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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Amas, Kidapawan City



The learners shall demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and
A. Content Standards underlying principles of the tools and equipment used in vegetable
The learners shall independently discuss the use of tools and
B. Performance Standards
equipment used in vegetable production.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Identify the different tools and equipment used in vegetable
Demonstrate the use and functions of the tools and equipment used
in vegetable production;
Express appreciation for the importance of tools and equipment in
daily life.
II. CONTENT/SUBJECT MATTER Tools and Equipment Used in Vegetable Production


A. References
Teacher’s Guide
Teacher’s Guide pages
Curriculum Guide, page 13
Learner’s Material pages TVL-TLE Vegetable Production Learning Module, pp. 31-33

Textbook pages n/a

Additional Materials from
Competency-based Learning Material, Grade 10
Learning Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Resources TV, PowerPoint Slide Decks, Laptop, Manila Paper, Pictures

• Daily Routine
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Attendance Checking
Presenting the New Lesson Setting of Standards
• Students will give a recapitulation of the previous lesson
• Motivation (Show a video clip on the different types of
vegetables and their production)
• Introduction of the lesson and learning objectives
B. Establishing a Purpose for the • Unlocking difficulties
Lesson o Cultivation means …
o Wedding is the act of …
o Pulverize refers to the process of…
• Have you experienced making vegetable garden plots? Do
C. Presenting Examples / Instances you have a vegetable garden at home? How did you do it? What
of the New Lesson implements or tools did you use in preparing your garden?
(The teacher publishes students’ responses on the board.)
D. Discussing new concepts and D.1. Activity
practicing new skills (leading to • Group Activity (Give the following instructions)
Formative Assessment #1, use a 1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
rubric to be used to rate learners’ 2. Perform the activity on “Jumbled Letters” (Refer to activity
performance/outputs) sheet.)
3. Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word.
(Present to the class the rubrics to guide them on the performance
of their task. After the activity, each group shall present their
output to be posted on the wall/board.)

D.2. Analysis

Process the outputs by asking the following questions:

1. How did you find the activity? Did you enjoy it? Did you
find it easy to do? (The teacher must publish the learner’s
responses on the board.)
2. What did you do to come up with the output or
performance? (The teacher must publish the learner’s responses
on the board.)
3. Did each member in the group have any contribution to
your output? Can you cite one member and her/his contribution to
the accomplishment of the task? (The teacher must publish the
learner’s responses on the board.)
4. With the rubrics as your guide, what score can you give to
your group’s output or performance? Call each group to rate their
output based on the rubrics or the teacher may call group 1 to rate
the performance or output of group 2, group 3 to rate group 1, and
group 2 to rate group 3. The teacher may correct what needs to be
corrected about the outputs or performance of the learners.
5. Congratulate all the groups for collaboratively trying their
best to come up with the outputs.
E. Discussing new concepts and E.1. Activity (The same groups shall collaboratively describe the
practicing new skills (leading to uses or functions of the tools assigned to them. The teacher shall
formative assessment #2, use a again present the rubrics to guide the groups in accomplishing
rubric to be used to rate learners’ their tasks.)
The teacher says: For 5 minutes, can you describe in your
own words the uses or functions of each garden tool?
Please be guided by this rubric in accomplishing this

(Presentation of outputs by each group follows.)

E.2. Analysis
Process the outputs or the performance of each group by asking
the following questions:
1. How did you find the activity? Was it easy? Was it
2. What did you do to come up with the output or
performance? (The teacher must publish the learner’s
responses on the board.)
3. Did each member in the group have any
contribution to your output? Can you cite one member and
her/his contribution to the accomplishment of the task?
(The teacher must publish the learner’s responses on the
4. With the rubrics as your guide, what score can you
give to your group’s output or performance? Call each
group to rate their output based on the rubrics or the
teacher may call group 1 to rate the performance or output
of group 2, group 3 to rate group 1, and group 2 to rate
group 3. The teacher may correct what needs to be
corrected about the outputs or performance of the learners.
5. Congratulate all the groups for collaboratively
trying their best to come up with the outputs.
F. Developing Mastery (leading to
Formative Assessment #3, use F.1. Activity
(The same group shall be given a set of garden tools and they shall
proceed to the laboratory area/demo area to perform the actual use
of the implements/tools. The teacher shall present in advance the
rubrics to rate the actual performance of each member of the
group. If time is not enough, this will be carried out the next day.
The teacher will just give instructions.)

