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Selected work
Valentina Martin

INTRODUCTION This portfolio is a demonstration of the projectual, artistic

and reflective skills that I have acquired throughout my stu-
dies within the career of Architecture, having as main purpo-
se the creation of spaces designed for the human being.

Here will be presented a series of works in a chronological

way where will be exposed, in a brief and concise way, the
critical look of each project, including its context, functiona-
lity, spatiality, and way to solve a social problem through


01 About me... | 04
Valentina Martin Millán

02 Curriculum vitae | 05
Education and experience

03 Architectural Projects
Veleta house | 08
Center for the disable | 14
PET Brick factory | 20
Host gardens | 26
Re competition | 32
Personal project

04 Personal Project | 38

Valentina Martin


Valentina Martín Millán 3157790715

Cali, Colombia
Julio, 1999

Architect with emphasis in Environment and Biocli-

matic, at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Mo-
tivated to develop creative and interdisciplinary pro-
jects, enhancing the skills of creativity, curiosity,
dynamism and leadership, obtaining positive results.

Also, interested in getting knowledge in diffe-

rent areas such as design, illustration, writing,
construction, exact sciences, and astronomy.

Spanish (Native)
English (B2)


Bilingual academic high school
Freinet school Cali (2015-2017)

English Training (Exchange)

Canadian Language Learning College (CLLC) Toronto, Canada (2017)

Undergraduate Degree in Architecture

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Cali (2018-2023)

Habitat Research Group

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Research Group (2021)

Magazine #477
Writer and network coordinator of the Mexican architecture magazine
#477. (2021-2022)

Magazine FOCUS
Co founder, writer and network coordinator of the architecture Latin
magazine FOCUS. (2023 - currently)

Vertical Workshop - Design of urban forests | First Place
Javeriana University Competition. (2022)

Re Competition | Second place

Universidad del Valle Competition. (2022)

Guerrero Cardenas Company

Commercial mock-up, and brochure for the sale of a house in Palmira,
Valle. (2022)

CDI Competition | Al Cuadrado

Early childhood education center for infants in Bogota. (2022)

Student practice | Espacio Colectivo

Different activities from 2d and 3d drawing, rendering, schematic
design, contests, layout, among other things. (2022)

Junior architect | Tag Studio

Different activities with projects in charge. (2023 - currently)


Photoshop Indesign Illustrator Autocad Revit

Sketchup Rhino Lumion Microsoft office

Valentina Martin


Year: 2019
Team: Valentina Martín - Laura Arteaga
Type: Single family house
Role: Designer
Status: Completed

*Basic Integral Project carried out in the sixth semester

This project aims to take all the knowledge learned throughout all the
project workshops of each semester to design a single-family house
with a specific client in mind.

It began with the design of the site, which contains a public space for all
the houses, access roads and lots where the houses will be designed.
These designs were put to a vote among the students of the workshop
to choose which site design they would work on for the rest of the se-
mester, choosing the site design on the right.

Afterwards, a plot of land and a client with a specific program were as-
signed to each group of two people. The design of the house goes from
the volumetric to the smallest detail.

Valentina Martin

The house is conformed by four volumes that make the shape of a spinner, having 4 entrances in the middle,
which can help to give direction to the wind, making it cross the house through its interior. The four volumes are
placed according to the elevation coordinates, generating levels inside the house. The facades that have the main
view are the north and south, which means that the sun will not get into the house that often.

Valentina Martin

According to the roofs, it was designed depending on the location of each volume, if it is on one level, it has a flat roof,
if it is on two or more levels it has a roof that lowers in proportion to the level.


Valentina Martin


Year: 2020
Team: Valentina Martín
Type: Health equipment
Role: Designer
Status: Completed

*Basic Integral Project carried out in the sixth semester

This project aims to take all the knowledge learned throughout all the
project workshops of each semester to design a center for the disabled
in the city of Cali, applying the bioclimatic knowledge acquired in the
subjects of the emphasis.

It began by seeking to fit into the environment using the concept of si-
nuosity as a focus for its design; this concept came from understan-
ding the place where it was located and the amount of biodiversity that
existed, relating the sinuosity with the existing nature. It was applied to
the general shape of the spaces, as well as the paths and the way of
inhabiting the space.

The planimetry of the constructive details of the spaces within the cen-
ter for the disabled was carried out at the micro scale.

Valentina Martin

This center for the disabled is conceived as a space where the disabled can move around different places wi-
thout having rigid routes when going from one place to another. It is a sinuous and fluid space in which the user
will have different access routes to the internal spaces. As for its envelope, it is delimited by a semi-translucent
screens where you can see what happens inside and vice versa..

Valentina Martin

As for the roof, it is sinuous and seeks to generate the same visual movement in the user, where he can have different sensory experiences given
by the differences that the roof has at all times. It is made up of the same internal truss, but what varies is the substructure that comes with it
and is the one that generates the different undulations. In addition, this structure generates an air chamber that helps the roof not to overheat.

