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By Arif Naseem 2009­2021

KGMU Proff Surgery Subjective (2009 ­ 2021)

1. Wound, Wound Healing & Scar

- Wound healing (2021,2020 Supply, 2018)
- Factor affecting wound healing (2010 Supply)
- Keloid (2014)
- Difference between keloid and hypertrophic scar (2012)

9. Burn & Post burn contracture

- Management of burn (2014)

7. Ulcer Sinus & Fistula

- Discuss the pathogenesis of diabetic foot. How will you treat a case of diabetic foot ulcer of Wagner grade one?(2011, 2010)
- Differential diagnosis of leg ulcer (2010 Supply)
- Fournier gangrene (2011)

13. Skin Lesion & Skin Tumor

- Premalignant condition on skin (2011)
- Basal cell carcinoma (2011 Supply)
- Marjolijn"s ulcer & Treatment(2012 ,2010 Supply)
- Cold abscess (2013)

18. Salivary Gland

- Classical parotid tumor. Write management of adenoid cystic carcinoma of parotid gland and need of lymph node dissection (2013)
- Pleomorphic adenoma (2011)
- Erythroplekia of oral cavity (2013)
- Tobacco related cancer (2009)

19. The Neck

- Thyroglossal cyst (2020 Supply,2012)

20. Thyroid Gland

- Surgical anatomy of thyroid gland. (2021)
- Write in short operative steps of thyroidectomy and management of post operative hypocalcemia (2018 Supply)
- Write in brief about principle and practice of SLNB (Sentinel lymph node biopsy) (2018 Supply)
- Lateral aberrant thyroid (2013)

Toxic Thyroid (2018,2012,2009)

- Preparation of a toxic thyroid patient for surgery. (2009)
- Primary toxic goiter (2018)
- Toxic nodule (2012)

Grave Disease (2010,2009)

- What is grave disease? Discuss clinical picture, diagnosis and management of this disease(2010)
- Describe clinical feature of grave disease. How do you manage malignant exophthalmos (2009)

21. Parathyroid & Adrenal

- Hyperparathyroidism (2019)

22. Chest wall, Pleural and Lung

- Describe cause , clinical picture, investigation and management of chronic empyema thoraces (2021,2010 Supply)
- Tension pneumothorax (2020 Supply,2010 Supply)
- Flail chest (2019,2014,2009)
- Empyema necessities (2013)

24. Venous Disorder & Lymph edema

- Clinical feature & Management of varicose vein (2018)
- Management of varicose ulcer (2012)
- Intermittent claudication (2014)
- Describe the etiology , pathology, clinical presentation and management of fat embolism (2012)
- Deep vein thrombosis (2011,2010 Supply)

25. The Breast

- Fibroadenoma of breast (2020)
- Cause of breast lump. Discuss the management of 45 year lady with cancer of left breast (2014)
- Discuss the differential diagnosis of breast lump. Write in brief management of locally advanced breast cancer in operable type (2013)
- Enumerate cause of breast lump. Discuss management of inoperable cancer breast (2012)
- Describe in detail etiopathogenesis, clinical feature and management of carcinoma breast (2010 Supply)
- Mammographic findings of breast cancer (2012,2009)
- Cystosarcoma phylloides (2018)
- Duct ectasia (2013)
- AND (Aberrations of normal development and involution) (2010)

28. The Stomach & Duodenum

- H.Pylori its role in peptic ulcer and medical treatment in short (2020 Supply)
- Cause and management of gastric outlet obstruction (2018,2014)

29. The Liver

- Enumerate the cause of right hypochondrial lump. (2013)
- Amoebic liver abscess & Management (2013,2011,2011 Supply,)
- Hydatid cyst of liver & Management (2012,2011 Supply)
- Percutaneous transluminal biliary drainage (2013)
- ERCP & Its utility (2012,2011 Supply)

30. Gall Bladder & Bile Duct

- Complication of Gall stones. (2021,2010 Supply)
- Role of ERCP in surgical obstructive jaundice (2014)
- Enumerate cause of surgical obstructive jaundice Discuss in detail management of cancer GB (2012,2011 Supply)
- Mucocoele gall bladder (2011 Supply)
- Cystic hygroma (2014,2011 Supply)
- Cholecystic enteric fistula (2011 Supply)
- Capsule endoscopy (2011 Supply)

31. The Pancreas

- Pseudocyst of pancreas (2019,2013)
- Write causes of acute pancreatitis and management of pseudo pancreatic cyst (2011 Supply)
- Ranson's criteria (2010,2009)

