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FICTION – may be a literary composition of imaginative narration, it can be in oral or

written form, used to entertain and many more.

Short stories- a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less
elaborate than a novel.
Novel- A novel may be a long, fictional narrative which describes intimate human
experiences. The novel within the era usually makes use of a literary prose style.
Safire- a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.
Parables- A parable may be a short, didactic story that's meant to show an ethical or
principal. Parables use human characters in believable situations in order that the
reader or listener feels ready to relate.
Romances- a term used to describe medieval tales dedicating with the lovers and
adventures of Kings, queens, knights and ladies and unlikely supernatural happenings.

NONFICTION–a literary composition of real happenings, a narration of

expression supported history and facts whose main focus is an intellectual capacity that
ntends to convey facts, theories, and generalizations, or concepts on a particular topic.

a. Autobiography- someone’s account of his life.

b. Essay- a brief examination of a subject in prose, usually expressing personal
view or opinion.

POETRY- may be a sort of literature that conveys an idea , describes a scene or tells a
story during a concentrated, lyrical arrangement of words.
a. Lyric Poetry- usually brief that focuses on emotions or thoughts of speaker.
- Sonnet- is a type of poem composed of 14 lines of verse that follow
specific rhyme and scheme.
- Petrarchan Sonnet (Itallian)- has eight-line beginning called octave
and six-line conclusion abba-abba-cde-cde
- Shakespearean Sonnet (English)- a lyric poem of times written in
Lambic pentameter with three quatrains and concluding a couplet.

Ode- is a complex and often lengthy lyric poem written in formal style on some subjects.

Simple Lyric- a short descriptive pictorial or meditative poem.

Elegy- a lyrics poem which expresses mourning, usually over the death.

Sing- a short lyric intended to be sung.

b. Narrative Poetry- lyric poem that narrates a story.

- Epic- usually centers important character that embodies values of a
particular society.
- Ballad- narrative poem that depends on regular verse patterns and
strong rhymes for its effect.
c. Dramatic Poetry- one or more characters speaks, allows writers to reveal
characters directly to dialogue.
- Drama- story written to be acted on stage.
a. Comedy- usually ends happily due to the hero or heroin
overcome the challenges and get she/he wants.
b. Tragedy- dignified tragic figure that meets destruction like
c. Force- type of comic play that stations and characters coarsely
wit and used to everybody laughs


PROSE – written in sentences and paragraphs which give information, relate events,
express ideas, or present opinions.

POETRY – expressed in verse, measure, rhythm, sound, and imaginative language and
creates an emotional response to an experience, feeling, or fact.

Fiction (short story, novel, folktale, fable, legend)

Poetry Essay Drama / Play Arts – paintings, drawings, music, and dances


Elements of Fiction Characters (protagonist, antagonist, foil, background)

Plot (exposition, narrative hook, conflict, rising action, complication, climax, falling
action, denouement/conclusion)

Setting (place, time, situation, mood)

Theme – the overall feeling which the story revolves Point of View (first-person- actor,
third person-narrator, omniscient-all knowing)

Structure or style (traditional or linear, modern or episodic)

Mood and Tone (lonely, happy, suspense, horror, fantastic, etc.)


Plot Peripeteia – the reversal of fortune Anagnorisis – recognition of (ignorance of

knowledge and vice versa)

Hamartia – tragic flaw Catharsis – the feeling of pity & fear Hubris – problem

Open ending – hanging Close ending synopsis , On Drama Narrator (Modern drama)
Messenger (Greek drama) Chorus (Greek drama) Soliloquy Aside Playwright, Author,
Poet, Novelist, Essayist, Orator, Public Speaker Dialogue and Script Scene and Act
Stage and Stagecraft (end-stage, thrust stage, arena) Costume, mask, makeup, set
Lighting (spotlight, floodlight, shade)









Alliteration / Repetition



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