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You are on page 1of 2 1, Proprictary and personal right rahe sftee an afte sefuerre an gen @ 2 | Printed Paes 2, Damnum sine injuria, siatern fier att fr aed & 2 3. Mediate and immediate possession. 12274 FRG Ae HoTaEA eH eM eat & ? 4. State Sovereigny. wa wT aT aE? 5. Contingent rights. (20819) Roll Na, ‘Total Questions = 13) LL.B. IInd Semester Examination, May-2019 LAW 2 (urisprudence-t1) 2 2 ‘venti otfrare fet wed € 2 2 2 (Legal Concepts) ee 2 2 (K-2001) 2 2 Section-B (avE=) z 3 (New Course) 8 8 ‘Short Answer Type Questions a j a g (ara atta ae) 10x2=20 E Time : 3 Hrs. | LMM. = 100 Note Attempt any swo questions. = Note = Auempt all the Sections as por insructions. g 8 fed @ wet # om circ) g Bis Rogan Fe aire 6 What is conventional custom’? When does it wes = ‘ become binding ? Seaton (aus + rome af fo et 2 a ed a Very Short Answer Type Questions wae? af aq arta wD 4xS=20 7. Write a short note on Superiority of Legislation over recedent. [Note + Attempt al the five questions. P awe ais Se fing fr Rear fe and uta wea & sae ia eey 1 Tunower NR-202 mm NR-202 @) Ihitp:/ Ihitp:/ i 8. Explain the characteristics of a legal right. fates steer & geo ee aif) Seetion-C (TEA) Long Answer Type Questions cat sata weD 20%3=60 Note Attempt any three questions. fared aia weil # sat dif 9. In administration of justice why punishment is said 10 be as ends of justice. Also explain theory of punishment sete ae TT ae Rt fs sare fre Wa w waua Go arene Bi eo & ror St ata wii) 10. What is obiter dita ? Distinguish berween obter dicta and ratio decidendi capitis aes fw wea ED orgies aes am ‘feet fearstest a oR ere sf) 11. What is codification ? What are the merits and demerits of codifications ? ‘ee an efeeree @ ate eH Sia 2 eae ao ee Se afi fear & sare NR-202 (9) Tun Over Ihutp:/ sas09' matey 5 ; ihtip:// 12. What are primary and secondary functions of the state ? : wea matte ver fins are ferry 13. What do you mean by justice and what are the kinds of justice ? a a sd wre Ge aw sat a ot ifr pyar ‘Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Send your old paper & get 10 seed ja ted ak ate 10 a ek Pavtm oF Goose Pas 3 NR~-202 inwp:/ sasa9' mayday 5

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