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Histamine H3 

receptors are expressed in the central nervous system and to a lesser extent

the peripheral nervous system, where they act as autoreceptors in
presynaptic histaminergic neurons and control histamine turnover by feedback inhibition of
histamine synthesis and release.[5] The H3 receptor has also been shown to presynaptically inhibit
the release of a number of other neurotransmitters (i.e. it acts as an inhibitory heteroreceptor)
including, but probably not limited
to dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, histamine and serotonin.
The gene sequence for H3 receptors expresses only about 22% and 20% homology with both
H1 and H2 receptors respectively.
There is much interest in the histamine H3 receptor as a potential therapeutic target because of
its involvement in the neuronal mechanism behind many cognitive disorders and especially its
location in the central nervous system.[6][7]

Tissue distribution[edit]
 Central nervous system
 Peripheral nervous system
 Heart
 Lungs
 Gastrointestinal tract
 Endothelial cells

Like all histamine receptors, the H3 receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor. The H3 receptor is
coupled to the Gi G-protein, so it leads to inhibition of the formation of cAMP. Also,
the β and γ subunits interact with N-type voltage gated calcium channels, to reduce action
potential mediated influx of calcium and hence reduce neurotransmitter release. H3 receptors
function as presynaptic autoreceptors on histamine-containing neurons.[8]
The diverse expression of H3 receptors throughout the cortex and subcortex indicates its ability to
modulate the release of a large number of neurotransmitters.
H3 receptors are thought to play a part in the control of satiety.[9]

There are at least six H3 receptor isoforms in the human, and more than 20 discovered so far.
 In rats there have been six H3receptor subtypes identified so far. Mice also have three reported
isoforms.[11] These subtypes all have subtle difference in their pharmacology (and presumably
distribution, based on studies in rats) but the exact physiological role of these isoforms is still


Gene nomenclature is the scientific naming of genes, the units of heredity in living organisms. It
is also closely associated with protein nomenclature, as genes and the proteins they code for
usually have similar nomenclature. An international committee published recommendations for
genetic symbols and nomenclature in 1957.[1] The need to develop formal guidelines for human
gene names and symbols was recognized in the 1960s and full guidelines were issued in 1979
(Edinburgh Human Genome Meeting).[2] Several other genus-specific research communities
(e.g., Drosophila fruit flies, Mus mice) have adopted nomenclature standards, as well, and have
published them on the relevant model organism websites and in scientific journals, including
the Trends in Genetics Genetic Nomenclature Guide.[3][4] Scientists familiar with a particular gene
family may work together to revise the nomenclature for the entire set of genes when new
information becomes available.[5] For many genes and their corresponding proteins, an
assortment of alternate names is in use across the scientific literature and public biological
databases, posing a challenge to effective organization and exchange of biological information.
 Standardization of nomenclature thus tries to achieve the benefits of vocabulary
control and bibliographic control, although adherence is voluntary. The advent of the information
age has brought gene ontology, which in some ways is a next step of gene nomenclature,
because it aims to unify the representation of gene and gene product attributes across all

Relationship with protein nomenclature[edit]

Gene nomenclature and protein nomenclature are not separate endeavors; they are aspects of
the same whole. Any name or symbol used for a protein can potentially also be used for the gene
that encodes it, and vice versa. But owing to the nature of how science has developed (with
knowledge being uncovered bit by bit over decades), proteins and their corresponding genes
have not always been discovered simultaneously (and not always physiologically understood
when discovered), which is the largest reason why protein and gene names do not always
match, or why scientists tend to favor one symbol or name for the protein and another for the
gene. Another reason is that many of the mechanisms of life are the same or very similar
across species, genera, orders, and phyla (through homology, analogy, or some of both), so that
a given protein may be produced in many kinds of organisms; and thus scientists naturally often
use the same symbol and name for a given protein in one species (for example, mice) as in
another species (for example, humans). Regarding the first duality (same symbol and name for
gene or protein), the context usually makes the sense clear to scientific readers, and the
nomenclatural systems also provide for some specificity by using italic for a symbol when the
gene is meant and plain (roman) for when the protein is meant. Regarding the second duality (a
given protein is endogenous in many kinds of organisms), the nomenclatural systems also
provide for at least human-versus-nonhuman specificity by using different capitalization, although
scientists often ignore this distinction, given that it is often biologically irrelevant.
Also owing to the nature of how scientific knowledge has unfolded, proteins and their
corresponding genes often have several names and symbols that are synonymous. Some of the
earlier ones may be deprecated in favor of newer ones, although such deprecation is voluntary.
Some older names and symbols live on simply because they have been widely used in
the scientific literature (including before the newer ones were coined) and are well established
among users. For example, mentions of HER2 and ERBB2 are synonymous.
Lastly, the correlation between genes and proteins is not always one-to-one (in either direction);
in some cases it is several-to-one or one-to-several, and the names and symbols may then be
gene-specific or protein-specific to some degree, or overlapping in usage:

