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A Research paper on Digital Scent Technology

Gaikwad Adesh Vijay, Mrs.Ashwini Garkhedkar

MCA Department,PES Modern College Of Engineering Pune,India

smell, flavours and fragrances digitally through the

internet and smell things using a USB powered device
Abstract :- The technology has targeted only on our
that is supposed to emit appropriate smell at exact
sense of sight and sound so far. This is the reason
time. California-based Digiscents Inc. has developed
why we have realistic looking games, and graphics
the iSmell personal scent synthesizer. This small
card. What if we could send the smell of spice and
device is connected through our PC via serial port and
flowers with pictures?
has its own driver. An interactive media company
Now with the digital scent technology we are able to known as Digiscents is developing iSmell Digital Scent
sense, transmit and receive the smellthrough Technology, new software which will permit scent to
internet in which a perfume can smelled online be broadcast from the Web. Another developer of
before buying them, freshness of a food which are smell based computer interface device, Aroma-Jet is
ordered through online can be checked, can smell announced in 2001, had successfully imparted scent
burning rubber in our favourite racing game or send over the Internet. Later, they continued to market it
scented e-cards from scent enable websites. As this as an entertainment technology as well as for medical
technology gains extensive assert, there is nothing use. Digital scent technology could appreciate
stopping it from entering into all areas of virtual advertisement and swing consumer emotions towards
world. Envisage being able to smell things using a a brand. The olfactory nerve is close to the areas of
device connected to our computer. Digital scent the brain that make it very powerful target for
technologies are making this a reality. This paper advertise. The potential of marketing would be huge
presents a detailed analysis on broadcasting of by using scent in advertising. Regardless of the
smell, hardware devices and applications of digital business, digital scent technology could help its users
smell technology. in an effective and intellectual way by intensifying the
health and emotional happiness of its users. This
Keywords: Digital Scent Technology, Broadcasting of
Smell , virtual World technology aids to design characters and to give an
emotional intelligence of existence. This amazing
technology provides huge area of applications in
I. INTRODUCTION communication which includes websites with scent, in
scent-entertainment, games, movies and music. It is
Before Some year ago ,only three of our senses i.e also relevant to E-commerce which makes online
hearing ,touch sight are implicated in online shopping fascinating and fun. In the new future, one
communication. Transferring smell over an internet cannot only just see but also can smell things on the
is still not very popular. New technology is being internet.
developed to root around our sense of smell. Digital
smell is one of the concepts of virtual reality. The II. Evolution of digital smell
virtual reality has provided very good features to the From last 5 to 6 years, scientists have bought the term
computer systems. The digital smell is generally a virtual reality in many applications. One of the
hardware software combination. The role of hardware experiments with virtual reality has resulted in a
is to produce the smell and the software part will concept called virtual theatre which includes an
evaluate the smell equation and generate distinct electronic hand gloves, digital smell, multipoint sound
signals for distinct smell and lastly the device will system, movement controllable seats and 3d goggles.
produce that smell. With the digital scent technology Thereafter, to fill more realistic effects in movies and
one can sense, transmit, reproduce and recapture
games, scientists proposed a very new utility of digital an instrument that is used to detect and measure
smell. odour dilution. They are used to gauge the odour
detection threshold of substances. Olfactometers
This incredible technology is initiated by the experts in
introduce an odorous gas to measure intensity, as a
bioinformatics and genomics known as Dexster Smith
baseline against which other odours are compared. An
and Joel Lloyd Bellenson. The fundamental idea for
electronic nose (e-nose) is a device that recognizes
this was given by the perfume making companies for
the specific components of an odour and for this
the advertisements of their perfumes. This is how
reorganization the device analyses the chemical
digital scent technology came into existence.
makeup of tat components. It consists of two
Early in 1950’s, Hans Laube invented the smell-o- mechanisms which are chemical detection and
vision. DigiScents introduced a device called iSmell in pattern recognition.
1999. Due to some loss, DigiScents was shut down in
2001. So in 2003, TriSenx launched Scent Dome to
recognize smell identifying codes. In 2004, the
Japanese firm “K-Opticom” placed a special units
named Kaori web(consisting of 6 different cartridges
for different smells) in their internet cafes for their
experiment until march 20,2005. In the same year
2004, the Indian inventor Sandeep Gupta claimed to
show scent-generating device prototype at CES 2005.
In 2005, XML Smell was developed by the researchers
from the University of Huelva and worked on reducing
its size. Simultaneously, Thanko launched a P@D
Aroma generator (a USB device) and the Fig: 1 Transmission Model of Digital Scent Technology
announcement of the work on a 3D television with
Scent is detected by the electronic nose which acts as
touch and smell to be released by 2020 was given by
a receiver. Like the colour spectrum, there is also
the Japanese researchers. The demonstration of a
scent spectrum and any smell will be the indexed
smell generating device was done by an Israeli
smell of primary smells in the scent spectrum. In favor
company Scentcom. In March 2013, the Japanese
of the chemical Makeup and its position in the scent
researchers came up with their invention, “the
spectrum, e-nose detects thousand varieties of smell.
Smelling Screen”. There are so many advancements
The scent is indexed based on its chemical makeup
and researches happening in this domain.
and scent spectrum.
III. Physiological Aspects of Smell