Valentina Martin


Year: 2022
Team: Valentina Martín
Type: Industry
Role: Designer
Status: Completed

*Integral project 2 | Eighth semester.

This project aims to take all the knowledge learned throughout all the
project workshops of each semester to design a factory, in this case, a
pet brick factory.

I started looking for problems in the city of Cali and found that the mana-
gement of garbage was one of them. This project seeks to give a second
use to the plastics found in the garbage, creating bricks based on this. In
addition, this project seeks to employ garbage collectors from the streets,
and provide an educational benefit to those who work in the factory or
others interested in construction workshops, being this also an educa-
tional place.

This project goes from macro to micro scale.

*Render by architect Juan Galvis

Valentina Martin

This project comprises vaults, one next to the other, in which openings are generated at specific points to allow
air circulation into the interior and have windows in their shorter facades to allow cross ventilation. Between one
vault and the other, there are gardens that improve the internal climate of the building and give life to the places.
Besides being a PET brick factory, it is also a school for those who want to learn more about waste recycling.

Valentina Martin

As for its envelope, it should be noted that it is an architectural recovery project. The facade facing the exterior was recovered and reinforced,
and it is the facade that will have three fronts of the project. The only facade that is designed from scratch is the one that begins the educational
area of the project. The facade is a brick wall that has both rectangular and circular openings; it was formerly a factory as well.

Valentina Martin
Valentina Martin


Year: 2022
Team: Valentina Martín
Type: Landscaping
Role: Designer
Status: Completed

*Architecture Thesis | Ninth semester

Grade: 4.9 / 5.0

This project seeks to use all the knowledge acquired during

all semesters of my degree in architecture to solve a problem
that currently exists in the west of the Colombian city of Cali.

In the western area, there is one of the most stigmatized and unequal
neighborhoods of the city known as Siloe, which was consolidated
due to the migration of families from different areas of the coun-
try, becoming a point of convergence between different cultures.
Due to poor urban planning and high housing density, the neigh-
borhood has very high rates of violence, inequality, and poverty.

The inhabitants do not have effective public space due to high housing
density, which is why the number of green natural spaces for social co-
hesion is practically null and even if there is a creek, it is in a very poor
condition. This is why the objective of the project is to provide a sloping li-
near park with host gardens, which integrally improves the neighborhood
through the recovery of the natural creek so that the transversal connec-
tion between the hills and the urban city can be recovered in the future.

*Render by architect Juan Galvis

Valentina Martin

1. Ecological path 1. Butterfly garden 2. Commercial stands

2. Productive area 3. Lagoons 3. Main lagoon

Host Gardens has three landscapes, the contemplative one located in the upper zone, the productive one in the middle zone
and the interactive one in the lower zone. All of them seek to relate to water in different ways. The first seeks to renaturalize
the environment by bringing with it different species that can be contemplated by humans. The second seeks to generate eco-
nomic activity through public productive gardens and seed laboratories. And the third seeks to interact directly with the water
by generating lagoons that also slow down the current of the creek. In all its points it seeks to restore and revitalize the creek.


Valentina Martin

The project consists of an aerial walkway that lands on certain platforms where different activities take place. Within these zones there are spaces
that can be built by the inhabitants since the materials used are easily accessible. One of these spaces is the butterfly garden, which is a plastic
wood structure to which a grid is attached to serve as a support for the climbing plants that will attract the fauna species.

Valentina Martin


Year: 2022
Team: Valentina Martín - Laura Arteaga - Sebastian García - Daniel Villota
Type: Public space
Role: Designer
Status: Second place winner

*Re competition | New acces for Universidad del Valle

This competition consisted on designing a new access to the Universidad

del Valle, which would form a public space that would serve as a stage for
events related to art.

Taking into account that the campus of the university is one of the most
biodiverse areas of fauna and flora, it was decided that this new space
would provide a little of this biodiversity of the campus to the city. This is
why the project consists on a public space made up of vertical gardens
that seek to make this access a small oasis before the natural richness of
the interior, turning nature into art.

By creating this space for plant biodiversity, the aim is to improve the
quality of the environment, minimize the negative effects caused by en-
vironmental deterioration and promote healthy coexistence among the
users who attend it.

Valentina Martin

It is considered essential to conceive this new access as a part of the city that offers the university to the citizens. To this purpose, we
seek to offer a space of social environmental awareness, thought as a piece of the ecosystem of the campus, which is extracted from
the campus to the outside to be shared as an area that gives value to the collective and allows the encounter with nature.

Valentina Martin

The project consists of an aerial walkway that lands on certain platforms where different activities take place. Within these zones there are spaces
that can be built by the inhabitants since the materials used are easily accessible. One of these spaces is the butterfly garden, which is a plastic
wood structure to which a grid is attached to serve as a support for the climbing plants that will attract the fauna species.

Valentina Martin
Valentina Martin

Besides architecture, one of my passions is illustra-
tion, especially digital illustration, in which I make
illustrations using free topics.

Check it out if you want to see more!


Te miro

Valentina Martin



Mr Nobody

Valentina Martin

Tormenta de arena



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