bold and capital letters?


DIRECTIONS: Analyze the cartoon below and answer the questions that follows.

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D1

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

Process Questions:

1. What is the cartoon all about?


2. What kind of discrimination is shown in the cartoon?


3. How does the cartoon help you in understanding the text?


DIRECTIONS: Analyze the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow:

Process Questions:
1. What is the flow chart all about?

2. What are the processes involved?

3. How does the flow chart help you in understanding the text?

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D1

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Examine the Venn Diagrams below and answer the questions that follow:

Process Questions:
1. What does the diagram show?
2. What are the similarities and differences of the cat and dog?
3. How does the Venn diagram help you in understanding the text?

Textual aids are educational instruments which could be written or printed texts emphasizing the
essential phrases, thoughts, graphs, and images.
 graphic organizers * title
 flow chart
 venn diagram

In a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, write the effects of using graphic organizers in understanding the text.

Online References:

English 10 Learners’ Manual p.13 (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature) Prepared by: Ms. Maria Elisa L. Bayangos
Pasay City East High School

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D2

Name:_______________________________________Grade & Section:__________________

Teacher’s Name:______________________________
Department of Education- National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasay City
First Quarter/ Week 7/ Day 2
C. OBJECTIVE: Explain the literary devices used (EN10LT-Id2.2.2)
What are literary devices?

Literary Devices are used to create pictures with words. Some literary devices are related
to sound and others are related to meaning.

1. Literary devices related to sound:


Onomatopoeia Words that imitate sounds.
(Sound Words) e.g. bang, thump, knock, whoosh
Repetition of initial consonants.
e.g. Joey jumped.
Joey walked slowly and silently to the door.
Repetition of words, phrases or structures.
e.g. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
It was all fast – the phone call, the goodbye, the
promise, the closed door. (repetition of structure)
The use words that have the same or very similar
Assonance vowel sounds near one another.
e.g. rise high in the bright sky

2. Literary devices related to meaning:


Simile A comparison between two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’.
e.g. The rain was cold – like death…
Metaphor A direct comparison between two things.
e.g. The storm was a raging beast.
Personification Attributing human characteristics to objects, ideas,
animals or nature.
References for Further Enhancement:
e.g. The rain felt angry.
Irony 10 Learners’ Manual (Celebrating
Book: English The useDiversity
of wordsthrough
that mean theLiterature)
World opposite of what you
really think
Hyperbole A language that describes something as better or worse
than it really is.
Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D2
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

Writers use and express their thoughts and words creatively. They include words that deal with
sensory images in their writings. Their writings make sense because of the use of literary devices. Look at
the example below, note how does the writer illustrate the meaning of the underlined literary devices used
in the selection below? Read aloud the poem with feelings and emotion being portrayed.
Poem by J.S Watts

There are some days,

like this one,
I could hold forever,
in the palm of my open hand,
like a pale blue hen’s egg,
bathed in the sky and nestled
on the pink of my bare skin,
smooth, delicate, perfected,
filled with life
and curious possibility.

But for life to live,

the egg must crack,
the chick must know the word,
or there will be no further
blue egg days.
And yet,
I miss the frail grace of that abandoned egg:
believing there will be others,
knowing they will never
be quite the same.

DIRECTIONS: Match the literary devices in Column A to its correct definition in Column B. Write the
letter that indicate the correct definition.
Column A Column B
_______1. Hyperbole A. Attributing human characteristics to objects, ideas, animals or
_______2. Personification nature.
_______3. Irony B. A direct comparison between two things.
_______4. Repetition C. They use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think.
_______5. Simile D. The use words that have the same or similar vowel sound near one
_______6. Metaphor another.
_______7. Assonance E. Repetition of words, phrases or structures.
_______8. Alliteration F. Words that imitate sounds
_______9. Onomatopoeia G. A language that describes something as better as or worse than it
really is
H. A comparison between two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’
I. A direct comparison between two things

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D2
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________
Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________


DIRECTIONS: Read the story carefully then identify the Literary Devices used in the story. Underline five literary devices
in the selection.