At the demo area, the teacher says:

I will call each member of the group to grab a tool that I’m
going to name and show me how to use it properly.

F.2. Analysis
After the allotted time, the teacher gathers all the learners
and asks:
1. What did you feel while performing the task? Do you
think you were able to use the tool properly? (The teacher
calls each learner to respond. She/He must publish the
responses if a loose blackboard is available in the lab/demo
2. Can you now make a garden using different tools?
(Allow learners to respond with either yes or no.) Then the
teacher will say: I will identify an area for you to prepare and
grow vegetables.

The teacher asks: What garden tools do you have at home? Can you
G. Finding Practical Applications promise me that you will make a vegetable garden using the
of Concepts and Skills in Daily available tools in your home? Can you promise me to grow
Living vegetables in your garden plots? What vegetables are planning to
grow? Why?
H.1. Generalization (For the learners to answer, may be done
the next day if time is not enough.)
1. Why are tools and equipment important in vegetable
production? (The teacher must publish the responses if a loose
H. Making Generalizations and
blackboard is available in the lab/demo area.)
Abstractions about the Lesson 2. What are the advantages of learning the proper use of
tools and equipment? (The teacher may publish the learners’
responses if a loose blackboard is available in the area.)
H.2. Abstraction (For the teacher to carry out, may be done the
next day if time is not enough.)
o The teacher will deepen the learners’ understanding by
giving lectures or more inputs about the topic (The Importance of
Tools and Equipment and Advantages of Learning the Proper
Use of Tools and Equipment, etc.) using PowerPoint slide decks
purposely prepared.
Direction: Identify the tools and equipment used in vegetable
production. Match each picture on the left with its corresponding
I. Evaluating Learning functions or uses. Write only the letter of your answer on a ¼
sheet of pad paper.
(After the allotted time, the teacher shall check the learner’s answers.)

On a ½ sheet of pad paper, write at least five farm machinery

J. Additional Activities for
and their uses.
Application or Remediation



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? ____ YES No. of Learners who have caught up with the lesson: ______
No. of learners who have ____ NO If not, what will you do next? ________________________
caught up with the lesson ________________________________________________
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
Teaching Strategies that work well (Put a check on the blank.)
___Games ___ Peer Teaching
___Group Activities/Group Collaboration ___ 4A’s Approach
___Convergent & Divergent Thinking ___Think-Pair-Share
___ Problem-based Learning ___ Experiential Learning
E. Which of my teaching strategies ___ Reciprocal Teaching ___ Differentiated Instruction
worked well? Why did these ___ Inquiry-based Learning ___ Discussion
work? ___Chalk & Talk Method (Lecture Method) ___ Case Method
___ PowerPoint Presentation with animation ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Others, please specify: _________________________________________

___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Learners’ eagerness to learn
___ Group members’ cooperation in doing their tasks
___ Others, please specify: ____________________________________

___ Bullying ___ Learners’ behaviour/attitude

___ Colorful IMs ___ Unavailable Technology
F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD) ___ Reading Readiness
that my principal or supervisor ___ Additional Clerical Work
can help me solve? ___ Science Computer/Internet Lab
___ Others, please specify: ___________________________________

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
that I wish to share with other

Prepared by: ELENA T. RAQUEL, EdD Date: ________________________

Checked and Observed by: TITA P. RAYA, EdD Date: ___________________________

Principal IV

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