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STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

This type of research studies the processes and

outcomes of a solution aimed at a specific problem.
Formative research seeks to improve human actions
regarding specific conditions on a specific problem,
Study these Terms while summative research focuses on judging the
• Research – a scientific method of collecting, analyzing, effectiveness of a program, policy, or product (the
interpreting, and presenting data. solution).
• Basic Research – a type of research that focuses on
explaining phenomena. 4. Action Research
• Applied Research – a type of research that focuses on This type of research tries to solve problems within a
looking for possible solutions. program, organization, or community. The researchers
• Evaluation Research – a type of research that focuses in this type of study are usually those within the
on evaluating an action or solution. program, organization, or community, in contrast with
• Action Research – a type of research that focuses on other research types in which the researcher is usually
specific problems in specific groups. outside of the phenomenon to be studied.
• Qualitative Research – a type of research that deals
with forming new knowledge. Importance of Research
• Quantitative Research – a type of research used in 1. Brings new knowledge
analyzing knowledge using statistical tools. 2. Clears issues
3. Solves problems
4.Trains one’s mind
PILIIN MO NAMAN AKO PLS 5. Assists human needs and wants, develops society,
and leads to progress
Definition of Research
Is a method of collecting, presenting, organizing, ANDITO NAMAN AKO??
classifying, analyzing, and interpreting data in order to
produce new sets of knowledge and practices. Typically, Characteristics of Research
research begins with a question that will be
systematically analyzed - that is, using the scientific 1. Systematic - A system is followed in research
method - to produce answers or solutions. The writing.
observation of a specific phenomenon can be 2. Empirical - Good research should be supported
considered the starting point for research. by evidence and relevant details for each
variable (the object and/or phenomena to be
According to Patton (1990), four main types of research investigated) used in the study.
are used for different purposes. These are: 3. Clear - The researcher should properly explain
1. Basic Research the research variables.
This research focuses on understanding and explaining a explaining the variables should be presented to provide
specific phenomenon. This research is descriptive in background on the context of the research.
nature, usually answering the questions of what, why, 4. Contextual - Good research should be derived
and how. from a particular context, trend, and gap.
2. Applied Research 5. Ethical - Good research follows the ethics of
This research places emphasis on looking for possible research.
solutions to human and societal problems, being
prescriptive in nature as it focuses on how questions. Outline and Process of a Research
3. Evaluation Research (Summative and Research is divided into different chapters each with a
Formative) different focus. This organizes the study into a cohesive


STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

and orderly manner that helps explain the contents of 11. Summarize the findings
the paper. 12. Draw conclusions
Chapter 1: The Problem and its Background 13. Recommend/share the research
a. Introduction, Background of the Study
b. Statement of the Problem AKO NALANG KASI
c. Scope and Delimitation (Limitation)
d. Significance of the Study
Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework Ethics in Research
a. Review of Related Literature The term ethics refers to questions of right and wrong.
b. Review of Related Studies When researchers think about ethics, they must ask
c. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework themselves if it is “right” to conduct a particular study
d. Hypothesis of the Study or carry out certain procedures.
e. Definition of Terms 1. Honesty- This must be maintained in all
communications. Data should never be
Chapter 3: Research Methodology a. Research Design fabricated.
b. Respondents of the Study 2. Objectivity- Biases should be avoided.
c. Instruments of the Study 3. Integrity - Consistency of thought and action is
d. Validity and Reliability the foundation of the credibility of any research
e. Statistical Treatment work. Promises and agreements should be kept
and all actions should be made with a sincere
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of purpose.
Data 4. Care- Careless errors and negligence should be
a. Presentation of Data avoided.
b. Analysis 5. Openness- The researcher should be open to
c. Interpretation criticisms and new ideas.
d. Discussion 6. Respect for intellectual property- Proper
acknowledgment should be given to all authors
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and cited and sources used in your research.
Recommendations 7. Confidentiality - Confidential communications
a. Summary of Findings or documents should be protected.
b. Conclusion 8. Responsible publication- The study should be
c. Recommendation done with the purpose of advancing research
and scholarship.
9. Responsible mentoring- The research should
Steps in the Research Processes seek to educate, mentor, and advise students.
1. Observing a phenomenon 10. Respect for colleagues- All peers should be
2. Determining a problem treated fairly.
3. Describing the problem 11. Social responsibility- Social good should be
4. Setting goals (research objective) promoted and social harm should be avoided.
5. Determining the trends and gaps of the 12. Non-discrimination- All those eligible to
research (lapses in knowledge) participate in research should be allowed to do
6. Seek readings that will support the research so.
rationale 13. Competence - Professional competence and
7. Review the literature expertise should be maintained and improved
8. Collect primary data with the research.
9. Present the data acquired
10. Interpret the data acquired
STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

