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Is it an unmade bed art?

Art has been evolving since it started to exist. Portraits, beautiful landscapes, abstract art, and in
our era “Conceptual art”. But conceptual art is not something strictly defined. So can anything, like
an unmade bed, be art?

On the first hand, some people disagree. They say that if anything is art, art does not have value
anymore. An unmade bed is something everyone can make, so why should it be praised when it is
in an art gallery or a museum? Also, they say it is a lack of respect for artists that need to practice a
lot more to get a beautiful result.

On the other hand, other people think an unmade bed is a piece of art. Indeed, presenting an
unmade bed is easier to make than a portrait. However, the concept needs to be thought through
and it has to mean something, it has to generate a feeling and make you think. Art can be anything
as long as it was made with the intention of being art. In the case of the unmade bed, shows a
hard time in the artist´s life and, perhaps, in actual society.

To conclude, an unmade bed is a piece of art since it could generate a feeling. In my opinion,
everything is art if it is said it is art.

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