 Some proteins and protein complexes are built from the products of several genes
(each gene contributing a polypeptide subunit), which means that the protein or
complex will not have the same name or symbol as any one gene. For example, a
particular protein called "example" (symbol "EXAMP") may have 2 chains (subunits),
which are encoded by 2 genes named "example alpha chain" and "example beta
chain" (symbols EXAMPA and EXAMPB).
 Some genes encode multiple proteins, because post-translational modification (PTM)
and alternative splicing provide several paths for expression. For
example, glucagon and similar polypeptides (such as GLP1 and GLP2) all come (via
PTM) from proglucagon, which comes from preproglucagon, which is the polypeptide
that the GCG gene encodes. When one speaks of the various polypeptide products,
the names and symbols refer to different things (i.e., preproglucagon, proglucagon,
glucagon, GLP1, GLP2), but when one speaks of the gene, all of those names and
symbols are aliases for the same gene. Another example is that the various μ-opioid
receptor proteins (e.g., μ1, μ2, μ3) are all splice variants encoded by one
gene, OPRM1; this is how one can speak of MORs (μ-opioid receptors) in the plural
(proteins) even though there is only one MOR gene, which may be
called OPRM1, MOR1, or MOR—all of those aliases validly refer to it, although one
of them (OPRM1) is preferred nomenclature.

Species-specific guidelines[edit]
The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee is responsible for providing human gene naming
guidelines and approving new, unique human gene names and symbols
(short identifiers typically created by abbreviating). For some nonhuman species, model
organism databases serve as central repositories of guidelines and help resources, including
advice from curators and nomenclature committees. In addition to species-specific databases,
approved gene names and symbols for many species can be located in the National Center for
Biotechnology Information's "Entrez Gene"[7] database.

Species Guidelines Database


Dictyostelid Slime molds

(Dictyostelium Nomenclature Guidelines dictyBase



Budding yeast
Saccharomyces Genome
(Saccharomyces SGD Gene Naming Guidelines

Candida (Candida C. albicans Gene Nomenclature Candida Genome

albicans) Guide Database (CGD)

Fission yeast
(Schizosaccharomyces Gene Name Registry PomBase

A Standard For Maize Genetics
Maize (Zea mays) MaizeGDB

The Arabidopsis
Thale cress (Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis Nomenclature Information
Resource (TAIR).



Standardized gene nomenclature

Mustard (Brassica) for the Brassica genus

Animals - Invertebrates

Fly (Drosophila Genetic nomenclature

melanogaster) for Drosophila melanogaster

Genetic Nomenclature
for Caenorhabditis
Worm (Caenorhabditis
elegans Nomenclature at a WormBase
Glance Horvitz, Brenner,
Hodgkin, and Herman (1979)

Honey bee (Apis


Animals - Vertebrates

Guidelines for Human Gene HUGO Gene Nomenclature

Human (Homo sapiens)
Nomenclature Committee (HGNC)

Rules for Nomenclature of

Mouse (Mus musculus), Mouse Genome
Genes, Genetic Markers, Alleles,
rat (Rattus norvegicus) Informatics (MGI)
and Mutations in Mouse and Rat

Anole lizard (Anolis Anolis Gene Nomenclature

carolinensis) Committee (AGNC)

Frog (Xenopus laevis, X. Suggested Xenopus Gene Name

tropicalis) Guidelines

Zebrafish Nomenclature Zebrafish Model Organism

Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Guidelines Database (ZFIN)
Bacterial genetic nomenclature[edit]
There are generally accepted rules and conventions used for naming genes in bacteria.
Standards were proposed in 1966 by Demerec et al.[8]

General rules[edit]
Each bacterial gene is denoted by a mnemonic of three lower case letters which indicate the
pathway or process in which the gene-product is involved, followed by a capital letter signifying
the actual gene. In some cases, the gene letter may be followed by an allele number. All letters
and numbers are underlined or italicised. For example, leuA is one of the genes of
the leucine biosynthetic pathway, and leuA273 is a particular allele of this gene.
Where the actual protein coded by the gene is known then it may become part of the basis of the
mnemonic, thus:

 rpoA encodes the α-subunit of RNA polymerase

 rpoB encodes the β-subunit of RNA polymerase
 polA encodes DNA polymerase I
 polC encodes DNA polymerase III
 rpsL encodes ribosomal protein, small S12
Some gene designations refer to a known general function:

 dna is involved in DNA replication

Predicted genes[edit]
In a 1998 analysis of the E. coli genome, a large number of genes with unknown function were
designated names beginning with the letter y, followed by sequentially generated letters without a
mnemonic meaning (e.g., ydiO and ydbK).[9] Since being designated, some y-genes have been
confirmed to have a function,[10] and assigned a synonym (alternative) name in recognition of this.
However, as y-genes are not always re-named after being further characterised, this designation
is not a reliable indicator of a gene's significance.[10]

Common mnemonics[edit]
Biosynthetic genes[edit]
Loss of gene activity leads to

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