Definition of Community Health Nursing

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Definition of Community Health Nursing 2.

The Community Health Nurse must fully

understand the objectives and policies of the
Community Health Nursing according to
agencies she represents.
Jacobson: It is a learned practice discipline with
the ultimate goal of contributing to the 3.In Community Health Nursing ,the family is
promotion of the client’s OLOF (Optimum Level the unit of service.
of Functioning) through teaching and delivery of
4.Community Health Nurse must be available to
• CommunitY Health Nursing According
5. Health teaching is the PRIMARY responsibility
to WHO:
of the Community Health Nurse
- It is a special field of nursing that
6.The Community Health Nurse works as a
combines the skills of nursing, public
member of the health team
health and some phases of Social
assistance and functions for the 7.There must be Provision for periodic
promotion of health, Improvement of evaluation of Community Health Nurse services
social and physical conditions and
rehabilitation of illness and disability. 8.Opportunities for continuing staff education
programs for nurses must be provided by the
- Community Health Nursing by American agency.
Nurses Association(ANA):
9.The Community Health Nurse makes use of
“The synthesis of nursing practice and available community health resources
public health practice applied to promoting
and preserving the health of the 10.The Community Health Nurse utilizes the
populations.” already existing active organization in the
Philosophy of Community Health Nursing
11.There should be accurate recording and
• A philosophy is defined as “a system of reporting in Community Health Nursing
beliefs that provides a basis for and
guides action.” A philosophy provides To Watch. View and understand the concept of
the direction and describes the what's , Community health and health promotion on link
the whys and the how's of activities provided:
within the profession. v=G2quVLcJVBk . MAKE A REACTION PAPER.

• Philosophy: According to Margaret Features of CHN

Shetland ,the philosophy of CHN is - Preventive approach to health to health
based on the worth and dignity of a - It is characterized by being population
man or aggregate- focused
Principles of Community Health Nursing - It is development in nature
By Mary S. Gardner and Cobb/Jones Leahy - With existence of payment mechanism
for consumers of community health
1.Community Health Nursing is based on nursing services
recognized needs of communities , families, - Care for different levels of clientle.
groups and individuals.
Different Fields of CHN b)Pupils who are recipients of rehabilitative
supplementary feeding program should be
Community Health Nursing is considered
weighted every quarter.
broader and more general specialty area that
encompasses sub specialties which includes: Health Status Of Public School Pupils In Public
Schools: infectious diseases(respiratory tract
1.Public Health Nursing Seen as a subspecialty
infections and diarrhoea) ,worm infestations
nursing practice generally delivered within
and Dental caries
“official” or government agencies.
3.Occupational Health Nursing As defined by
2.School Health Nursing Aims to promote the
American Association of Occupational Health
health of school personnel and pupil/students.
Nurses (AACHN) as a specialty practice that
It aims to prevent health problems that could
focuses on promotion, prevention and
hinder students learning and performance
restoration of health within the context of a
• Legal Basis: Republic Act 124 mandates
Safe and healthy environment .It includes the
that all schools are to provide school
prevention of adverse health effects from
clinics for the treatment of minor
environmental hazards. It provides for and
ailments and emergency cases
delivers occupational health and safety
• Eight Components of School Health programs and services to clients.
Services are:
Community Mental Health Nursing
Health Education ,Physical Education, Health
Unique clinical process that includes concepts
Services, Nutrition Services, Counselling,
of nursing, mental health, social psychology and
psychological and social services Healthy School
Community networks including social sciences .
Environment , Health Promotion for Staff. Lastly
Focus is on the Mental Health Promotion.
, the Family& Community Involvement
Theoretical Models/ Approaches
• Health Appraisal Activities To Be
Performed By The School Nurse: Health Belief Model(HBM)

I. Health Assessment-Done once a year .Priority • developed in the 1958 by group of U.S.
should be given to Grade I enrolee ; Public Health Services social
II. Rapid Class room Inspection-It should be
done after a long vacation, between health • Believed that individual must know
examination or if there is emending or actual what to do and how to do it before they
pandemic can take action .

iii. Test for the visual acuity should be done • Major limitation of HBM is that it places
once a year, preferably at the beginning of burden of action exclusively on the
school year; client.