The Knock at the Door The lights suddenly went out. In the darkness, the wind and rain
grew louder and seemed closer.
by Stuart Mead

Joey sat still, his heart beating fast. It made a ‘thump, thump,
Joey Carter was thirteen. He lived with his mother. He thump’ noise in his chest.
hadn’t seen his father for a long, long time – not since he
was in kindergarten. He couldn’t remember his father’s
face very well. But, at night, he could still hear him say,
“Good night, Joey. I love you.” Where had his mother gone? And why? It was a very bad night
to be outside. It was a bad night to be reading a scary story, too.
In the story, there was also a storm, and an old house, and a
young boy, and a …
Joey’s mother never talked about his father. There were
no photographs of him anywhere in the house. Joey
didn’t ask about his father, but he secretly hoped his
father would return one day. He felt sure that he would. BANG! Again there was a loud noise on the roof. Again Joey
jumped. He held the book more tightly. The wind and the rain
suddenly stopped. There wasn’t a sound. Just the dark night.
Joey waited.
The old house they lived in was built by Joey’s
grandparents. They were dead, but Joey always felt that
they were still there, watching over their house and
everyone who lived in it. He never told his mother BRRRING! BRRRING!
about that. Maybe she’d think he was silly.

The telephone!
One stormy night, there was a telephone call. Joey’s
mother answered it. She listened to the other person
talking. She said nothing for a while. Then she said Then it stopped, even before Joey had moved.

Then there was nothing. Just the darkness. The same darkness as
“That’s right.” She looked worried. in the story. Joey put the book down on the sofa, then got up
and walked slowly to the window. He wanted to see if the storm
really had stopped. Carefully, he opened the window and looked
“I have to go out,” she said. She didn’t out. There were a few lights in the distance – other houses.
even look at Joey.


She put on her coat and her old shoes Joey ran to answer it.
and took her umbrella.

As she got to the front door, she turned to face Joey. “I
won’t be long,” she said. “I can’t tell you where I’m
going. Don’t go outside. And don’t open the door if
anyone tries to get in. Promise?”

He put the phone down.

Joey nodded.

She left quickly. The door closed
behind her with a bang.

8 Quickly he picked it up again.

It was all so fast – the phone call, the goodbye, the
promise, the closed door. Joey didn’t know what to
think. He just stood in the middle of the room. All “Hello. Who’s there?”
around outside, the storm was a raging beast. The rain
Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D2
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________
Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Watch and listen to the song with this link
Identify the literary used and explain the meaning of literary devices in the following lines
from the lyrics of the song.

DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences carefully. Identify the literary devices used in the sentences.

________1. The wind was blowing so hard, the sun was scared to come.

________2. The teacher is like an angry lion when she is mad.

________3. The boy believed black birds bite.

________4. The men were jumping like a pack of frantic grizzly bears.

________5. The sky is a rainbow of colors.


Literary Devices are used to create pictures with words. Some literary devices are related to

sound and others are related to meaning.

 Onomatopoeia * Metaphor

 Repetition * Personification

 Assonance * Irony

 Simile * Hyperbole

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D2

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________


DIRECTIONS: Explain the meaning of the underlined literary devices used in the following situation.

Situation: You are attending a class on the fifth floor of the school building. Suddenly, the building
starts to shake and it seems that the earth will devour it. You hear the objects cracking, doors creaking,
glasses shattering, and crushing. You see that even the chairs and tables are moving and asking for help.
Then your classmates’ cry and shout are heard like thunders. They start running outside to escape from
such a catastrophe. What will you do? Will you just stop when you see never again the building is a
refuge to many?


1.)Online References:
NET Section, CDI, EDB, HKSAR Handout 1.11: Literary Devices
2.) Books: English 10 Learners’ Manual (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature)

Prepared by: Maria Elisa L. Bayangos

School: Pasay City East High School

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D3

Name:______________________________________Grade & Section:__________________

Teacher’s Name:_____________________________
Department of Education- National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasay City
First Quarter/ Week 7/ Day 3
D. OBJECTIVE: Use modals (EN10G-If3.6)
 Modals or modal auxiliaries are helping verbs used for several reasons or functions;
Shall indicates simple futurity and obligation.
Should expresses past obligation.
Will expresses simple futurity and willingness.
Would expresses invitation or past possibility.
Might is used in reported speech for past time.
May expresses future possibilities mixed with doubt
and uncertainty.

1. to give a proposition a degree of probability.

a. Russell: Someone’s knocking at the door. High certainty
Breatrice: That must be Miguel.
That will be Miguel.
That will be Miguel.
That should be Miguel.
That may be Miguel.
That could be/might be Miguel. Low certainty
b. Flora: What is the weather forecast? High Probability
It will rain tomorrow.
It should rain tomorrow.
It may rain tomorrow.
It might/could rain tomorrow. Low probability
2. to express one’s attitude.
We shall prevail.
I won’t give up.
3. to perform various social functions namely:
a. to express politeness or indirectness when making requests.
May I sit beside you?
b. to give advice
You must see a dentist.
You should/ought to see a dentist.
4. to express ability or potential.
She can drive.
5. to express desire
I would like to take up nursing.