The act of smelling is defined as Olfaction and the

olfactory nerves are meant to receive the scent of V. Hardware devices:
something. Odorants are substances whose A. Smell Synthesizer
characteristics can be determined by chemical
analysis. The olfactory system of a person operates in The device which generates smell is called smell
the vein of other sensing activities in the body. The synthesizer. Different types of smell synthesizers are
smell organ, olfactory epithelium covers an area of 4- available in market but for this it is made by company
10 cm^2 and consists of 6-10 million olfactory hairs name Digiscents.
called cilia which detect different types of smell.
B. iSmell
Excited receptors direct pulses to the olfactory bulbs.
Olfactory bulbs are the part of cortex with a pattern of Digiscents company suggests ismell. iSmell synthesizer
receptors action denoting a particular scent. is attached to computer and offers diffrenet smells.
ScentStream is driver which is connected to personal
IV. Methodology computer throught USB. It turns smells into digital
codes that can be stored on laser discs or as computer
This technology works in combination with
files. It is able to produce 10,000 smells.
Olfactometer and Electronic nose. An olfactometer is
Digiscents ismell version 1

It Contain
1. Natural Oils
2. Synthetic Fragrances
3. Activated by Heat or Air
4. 128 chemicals stored

Scentography is another type of articulation that
permits the coordination of fragrances with
conventional computerized sight and sound, for
example, recreations, DVDs, and sites. By
Digiscents ismell version 2
enabling you to speak with smells, Scentography
C.Cartridge:- includes another measurement and lavishness to
site pages and for all intents and purposes some
The cartridge will contain chemicals -either
other type of electronic/advanced correspondence.
regular oils or manufactured scents that will be
The capacity to digitize and communicate aromas
actuated by either warmth or gaseous tension,
will empower merchants and buyers to send
when you send a flag from your PC. The
scented mail, build up notice 'n shop electronic
computerized notice gadget could add another
stands, make and watch scented DVDs, and play
tactile measurement to the sights and hints of a PC
scented amusements and reenactments.
diversion. As of now 128 chemicals are put away
Scentography guarantees a huge augmentation of
in a cartridge. Like an ink stream printer, those
tangible space, with significant ramifications.
oils frame the center of a replaceable cartridge,
"We've lost touch, as a species, with our feeling of
which is embedded in the organization's iSmell
smell," Bellenson says, talking so quickly that his
gadget. The oils are electrically animated in
words run together. "Like, our noses are not on the
various blends to make particular smells in light of
ground any longer, since we don't need to chase
programming prompts customized into
for nourishment. Aroma turned into a
applications, for example, Web webpage
workmanship propagated by the enormous scent
highlights, PC recreations, advanced music, and
houses in Europe, and the normal individual was
motion pictures. Be that as it may, after some time
not enabled.
as client will be more.
After some time over television will came will
more clear picture, better voice as well as ismell
device, which will create more interest in
watching the television.

Scentography analogue camera captures smell

VI. Effects of Digital Smell for Different

1.Over the Theater:
After some time the virtual venues will come in
the market. This virtual theater is fundamentally
3.Over the Internet:-
the idea of the virtual reality. These venues will DigiScents innovation will be utilized to add
have electronic hand gloves, computerized notice another measurement to web based business and
synthesizer, multipoint encompass sound excitement innovation: adding fragrance to motion
system,movement controllable seats, 3d goggles. pictures, web based publicizing and intuitive
From this thought the multipoint encompass recreations are only a couple of the potential
sound framework, 3d goggles, development outcomes. "Internet welcoming cards will be one
controllable seats were finished. Presently for the of the primary huge plays. We digitize and
client to fill more reasonable impacts of motion communicate fragrance over the Internet and
pictures they were presenting the new office break down the atomic structure and tactile view
computerized smell in films or in amusements. of a scent and programming code it. The iSmell is
For instance on the off chance that we are viewing a fringe that is the measure of an electronic pencil
a film and we see consuming of level then we will sharpener; it interfaces with a USB port. Its aroma
fill that scent in theater. cartridge would resemble a shading printer
cartridge however with 128 fragrance components
to consolidate. These components will consolidate
to make a great many aroma blends. "People
identify around 10,000 smells in their lifetimes.
We will make the primaries of smell. The
organization is likewise making a Snortal, a
firstof-its kind Internet website on which
individuals can make scented email and their own
custom aromas. Beta testing is right now under
way, and last items will be discharged in fall

VII. Applications
Digital scent technology has a wide variety of
applications such as:
2.Over the Television:
To send scented email
Now a days as new and new sound technology
came in picture our home television is changing, To watch scented DVD's
getting more and more powerful sound with it.
To play scented video games The digital scent technology is even now under
grown, and will need a dedicated partners and
To sample a perfume from a beauty product's
moderate venture, to transform the results so that
smell branding companies can assurance and faith
To smell the assortment of freshly brewed coffees them.
for sale in their online store.
Difficult to create olfactory process because of a
This technology plays its important role in the set of primary odors has not been originated
following fields. really.