IV. Height and Weight Measurement Perceived susceptibility

a) Measurement of height, weight is done at - One's belief regarding the chance of

beginning & end of school year. getting a given condition
Perceived severity Individual choices related to health promotion
or health damaging behaviours are influenced
- One's belief regarding the seriousness
by efforts to maximize-valued Resources
of a given condition
With out concurrent availability of alternative
Perceived benefits
health-promoting options, for investment of
- One's belief in the ability of an advised personal resources, health education will be
action to reduce the health risk or largely ineffective on changing behaviour
seriousness of a given condition patterns

Perceived barriers Behavior of population result from selection

from limited choices; arise from actual &
- One's belief regarding the tangible and perceived options available as well as beliefs &
psychological costs of an advised action expectations, resulting from socialization,
Cues to action education and experience.

- Strategies or conditions in one's Nole Pender’s Health Promotion(HPM)

environment that activate readiness to Developed in1980’s influence individual to
take action. pursue health promotion activities but does not
Self-efficacy includes threat as a motivator.

- One's confidence in one's ability to take Pender's model focuses on three categories:
action to reduce health risks • individual characteristics and
experiences , behaviour- and
Milio’s Framework for Prevention
• Explores many biophysical factors that
Nancy Milio (1976) provides complement to the specific cognitions and affect, and
HBMs. behavioural outcomes. Details are as
6 Propositions of this framework are related to follow:
the following:

Population health deficits results

fromdeprivation &/or excess of critical health
resources prior related behaviour
Organizational Dimension & policies dictate
many of the options available and influence
This influence
their choices subsequent behaviour
Alterations in pattern of behaviour resulting through perceived
from decision-making of significant number of efficacy
people in a population can result in social
environment where the behaviour will take
place .

Commitment to a plan of action

- This initiates a behavioural event

PRECEDE–PROCEED Model Developed by

Dr.Lawrence Green and colleagues.

PRECEDE which stands for Predisposing ,

Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs in
Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation, is used
Behaviour - specific cognition and affect for community diagnosis.
1. Perceived Benefits of Action These are strong • Predisposing factors refer to people’s
motivators through intrinsic and characteristics that motivate them
toward health-related behaviour. This
Extrinsic benefits.
includes attitudes, beliefs and values
2. Perceived Barriers to Action-Are perceived
• Enabling factors refer to conditions in
unavailability, inconvenience ,expense, difficulty
people and the environment that
or time regarding health behaviours
facilitate or impede health related
3. Perceived Self-efficacy-Is one’s belief that he behaviour . This includes skills ,
or she is capable of carrying out behaviour 4. Availability , accessibility & referrals.

4.Activity-related affect-Feeling associated with • Reinforcing factors refer to feed back

behaviour likely affect individual to given by support persons or groups
repeat/maintain behaviour Interpersonal resulting from the performance of the
Influences (family, peers, provident),Norms, health related behaviour. This includes
Support, Model Support from family , peers,
teachers ,employers , health care
Behavioural Outcome
• Immediate competing demands( low
• PROCEED, an acronym for Policy,
controls) &preferences (high control)
Regulatory, and Organizational
Health promoting behaviour Constructs in THE HEALTH BELIEF MOD
Educational and
Environmental Development ,
• Goal/outcome
• is a model for implementing and
evaluating health programs based on
-These are feelings or thoughts regarding the PRECEDE.
beliefs or attitudes of others Situational
influences (Options ,Demand characteristics, • Aggregate-is literally defined as the sum
Aesthetics) or the whole.Community-is a part of
that whole.
-These are perceived options available, demand
characteristics and aesthetics features of the
• Geopolitical Community–is a
community with defined geographical
and jurisdictional boundaries, such as
rural municipalities, towns or city
communities. Is the procedure of
systematically acquiring and recording
information about the members of a
given population.

• Phenomenological Community- A
phenomenological community is said to
be a group of people who are defined
by sharing values, customs, interests,
religion or academic interests . It is a
phenomenological community because
members share common beliefs and
interests allocates them to the place
where enumerated—normally where
they spend the night of the day

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