6. to make an offer or invitation

Would you like something to drink?
Would you like to join our group?
7. to express preference
Athena would rather read than watch television.
Raymond would prefer to go swimming instead of hiking.

References for Further Enhancement:


Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D3

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________
Modals in Quotations
DIRECTIONS: Underline the modal/modals that complete each quotation.
1. “If a man (could, must) have half his wishes, he (will, would) double his troubles.”
- Benjamin Franklin
2. “We (cannot, will not) control the tragic things that happen to us, but we (can, will) control
the way we face up to them.” - Anonymous
3. “Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day for good or
bad. We (could, ought to) know how to harness and control this great force.”
- Charles Simmons
4. “An optimist ( may, must) see a light when there is none, but why (can, must) the pessimist always
run to blow it out? - Michael de St. Pierre

5. “You (might, should) make yourself useful to somebody, You (wouldn’t, shouldn’t) make life hard
to any.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Expressing Certainty
DIRECTIONS: Respond to the statement according to the degree of certainty.
Someone’s outside.
That must be Lambert. High certainty
That will be Lambert.
That should be Lambert.
That may be Lambert.
That could be Lambert.
That might be Lambert. Low certainty
1. The phone is ringing.
____________________________ High certainty
2. What’s the weather this weekend?
____________________________ Low certainty
3. What’s the economic forecast for the next few years?
____________________________ High certainty
4. What are the chances of getting a high- paying job?
_____________________________ Low certainty

Making Polite Request with “Would you mind…”
Asking permission
Directions: Fill in the blank either with if I + the present/past tense or with the –ing form
of the verb. Then make polite responses like the ones shown.
Example 1:
X: It’s too warm in here. Would you mind (open) if I open the windows?
Y: Not at all.

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D3

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________
Example 2:
M: It’s too cold in here. Would you mind (turn off) if I turned off the air
N: No, that would be fine.
Asking someone to do something
Example 3:
E. Would you mind (close) closing the door?
F: Of course not.
1. A: I’m very busy. Would you mind (mail) _________this letter for me?
B. _______________________________________________________________

2. A: I need someone to help me with this Math problem. Would you mind (explain)_____
the formula to me?

3. A: I need to go home early today. Would you mind (skip)_____ our rehearsal today?
B: ______________________________________________________________

4. A: I have to go to the clinic. Would you mind (join) _____________you later?

B: _______________________________________________________________

5. A: You have a calculator, don’t you? Would you mind (lend)________it for me for a
B. _______________________________________________________________
Milling Around
Directions: Move around your house asking questions (in the grid) writing down the
name of the person who fits the description.
Find someone who
can rap can write poetry

might go abroad might work after graduation

thinks he should do more exercise thinks she should lose weight

Write 3-5 sentences to summarize your answer using modals.

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D3

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________
Directions: Read the story carefully then pick five sentences with modals from the text.
Using the template below, determine the function of the modals based on its context. The choices would
be to show possibility, to show impossibility, to make a prediction, to make a decision, to express a
situation that is dependent on another situation, to make a suggestion or advice, to make a suggestion, to
express possibility, and to offer help.
From the Analects
by Confucius
translated by Arthur Waley
The Master said, “To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a
pleasure? Those friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even
though one’s merits are unrecognized by others is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?”
The Master said, “A young man’s duty is to behave well to his parents at home and to his elders
abroad, to be cautious in giving promises and punctual in giving them, to have kindly feelings towards
everyone, but seek the intimacy of good. If, when all that is done, he has any energy to spare, and then let him
study the polite arts.”
The Master said, “The good man does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His
only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs.”
The Master said, “He who rules by moral force is like the Pole star, which remains in its place where
all the lesser stars do homage to it.”
The Master said, “If out of three hundred songs I had to take one phrase to cover all my teaching, I
would say, Let there be no evil in your thoughts.”
The Master said, “Govern the people by regulations, keep order among them by chastisements, and
they will flee from you, and lose all self-respect. Govern them by moral force, keep order among them by
ritual, they will keep their self-respect and come to you of their own accord.”
Meng Wu Po asked about the treatment of parents. The Master said, “Behave in such a way that your
father and mother have no anxiety about you, except concerning your health.”
The Master said, “A gentleman can see a question from all sides without bias. The small man is biased
and can see a question only from one side.”
The Master said, “You, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to recognize
that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it. That is
The Master said, “High office filled by men of narrow views, ritual performed without reverence, the
forms of mourning observed without grief—these are things I cannot bear to see!”
The Master said, “In the presence of a good man, think all the time how you may learn to equal him. In
the presence of a bad man, turn your gaze within!”
The Master said, “In old days, a man kept hold on his words, fearing the disgrace that would ensue
should he himself fail to keep pace with them.”
The Master said, “A gentleman covets the reputation of being slow in word but prompt in deed.”

