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Organic Chemistry

Crude oil and hydrocarbons

Crude oil : Dầu thô

Crude oil is finite resource ( một ngày có thể hết dầu)

Crude oil is formed over millions of years from the remains of tiny sea creatures called plankton which
were buried in mud

Plankton : sinh vật phù du

Crude oil is a mixture of molecules call hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons are molecules made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms only

Example : Methane and ethane are alkanes ( The word scientists called )

Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2

Example : Propane is an alkane with 3 carbon atoms. Draw the structure of propane

Alkanes are saturated molecules because the carbon atoms are fully bonded to hydrogen atoms

Saturated : bão hòa

Bão hòa là trạng thái ko thể thêm vào hay hòa tan dc nữa

Properti es of hydrocarbons
-Viscosity tells us the thickness of a fluid

Viscosity : Độ nhớt, Thichness : Độ dày

As the size of the hydrocarbon molecules increases, the molecules get more viscous

Long chain hydrocarbons are extremely viscous

-Flammability tells us how easily a hydrocarbons get burn

Flammability : Độ cháy

As the size of the hydrocarbon molecules increases, the molecules get less flammable
-Boiling points tells us the boiling point bruh

As the size of the hydrocarbon molecules increases, the boiling point increased

Combustion of Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbon fuels release energy when combusted ( burned )
During combustion the carbon and hydrogen atoms in the fuel react with O2. The C and H are oxidized

If the O2 is unlimited, it will produce Carbons dioxide and water

Scientists call this complete combustion

Example : CH4 + O2 -> CO2 + H2O

 CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O

C3H8 + O2 -> CO2 + H2O

 C3H8 + 5O2 -> 3CO2 + 4H2O

Fracti onal Disti llati on of Crude oil

In order for the hydrocarbons in crude oil to be useful, we have to separate them by using fractional

Firstly, the crude oil is heated to high temperature to make it boil

The crude oil is now fed into the fractional distillation column

Hyrdrocarbons condense which is turn back into liquid when they reach their bp

The remaining hydrocarbons continue moving up the column

It will condense when reach bp

Fractions contain hydrocarbons with a similar number of carbon atoms

Some fraction are use as feedstock for the petrochemical industry

Fractions : Phân số

Feedstock : Nguyên liệu

Alkenes : unsaturated hydrocarbons> Molecules of these compounds contain a C=C double bond
somewhere in the chain and they have the general formula C nH2n

Butene :

Pentene :
In cracking, a long-chain alkane is broken down ( cracked )

+The first way is called catalytic cracking using high temperature and catalyst

Catalyst : xúc tác

+Second way is called steam cracking using high temperature and steam

Steam : hơi nước

Alkenes have a double covalent bond between two carbon atoms

One key fact about alkenes is that they are more reactive than alkanes

In an addition reaction, two substances add together to form a single product

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