32. Spleen
- Complication of splenectomy (2018 Supply)
- Clinical feature and management of splenic injury (2014)

34. Small & large intestine

- Management of duodenal perforation (2014)
- Intussusception & Management (2013,2012)
- Carcinoid of appendix (2011 Supply)

GI Bleed
- Enumerate cause of lower GI bleed various investigation. Management of ulcerative colitis in brief (2020)
- Enumerate cause of lower GI bleeding. Discuss diagnostic and management approach only (2011 Supply)
- Enumerate the cause of upper GI bleeding. Discuss the management of bleeding oesophageal varies (2014,2011)

35. Intestine Obstruction

- Large bowel polyps and polyposis syndromes (2010)
- Describe in detail aetiology, pathogenesis , type and management of intestinal & Acute intestinal obstruction (2011,2012)

36. The Vermiform Appendix

- Enumerate caused of right iliac fossa pain clinical feature and management of acute appendicitis in short (2020 Supply)
38. The Anus & Anal Canal
- What are hemorrhoid's ? Write various type of management of hemorrhoid (2018 Supply)
- Treatment of grade 3 hemorrhoid (2012)
- Surgical treatment of hemorrhoid's (2010 Supply)
- Imperforate anus (2010 Supply)
- Chronic anal fissure(2010)
- Medical and surgical management of acute anal fissure. (2009)

39. Trauma
- Damage control surgery (2020)
- Minimal invasive surgery (2020)
- Minimal access surgery (2018)
- G.C.S (Glasgow coma scale) (2019,2014)
- Extradural hematoma (2010)
- Early assessment of management of trauma (2014)
- Discuss the in hospital initial management of a multiple injured patient following road traffic crash (2013)
- Describe disaster management (2011)
- What is trimodal mortality pattern in trauma. How will you manage a case of impalement injury (2010 Supply)
- Blood component therapy (2010)
- Surgical site infections (SSIs) (2010)
- Describe the various manifestation of thoracic trauma. Outline the management of thoracic trauma(2010)
- What is triage ? How do you manage a case of splenic trauma (2009)
- Lucid interval (2009)
- What is traumatic brain injury? (2009)
(a) What are the different types of injury?
(b) Write in short the management of epidural hematoma?
- Epidural anaesthesia. (2009)

40. Hernia
- Femoral hernia (2013)

44. The Kidney & Ureter

- Horse shoe kidney (2020)
- Pigment stones (2012)
- Discuss the renal injuries covering degree of renal injuries, clinical feature, evaluation, treatment & complication (2011 Supply)
- Define hydronephrosis and discuss its etiopathogenesis and management (2010 Supply)
- Enumerate the cause of urinary retention. Outline the diagnostic approach (2010 Supply)
- Describe the various factor leading to formation of stones in urinary tract . Enumerate the various type of urinary tract stones. Discuss the
management of renal stones (2009)

45. Urinary Bladder

- Enumerate the cause of hematuria and briefly discuss management of superficial bladder tumor (2014)
- Describe the clinical symptoms and sign of Genito­urinary tuberculosis. Discuss the management of such a case(2010)

46. The prostate

- Management of BPH (2011 Supply)
- Enumerate various cause of hematuria. Describe in detail etiopathogenesis clinical feature and management of carcinoma prostate (2010)

47. The Urethra

- Hypospadias (2020 Supply,2011 Supply,2010)
- Management of ureteric stone (2011 Supply)

49. The Testis & Scrotum

- Differences between Torsion testes and Acute Epididymo­orchitis (2021)
- Undescended testis (2019)
- Discuss the embryology of testicular descent . Describe the various positions of undescended testis and its management (2009)

- Generalized lymphadenopathy (2019)
- Berger's disease (2014)
- Carbuncle (2012)
- Cellulitis and lymphangitis (2012)
- Central nutrition (2011)
- Total parenteral nutrition (2011)
- Tetanus (2011 Supply)
- CA­125 (2011 Supply)
- Enumerate various cause of cervical lymphadenopathy and describe enteropathogenesis , clinical presentation ,investigation and treatment of ­
tubercular cervical lymphadenopathy (2011 Supply)
- How would you identify concealed hemorrhage post surgery (2018 Supply)
- Enumerate clostridial infections in human body & their management (2018 Supply)
- Premalignant condition of pend & there treatment in short (2013)

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