14. Legality- A researcher should know and obey Kinds of Research

relevant laws, and institutional and government Aside from types, which categorizes researches
policies. according to their purpose and emphasis, researches
15. Human subject protection- Harm and risks to are also classified according to their paradigms. A
human lives should be minimized. paradigm is defined as a set of beliefs that dictate what
researchers in different fields study and how these
researches should be done (Bryman, 2008). Simply put,
a paradigm is a guide and method for conducting a
research in any given field.
Rights of Research Participants
1. Voluntary participation. Any person should not 1. Qualitative Research
be coerced to participate in any research This type of research that seeks to describe and
undertaking. understand phenomena as experienced by the
2. Informed consent. Prospective research respondents, giving them meaning based on the
participants must be fully informed about the perspectives, preferences, attitudes, and attributes of
procedures and risks in the research. Their the individuals, with the goal of gaining insight into the
consent to participate must be secured phenomena under investigation.
3. Risk of harm. Participants should be protected
from physical, financial, or psychological harm. 2. Quantitative Research
4. Confidentiality. Participants must be assured This research deals with the analysis of a given
that their identity and other personal phenomenon. It analyzes attitudes, behaviors, ideas,
information will not be made available to relationships, and/or attributes using statistical tools.
anyone who is not directly involved in the study.
5. Anonymity. The participants must remain Many different types of qualitative methodologies
anonymous throughout the study even to the exist, but there are certain general features that
researchers themselves. characterize most qualitative research studies.

1. The natural setting is the direct source of data,

and the researcher is the key instrument in
qualitative research.
2. Qualitative data are collected in the form of
Study these Terms words or pictures rather than numbers.
• Phenomenology – qualitative research that studies the 3. Qualitative researchers are concerned with
meaning of lived experiences of individuals. process as well as product.
• Ethnography – research that studies a phenomenon 4. Qualitative researchers tend to analyze their
within the context of a particular group of people. data inductively.
• Grounded Theory – a study that seeks to formulate 5. How people make sense out of their lives is a
theories based on the data gathered from the major concern to qualitative researchers.
• Case Study – an in-depth study of a phenomenon Kinds of Qualitative Research
using a very limited number of individuals.
• Discourse/Conversation Analysis – research that study 1. Phenomenology - This kind of qualitative research
naturally occurring conversations to extract meaning. deals with making sense of the individual’s experiences.
• Narrative Analysis – research that focuses on 2. Ethnography - Ethnography is a kind of qualitative
narratives (storytelling) as sources of data. research that deals with studying a specific topic within
• Historical Study – research that studies past events the context of a particular group of people.


STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

3. Grounded Theory - This qualitative research focuses

on inductive thematic analysis, the process of reading A research title is a product of real-world observations,
data, identifying prevalent themes, coding (categorizing wide reading, and meaningful interactions with other
and analyzing), and interpreting the given data. people. From these day-to-day experiences and
4. Case Study - Case study is the kind of qualitative interactions, we come up with ideas that are shaped
research used in studying and exploring complex issues. through further thinking and reflection and develop
5. Discourse/Conversation Analysis - In this kind of into a systematic and logical inquiry.
research, the researcher analyzes the conversations of
individuals to arrive at an interpretation. A research topic is a general area of interest that you
would like to pursue in your research. Researchers are
6. Narrative Analysis - This research focuses on the challenged to come up with research topics that are
stories (narratives) told by the respondents as the both interesting and useful. This can be achieved
source of data. through the effective selection of the research topic.
7. Historical Study - Historical studies are used to study
past events. How to Choose a Good Research Topic:

