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Work immersion sounds stressful for senior high-school students. Yet, as part of

the K to 12 curriculum, we science, technology, engineering and mathematics (Stem)

students were required to gain relevant learning experiences through actual work. We

were assigned to specific partner institution, business organization or establishment

parallel to our specializations in order to help us reinforce our knowledge from

classrooms and enhance our skills. But The only way to do great work is to love what

you do. For almost 10 days and counting of having Work Immersion, I could say it was

really such a great adventure, it really was a great experience for me and I would

treasure it for my whole life. This was the first time that I’ve felt being like an employee,

I’ve never imagined such thrilling event in my life. All of the struggling, sacrifices, pain,

laughter and happiness that we’ve shared.

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