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English reading diary: The Hunger Games

Wael Hamza
Charakter: Katniss..................................................................................................................................8
Charakter: Peeta.....................................................................................................................................8
Charakter: Gale......................................................................................................................................9
Chapter 1:
-introduction of characters (Katniss, Prim)

-information about the area (District 12) and the hunger games

-reaping of girls

-conversation between Katniss and Gale

-Katniss tells her view about what she thinks of Gale

Chapter 2:
-old information about Katniss and Peeta. Peeta gave her bread to feed her family

-talking about going to the district

Chapter 3:
-says goodbye to her family (mother and Prim)

-drives to the capitol with the train, met Peeta at the train station

-they meet Haymitch in the train

Chapter 4:
-thinks about her family and how she helped them

-little argument between Haymitch and Peeta

-arrive at the capitol

Chapter 5:
-meets Cinna (stylist), talks to him about the costume

-all tributes got presented

Chapter 6:
-Katniss talks to Peeta about a story, which doesn`t get out of her mind

Chapter 7:
-all tributes got training sessions together

-Katniss enjoys watching the other people while training

-while talking they get back to the story with Peeta and the bread

-Katniss got a private training with the game maker

Chapter 8:
-Katniss is worried about her score -> it turned out that she got 11/12

-she thinks about Gale and starts to miss him

-Peeta got only eight points, so he wants to get private training sessions

Chapter 9:
-Effie prepares Katniss for the interview

-Katniss gets flashbacks about a story where she could have saved a girl but she didn`t do anything

-Katniss mastered the interview

-Peeta reveals his love for Katniss in the interview

Chapter 10:
-Katniss is angry about Peeta`s love reveal but, in the end, she apologizes

-they go to the arena

-the hunger game began

Chapter 11:
-Katniss got distracted by Peeta so she entered the arena too late

-she nearly got into a fight with another boy, but she could escape

-she is looking for water the whole time

-she finds out that Peeta and another group (career tributes) killed a girl

Chapter 12:
-Katniss was in danger because she hadn`t got water for a while

-suddenly finds a small spot where she could drink

Chapter 13:
-Katniss is afraid of the fire so she tries to escape, during that she got injured

-the group around Peeta arrived and she decided to drew attention to herself, so they saw her

-she was saved in the tree because they couldn`t climb up

-in a tree next to her she recognized another girl

Chapter 14:
-Katniss drops a nest on the careers (one girl of them died)

-she got the bow

-she fell to ground because of the venom and got a black out

Chapter 15:
-Katniss became more self-confident -> she went hunting

-she met Rue again and they decided to walk around as a group

Chapter 16:
-Katniss wants to take advantage at the careers so her and Rue plan on how to destroy their camp,
after hearing that Peeta isn`t with them anymore

-they start with an explosion by Katniss

Chapter 17:
-after returning Katniss realized that Rue wasn`t there

- Rue trapped into a trap

Chapter 18:
-Katniss is shocked after hearing Rue`s scream and saw that she got murdered by a boy

-she killed the boy

-Katniss put flowers on rue as a sort of funeral

-After hearing an announcement where it says that tow people form the same district can win, she
instantly looked for Peeta

Chapter 19:
-while looking for water she found Peeta

-she realized that he was injured so she helped him

-he was pessimistic that he would survive but Katniss tried to bring him on other thoughts by kissing

Chapter 20:
-Peeta`s injury won`t heal and still hurts so she tried to distract him by telling him an old story

-a feast got announced by a trumpet where everybody would get something that would help him

-Peeta doesn`t want Katniss to go there

-she went to sleep syrup and gave it to him without him realizing-> he fell asleep so she could go
Chapter 21:
-at the feast she had problems with a girl named Clove, who also wanted to kill Katniss

-when she got back to Peeta she gave him medicine

Chapter 22:
-the next day Peeta was fully healed

-while talking about Rue, they started to talk about love and kissed again

Chapter 23:
-they split while looking for food

-after a while Katniss returned but Peeta wasn`t there

-when he arrived, they saw that someone ate their poisonous berries

-the cannon noise sounded minutes later, and they saw that Foxface died

Chapter 24:
-they realized that there was only one water source left (by the Corncopia(lake))

-they see someone named Cato who is chased by some paranormal creatures

Chapter 25:
-the creatures chase all three and Cato got hurt by them

-Katniss killed him

-her and Peeta won the hunger games

Chapter 26:
-after the hunger games they got checked by doctors and got medical help

-while talking to Haymitch, he told her that everybody is angry at her because she was a rebel

-she keeps pretending that she loves Peeta

Chapter 27:
-they finished every interview and went back home

-Peeta knows now that she doesn`t love him for real
Character: Katniss
-lives with sister Prim and her mother

-didn´t like Prim`s cat buttercup-> tried to drown him “The last thing I needed was another mouth to
feed”-> she feeds her family, does a lot for them -> loves them

-goes hunting “I swing my legs off the bed and slide into my hunting boots”

-lives in poor area because they don`t have electricity the whole time

-father died when she was eleven years old

-16 years old

-she is traumatized by that because she is still waking up, screaming

-lives in Panem

-makes money on the illegal market to feed family

-only person she can trust is Gale-> good/best friends

-Nickname from Gale: Catnip

-don`t have lot of food “…while her children turn into skin and bones”

-she isn`t the forgiving type

-when Gale was talking about leaving, she is just thinking about staying there because of her family

-was wondered because Gale was romantic

-only little sister makes her happy

Character: Peeta
-narrow built

-blond hair

-blue eyes

-two older brothers

-has true feelings for Katniss

Character: Gale
-good/best friend of Katniss

-straight black hair, olive skin, gray eyes

-wants to leave with Katniss and live in the woods by their own

-got a sister and two brothers

-18 years old

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