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Problem A

1. Various factors can push an organization into some form of change, including polit-
ical, social, economic, environmental and technological pressures.
2. Management need to be proactive in order to anticipate and adapt to the increasing
rate of change. Proactive change involves actively attempting to make alterations to
the work place and its practices. Companies that take a proactive
approach to change are often trying to avoid a potential future threat or to capitalize
on a potential future opportunity.
3. There are three types of change that all managers have to be aware of: these are
Developmental Change; Transitional Change and Transformational Change.

4. There are some strategies for implementing change I have experienced before, such
as communicate

Problem B

In oncology, as in most medical practices, much of the work is done by teams.

Communication within a team calls for clarifying goals, structuring responsibilities, and
giving and receiving credible feedback.
The lack of systematic education about how teams work is the biggest hurdle for physicians
in building a team culture, according to Cohn.

“We've learned team behaviors from our clinical mentors, who also had no formal team
training. The styles we learn most in residency training are ‘command and control’ and the
‘pace setting approach,’ in which the leader doesn't specify what the expectations are, but
just expects people to follow his or her example.”

But a team approach is also highly effective in reaching other goals in a physician practice,
such as decreasing patient waiting times, recruiting patients for a clinical trial, or developing
a community education program.

Promote the team culture by making different individuals responsible for specific agenda
items. Follow-up on previous task assignments as the first agenda item to hold group
members accountable for the team's success.

Problem C

The idea here is that the elbow is a ‘neutral area’ and so the other person will react
positively and not see this gesture as intrusive. It partly depends on whether the person can
do this NVC in a way which appears natural and spontaneous.

Even if they can, we still doubt that this strategy will guarantee co-operation from the other
person. These signals would have to be reinforced by what the person was saying and their
other NVC.
Problem D

Solusi yg ditawarkan oleh para pedagang took tradisional jepang termasuk solusi yang
bagus. Solusi tersebut dapat mempermudah mereka untuk meminimalisir kerugian dan
ruang yang ada di toko mereka, meskipun di sisi lain, sebagai pelanggan mungkin tidak
merasa senyaman penjual karena mereka harus menunggu beberapa hari untuk
mendapatkan barang yg mereka cari

Dengan adanya e commerce, masalah tersebut bisa diatasi. E commerce memudahkan

pelanggan dan penjual untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Penjual juga bisa mengambil
untung lebih tinggi denga nada nya servis delivery, yang dimana akan memudahkan para
pembeli untuk membeli kebutuhan mereka

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