Importance of Qualitative Research across Fields 1. Interest - In choosing a research topic, the research
topic should be based on individual perception and
1. Exploration and Explanation - Due to being subjective observation of the researcher.
in nature which places emphasis on the opinions and 2. Scheme - The research topic must fall under a
preferences of the respondents, this research paradigm particular path or circle of discipline. This helps define
can provide more flexibility and freedom in exploring what areas are included and not included in the study.
and explaining unclear situations, conditions, or 3. Flexibility - The researchers must be capable to
knowledge. produce or generate possible subtopics to any given
research topic.
2. Context - Qualitative research provides richer data in 4. Literature - In selecting research topics, the
terms of actual experiences. This is because the data researcher should also consider if studies and literature
gathered is usually from the personal experiences and supporting the planned research are available.
context of the respondents as observed by the 5. Specificity - Despite being flexible and being
researcher. connected to other fields, the research topic should be
specific enough so as not to promote confusion about
Follow nyo ko sa ig para sa basbas - @manuelperido the factors to be included in the study.

WEEK 3 : RESEARCH TOPIC/ RESEARCH TITLE Elements of a Research Title

1. Subject Matter/Topic
2. Locus/place of study
Study these terms 3. Respondents
4. Time Period
• Research Title – the summarized description of the 5. Aim or Purpose
whole study
• Research Topic – a general area of interest that you Guidelines in Writing Good Research Titles
would like to pursue in your research 1. The title should summarize the main idea of the
• Aim – the purpose of the study paper.
• Locus – place where the study will be conducted 2. It should be brief and concise. Lengthy words should
• Respondent – individual or group of people that be avoided if possible.
serves as the source of information during data 3. The major variables of the study must be included.
collection 4. It should be self-explanatory.
STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

5. It should describe or imply who the respondents are.

6. It should be written in an inverted pyramid if more Study these terms
than two lines. • Research Problem – the main topic or problem that
the research seeks to investigate
• Background of the Study – a composition that serves
WEEK 4 : RESEARCH PROBLEM AND as an introduction to the research.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM • Citation – A citation is a formal reference to a
published or unpublished source that you consulted and
obtained information from while writing your research
The formulation of the heart of the thesis- statement of • References – any information that has been used in
the general and specific problems -must be done after the study for a particular purpose.
the investigator has clarified the rationale, identified the • Resources – the source material of references in the
degree of seriousness of the problem provided by the study.
literature review, and set the overall objective.
WRITING THE GENERAL PROBLEM IN A QUALITATIVE The first chapter of the research paper is entitled “The
STUDY Problem and Its Background”. Its purpose is to introduce
In the book Principles of Qualitative Research: Designing the problem and clarify important variables, its
a Qualitative Study, Creswell and Clark (2014), provide delimitations, and its significance to the field of the
the following criteria in writing the purpose statement. study. It has the following essential elements:

1. It should use single and not compound sentences 1. Background of the Study
2. It should clearly express the purpose of the study 2. Statement of the Problem
3. It should include the central phenomenon 3. Scope and Delimitation
4. It should use qualitative words, e.g. explore, discover, 4. Significance of the Study
and explain
5. It should identify the participants in the study Background of the Study
6. It should state the research site This section is important in establishing the cognitive
setting of the research. The following questions can aid
Types of Research Questions (according to Creswell and the researcher in formulating the introduction:
Clark, 2014)
1. What is the rationale of the problem?
1. Central Questions – the most general questions. – This question is answered by sharing the reasons why
“ What is the meaning of/ what does it mean to (central the researcher decided to look for solutions to the
phenomenon) ” problem.
2. Sub-questions – the subdivision of the central
question that specifies certain aspects of the problem to 2. What is the setting of the problem?
be studied. – The setting forms part of the delimitation of the study.
“ What (aspect) do ” It defines the geographic boundaries and certain
demographic characteristics of the research.
SOURCES 3. What is the basic literature foundation of the study?
– This is different from the review of related theories,
conceptual literature, and research literature. This part
WEEK 5 : BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY AND seeks to provide the researcher clarity on the terms or
CITING SOURCES variables used in the study.
STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