Five Sentences: Functions of Modals:

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D3

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability,
possibility, permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to
express the same things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the
preposition to. The modals and semi-modals in English are:
Can/could/be able to
Must/have to

Composition Writing

Directions: Imagine yourself ten years from now. In not less than 100 words,
compose a short paragraph focusing on the use of the five modals.

1. Online References:

2.)Book: Learner’s Material in English Gr. 10 pp.101-103

English 10 LM, pp. 95-96

3.)Workbook: World Literature and Communication Arts G10 pp.489-494

Prepared by: Maria Elisa L. Bayangos

School: Pasay City East High School

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D4

Name:_______________________________________Grade & Section:__________________

Teacher’s Name:____________________
Department of Education- National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasay City
First Quarter/ Week 7/ Day 4
OBJECTIVE: Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to
achieve the writer’s purpose. (EN10VC- If2.2)


1. Setting – is the time and place in which the story takes place. The definition of
setting can also include social statuses, weather, historical period, and
* details about immediate surroundings. ... The setting provides the backdrop
to the story and helps create mood.
2. Characters - any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work.
3. Plot - is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story, or
the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a
The sequence or order of events in a story. The plot includes:

a. Exposition - The part of the plot that tells how the story begins.

b. Rising Action - The action in the story leading up to the climax.

c. Climax - The point of crisis in the plot. It may be the reader’s point of highest

d. Falling action - The action in the story after the climax is revealed.
e. Resolution - The part of the plot that reveals the final outcome.

5. Point of View – the vantage point from which story is told.

6. Theme – the universal truth found in the story. The main idea of a literary work,
usually expressed as a generalization.




In today’s lesson is on choosing one character, one setting, and one plot to describe in detail from
Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D4

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________
Directions: Read the story below and answer the given activities that follows.
The Love Story of Pyramus and Thisbe

“Pyramus was the most handsome of young men and Thisbe was the fairest beauty of the East.”
~Ovid in Metamorphoses

Pyramus and Thisbe lived in Babylonia and from the time they were young, were neighbors.
They played together daily as children and fell in love as they grew older. Although neighbors, their
families were hostile to one another so the love between Pyramus and Thisbe remained a secret. They
had a special meeting place at a wall between their houses. This particular wall bore a scar. A large
crack marred its smooth surface as a result of an earthquake long ago. Pyramus and Thisbe
communicated through this crack when it was risky to see one another. One particularly magnificent
day, they arrived at their usual meeting place. The beauty of the day made them lament their situation
all the more. They cried as they watched two hummingbirds fly over the wall together. Suddenly they
came to the decision that they would not be stopped from being together any longer. They decided to
meet that night outside the city gates under a mulberry tree filled white fruit. This particular tree grew
near a stream next to the local cemetery. Thisbe, hidden by a veil, arrived at the appointed spot first
and waited patiently for Pyramus to come. All of a sudden, a lioness fresh from a kill, her jaws
covered in blood, slunk out of the brush to satisfy her thirst at the stream. Thisbe, frightened by this
disturbance, ran to a nearby cave. In her haste, she dropped her veil and the lioness grabbed it and
shredded it with her bloody jaws. Meanwhile, Pyramus had arrived at the meeting place. As he
approached the tree he could not help but notice the large paw prints of the lioness. His heart beat
faster. As he approached the stream, his fears were confirmed upon seeing Thisbe’s veil torn and
bloodstained. Unable to find Thisbe and fearing that she was dead, Pyramus was unable to contain his
sorrow. He drew his sword and plunged it deeply into his side. As he removed the sword from his
side, blood sprayed the white fruit on the tree, turning it a dark purple color.

Meanwhile, Thisbe, recovered from her fright, came back to the meeting place by the stream.
There she saw Pyramus’ body lying in a crumpled heap on the ground. Racked with uncontrollable
agony, she took his sword and threw her body onto it. With her dying breath, she pleaded with the
gods that their bodies be buried in a single tomb and that the tree in the special meeting place would
always bear fruit in the color of a dark and mournful color in memory of their unrequited love. To this
day, the berries of the mulberry tree always turn dark purple in color when they are ripe.

Story Location Clue: The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is remembered in the mosaic displays of
Paphos. This city is located west of the Troodos Mountains on the coast of Cyprus.

