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King Saud University CE-462

College of Engineering 2nd Semester 1443H.

Civil Engineering Department Dr. Mohammad Al-Haddad
Eng. Abobaker Salem

Term Project

Given: Different Cases of RC Frames of Existing Parking Buildings are assigned for the
students randomly as below:

S.No Student’s Name Student’s Number Assignment- Frame on Grids *

1. ‫سعد بن عبدالله بن دخيل‬ 437100447 D’/ 43’ – 49
2. ‫عبدالباري بن عبدالله الهويمل‬ 437102569 36/A’’ – F’
3. ‫عبدالعزيز بن فهد الفليج‬ 438100296 B’/34’ - 37
4. ‫نواف بن يوسف الربيعان‬ 438100633 43’/A’ – F’
5. ‫فيصل بن سعد الخريف‬ 438101553 C’/49’ - 52
6. ‫محمد بن خالد العقيل‬ 438101839 E’/34’- 37
7. ‫احمد بن حسن العمري‬ 438102122 37/A’’ – F’
8. ‫اياد بن علي التويجري‬ 438102667
9 ‫حسام بن خالد ابودجين‬ 438104351 39/A’’ – F’
10 ‫وائل بن علي الشهري‬ 438104832
* use the link below to get your frame information on Auto-Cad!AlyYaxEoMsR8gRgmb9xewQf48XyT?e=2eJfi4

1. Make a plan drawing showing the frame with its tributary area from adjacent slab panels,
level by level.
2. Draw structural idealization (2D-line frame) showing section diagrams, members' lengths,
including footing.
3. Draw the complete frame showing dimensions with a reasonable scale:
4. Draw the reinforcement of your frame according to the given detailing for the shaded sub
frame shown above.
5. Create an extended reinforcement table for your frame for top, bottom and shear for three
locations per span (left, middle and right).
6. Calculate and sketch the dead, live and design loads on the frame.
7. Perform structural analysis and design by Etabs Using 2D model for your frame.
8. Design manually a selected beam, column, and footing of your frame
9. Write a short report and prepare a short PowerPoint presentation (Maximum 25 Slides). The
report and the presentation shall include the following items:
a) Title, Objective, and Description of your frame including the outcome of all points
b) Main input of Etabs modeling (Geometry, and Loads)
c) Main Results of the Etabs.
d) The manual design check
e) Tables for comparisons between actual (original) design, Etabs Design, and the manual

Note: Explanation on an example of previous projects will be recorded on LMS and sent to you

Good Luck

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