4. How serious is the chosen research problem? Paraphrasing or summarizing the main findings or
– The researcher is tasked to identify the intensity and takeaways from a research article is the preferred
magnitude of the problem. method of citing sources in an APA paper. Always
include the last name of the author(s) and the year of
5. What is the general objective of the problem? the article, so your reader can find the full citation in the
– This is the general statement of the problem or the reference list.
major tasks of the researcher to discharge and should
also be the basis of the enumerated statements of the CITING A WORK WITH…
specific problems.
1 AUTHOR- You only need the author's last name and
6. What is the overall purpose of the problem? the year. (Abrams, 2018)
– It is important to note that the researcher must be 2 AUTHORS -Connect both authors' last names with &
totally aware of the purpose of the research problem. (ampersand) and include the year. (Wegener & Petty,
He or she must fully understand the implications of the 1994)
resulting findings of the study. 3 OR MORE AUTHORS - If there are 3 or more authors
use et al., which means "and others." (Harris et al.,
Citing Sources 2018)
GROUP AUTHORS - First time with an abbreviation:
A research paper must include references. It must be (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC],
consistent and simple to read across all articles. Citation 2019)
styles are predetermined styles that specify how they Then all subsequent citations: (CDC, 2019)
should be formatted. One of these is the format
established by the American Psychological Association Writing References
(APA). Because of its simple and direct format, this is
commonly recognized as APA style and frequently Include the complete citation at the end of your paper
termed the author-date format. in a references section. References are organized by the
Using In-text Citation author's last name in alphabetic (A-Z) order. Use an
When you reference another source use an in-text hanging indent to separate each list item.
citation in the body of your paper.
Basic Format: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title
Basic Format: of the work. Source where you can retrieve the work.
(Author's Last Name(s) or Organization, Year). URL or DOI if available.

Direct Quotes
If you're quoting the exact words of someone else,
introduce the quote with an in-text citation in
Study these Terms
Any sentence punctuation goes after the closing • Scope – topics to be explored in the relation to the
parenthesis. population and time-frame
• Delimitations – the factors and variables not included
According to Brown (2019), "Direct quote" (p. 1021). in the study
Brown (2019) found that "Direct quote" (p. 1021). • Significance of the study – this is where contributions
[Some other introduction] "Direct quote" (Brown, 2019, and who will benefit from it are written
p. 1021).
STEM 11 A.Y. 2022-2023

Scope and Delimitation of Study explaining the things you are not doing and why you
The scope and delimitation of the study presents the have chosen not to do them – the literature you will not
variables or subjects of the study, the extent to which review (and why not), the population you are not
the research will cover, the possible factors or nuances studying (and why not), the methodological procedures
that will be given focus on the course of the study, the you will not use (and why you will not use them).
possible challenges that the researcher might
encounter, and other things that might be related to the Significance of the Study - This section explains the
topic but are beyond the control of the researcher. This purpose of the research. This should be written in a
section is divided into two: the scope and the manner that defines and specifies the benefit a
delimitations. particular person or group of people would get from the
study. Each importance must be clear enough to address
Scope the needs and wants of people to be
The scope of the study is a section of a research paper covered/affected/reached/benefited by the research
that explains what information or subject is being study. The contributions of the study to the general
analyzed. It covers the explanation as to up to what body of knowledge in the field should also be stated in
extent the researcher would want to explore or this section.
interpret in his or her research.
Parts of the Significance of the Study
Ideas that should be included in a Research Scope 1. Contribution – specifies the fundamental importance
of a research in a particular purpose.
1. The description of each part of the research title - In 2. Context - specifies the target respondents and group
this part, the word structure in the research title is of people that can benefit or acquire practical ideas and
implicated with reasons of the choice of words and why developmental insights in a certain study
a specific study is chosen whether it is
descriptive or correlational.
2. Major Research Variables - the independent and
dependent variables are described majorly on their
function on the research process of inquiry, data
accumulation and analysis.
3. Locus and Time Frame - the possible place of the data
collection and the period of the research process are
described based on observed gaps.
4. Description of the Respondents - the possible
respondents are described and the reasons are justified
based on the context of the research.

Delimitation - The delimitation discusses why certain

aspects of a subject were chosen and why others were
excluded by the researcher.

Limitations vs. Delimitations - Limitations identify the

potential weaknesses of the study that the researcher
cannot control.

Delimitations are choices made by the researcher on

how a study will be narrowed in scope as it describes
the boundaries that you have set for the study by

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