Directions: Write what takes place in each part of below. Fill in each box below and write w line or
text evidence that support what happens.
Exposition/ Beginning

Text Evidence:

Rising Action

Text Evidence:

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D4
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________
Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

Text Evidence:

Falling Action and Resolution:

Text Evidence:

Sometimes, a story has several characters. However, there is only one upon whom the story focuses.
This character is known as the main character. The others are known as the minor characters. They
keep the action moving and help the readers to learn more about the main character.

Character Analysis
Directions: After you have read “The Love Story of Pyramus and Thisbe” you can now
identify one main character in the story.

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D4
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________
Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________
You probably know already that setting in a story refers to the time and place of
action. Clothing, customs, weather, scenery, manners, building, and methods of
transportation are part of the setting. Sometimes, the setting in a story is not important as
in most fables. However, setting becomes important when it brings about the conflict or
struggle in a story.
Directions: Watch/ Read the story about Daedalus and Icarus with your family. Create a timeline of
events in the story. Why are these significant events?

The Myth Of Daedalus And Icarus

The myth of Daedalus and Icarus is one of the most known and fascinating Greek Myths, as it consists of both
historical and mythical details.

While in Crete Daedalus created the plan for the Minoan Palace of Knossos, one of the most important
archaeological sites in Crete and Greece today. It was a magnificent architectural design and building, of 1,300
rooms, decorated with stunning frescoes and artifacts, saved until today. The sculpture of Ariadne in Knossos
and many others in Elounda and Karia are also his.

King Minos and Daedalus had great understanding at first, but their relationships started deteriorating at some
point; there are several versions explaining this sudden change, although the most common one is that Daedalus
was the one who advised Princess Ariadne to give Theseus the thread that helped him come out from the
infamous Labyrinth, after killing the Minotaur.

The Labyrinth was a maze built by Daedalus; King Minos wanted a building suitable to imprison the mythical
monster Minotaur, and according to the myth, he used to imprison his enemies in the labyrinth, making sure that
they would be killed by the monster.

Minos was infuriated when found out about the betrayal and imprisoned Daedalus and his son Icarus in the

The Flight Of Daedalus And Icarus

Icarus was the young son of Daedalus and Nafsicrate, one of King Minos’ servants. Daedalus was way too smart
and inventive, thus, he started thinking how he and Icarus would escape the Labyrinth. Knowing that his
architectural creation was too complicated, he figured out that they could not come out on foot. He also knew
that the shores of Crete were perfectly guarded, thus, they would not be able to escape by sea either. The only
way left was the air.

Daedalus managed to create gigantic wings, using branches of osier and connected them with wax. He taught
Icarus how to fly, but told him to keep away from the sun because the heat would make the wax melt, destroying
the wings.

Daedalus and Icarus managed to escape the Labyrinth and flew to the sky, free. The flight of Daedalus and
Icarus was the first time that man managed to fight the laws of nature and beat gravity.
Icarus Death

Although he was warned, Icarus was too young and too enthusiastic about flying. He got excited by the thrill of flying and
carried away by the amazing feeling of freedom and started flying high to salute the sun, diving low to the sea, and then up
high again.

His father Daedalus was trying in vain to make young Icarus to understand that his behavior was dangerous, and Icarus soon
saw his wings melting.

Icarus fell into the sea and drowned. The Icarian Sea, where he fell, was named after him and there is also a nearby small
island called Icaria.

Module Code: PASAY –EN10-Q1-W7-D4

Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

1. Setting – is the time and place in which the story takes place. The definition of
setting can also include social statuses, weather, historical period, and details about
immediate surroundings. ... The setting provides the backdrop to the story and helps
create mood.
2. Characters - any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work.
3. Plot -is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story, or
the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence.

DIRECTIONS: Independently write a well-formed mini-essay explaining how the setting, character,
plot the other elements support the theme. Include at least a one-sentence introduction, two body
paragraphs, and a one sentence conclusion. You will be graded with the scale below.
QUESTION: What is the theme of “Pyramus and Thisbe” and how do the plot, setting and other
elements support that theme?

“Pyramus and Thisbe” Assessment

Name________________________ Date: _______________ Score: __________



4 3 2 1
Has a claim Has a weakness in Has weaknesses in two Has weaknesses in all
directly answering the claim, evidence, of the three categories: categories and many
the question, apt or the explanation. claim, evidence, or serious grammatical
textual evidence Has one or two explanation. Has quite errors.
supporting grammatical errors. a few grammatical
answer, and a errors.
clear explanation
tying the examples
to the claim. No

2.)Book: English 10 Learners’ Manual (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature) pp. 10-18

Module Writer: Ms. Maria Elisa L. Bayangos –PCEHS


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