A. Medical: Aromatherapy is a kind of curing The sense of smell is not well understood compare
certain disease by using different types of smell. It to the other senses.
helps in discriminating brain disorders.
Smells are not orthogonal.
B. Education: Scent is an effective teaching tool
for subjects such as Geography, History and
X. The Future of Digital Scent
Science. Technology:-
C. E-Commerce: This technology provides live In future, the scent technology can be introduced
shopping experiences. This enables to buy using 3 dimensional projections which enable
perfumes, flowers and food beverages from exotic people to view more realistic views. People can
places conduct meetings at different places during the
same interval of time. The online classes can also
VIII. Advantages be conducted by the schools and colleges during
the rainy seasons. Google Nose: New and existing
1. Since one can send any type of smell, the
technologies purportedly employed by Google
iSmell is designed in a way that it will provide
Nose promised to provide smartphone and other
protection to the user against the smell.
users of handheld devices the ability to search for,
2. The chemicals in cartridge mostly contain and actually smell, a wide variety of fragrances.
natural materials commonly found in the
XI Research:-
cosmetics, foods and beverages.
More precise and diverse scents: Currently,
3. The iSmell device provides locking facility so
digital scent technology can produce a limited
that the user can lock a particular smell which
range of scents. In the future, researchers we
he/she is allergic.
could develop more diverse and complex scent
IX. Limitations And Disadvantages molecules to simulate a wider range of smells,
including more subtle or nuanced ones.
The considerable limitation of this technology is
the price. This technology costs about $250 and Integration with virtual and augmented reality: As
above, so the people using pc’s at home cannot virtual and augmented reality become more
afford for this luxury of scratch – and-sniff widespread, incorporating digital scent
websites. As the technology is still not fully technology could enhance the immersive
grown, the exact duplicates cannot be produced. experience. For example, a user could smell the
Till now, the difference in smell is not been fully scent of a virtual flower they are interacting with
differentiated as there are only slight variations in in a VR environment.
the smell and the chemicals which are stored in
the cartridges are not enough for it. This
technology requires committed partners and dealer
financers to invest their money so that this could
be revolutionary.
Improved delivery systems: Currently, digital maintain calm and superb mood in education. This
scent technology relies on either heating or technology also stepped its foot in the medical
atomizing the scent molecules to disperse them field for diagnosing many diseases. This will
into the air. These methods can be imprecise and become our need in future.
difficult to control. In the future, new delivery
systems could be developed that provide more XIII. Reference:-
precise and controllable scent distribution. Research Paper:-
Personalization and customization: Digital scent
1. Digital Scent Technology- A Critical
technology could be customized to individual
Overview Sorna Mugi Viswanathan,
preferences or used to create personalized scents.
Revanth Rajan
For example, a person could create a digital scent
profile based on their favorite smells, and use that 2. Digital Scent Technology Prof.
profile to generate a unique scent that they find Omprakash Mandge Ms. Chaitali
pleasing. Sonawane ,MET Institute of Computer
Science, Mumbai, India
Multi-sensory experiences: Combining digital 3. Role of web enabled Digital Scent
scent technology with other sensory technologies, Technology Sudhanshu Jain, Deepshikha
such as sound or haptic feedback, could create Bhargava1 , Ramesh Chandra Poonia, B
more immersive and realistic experiences. For Suresh Kumar2 Amity Institute of
example, a user could smell the scent of a beach Information and Technology.
while feeling the sand between their toes through
4. Unlocking The Power of The Underrated
haptic feedback.
Digital Smell Technology Dr. Deepa A1 ,
Also we can create small device that we can carry Fathima Thahasim
wherever we won’t that can connect with our
mobile device so that can produce the scent at Links:-
perticular time example like we are hospital we
use that device to create the scent of the medicine 1.
so we can easily take that medicine without 2.
hesitation . Also we can use this device to create 51766065/ismell technology
flower scent that can not be produced in our
region so we can smell that flower scent.
This things we can implement in the digital scent
technology .

XII. Conclusion:-
Smell has a strong power over human beings. The
sense of smell is intimately linked to the memory
and emotions making scent a powerful way to
boost ideas. It wins the attention of audiences and
affects learning, mood and memory. This
technology could upgrade advertisements and is a
great tool for marketing. It can stimulate emotions
such as fear or love. This digital smell can be used
in several streams such as over the television,
theatre and the web. Multisensory experiences
attract the attention of audience and olfactory
stimulus perfectly accomplishes learning, mood
and memory so this technology could help users to

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