6s Safety Checklist 1243609504

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6S Safety Checklist-Sofia Clava-05.05.

23 14:47-1
With this 6S safety checklist, you can identify hazards or potential risks.

Total result Created actions

75% 1

Topics Achieved score Potential score Result

Header - - -
Audit 15 20 75%
Total 15 20 75%

Prepared by Sofia Clava

Conducted at 5/5/2023, 2:47 PM

Actions (1)
Action Deadline Assignee Status Priority Query
Sofia Clava, Lieza
Safety checlist Pending High -

Use these numbers for your inspection:

3 - There is a capacity to sustain it.
2 - This is being complied more
1 - It is done, but not orderly.
0 - It is not done at all.
N/A - Not Applicable


Is there a general clutter free appearance? Yes 1 points
Is there a general clutter free appearance? Yes 1 points
Are tops and insides of all cupboards, shelves, tables,
2 2 points
etc. free of rejected items?
Are items deposited according to the frequency of
3 3 points
Is the floor area free of unusable items? 2 2 points
Are walls free of old posters, calendars, pictures,
2 2 points
notices etc.?
Attach photo\(s) of red tagged objects -


Does every item of equipment have an identification
Is there a general orderliness? -
Are all cables, wires, pipes etc. neat and straight? -
Are all rooms, cubicles and comparable areas clearly
numbered or named?
Are special areas demarcated for
garbage/rejects/waste, etc.?
Are direction indications accessible to all plants from
the entrance onwards?
Are switches, fan regulators, controls, etc. labelled? -

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Is colour coding used adequately for clear
Is it easy to find any object/document without delay? -
Identify and allocate a section for all the materials
required for your work.

Are cleaning plans available and displayed? 3 3 points
Is usage of appropiate cleaning tools evident? 1 1 points
Are devices, equipment, tools, furniture maintained at
a high level of cleanliness and their sustenance -
schedules displayed?
Are floors, walls, windows doors etc. sustained at a
high level of cleanliness?
Is there a general image of cleanliness around? -

Do paths/gangways have a standard size and colour? -
Is a daily checklist used to standardize 5s methods? -
Are standard checklists implemented to routinely
inspect 5S?
Are labels, notes etc. standardized? -
Are pipes, cables etc. colour-coded? -

Is there a method for how and when the 5S activities
will be performed?
Does management give support to 5S programme by
recognition, resources and management?
Are first 3S a part of the daily work? -
Do workers show a positive interest in 5S activities? -
Are 5S posters and 5S points of work reminders
Are trainings and other performances implemented to
sustain workplace organization?

Click + Add to add a Job Step of the task being assessed

Write down the job step description -
What is the potential risk or hazard identified while
task is being performed (select all that apply)
Rate risk/ hazard before control measures -
Take a photo of step/ activity (Optional) -
Hazard Control Measures -


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Any Recommendation? -
Overall Rating: -
Name and Signature of the Inspector: -

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