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Group Name : Maricar Family

Leader: Dindo Reyes

Iverzon Dadis
Ira frank Velante
Kristoffer Cardenas
Michaela Maquirang

Proposed Title:

Title 1: Motion Sensor Based Light Control

Description: The team Maricar plans to use motion sensor to detect motion in the surroundings
and automatically switch on the light. The purpose of this is to alert an individual if his/her
motion sensor detects movements. For instance, if there's no one in the house and you have
this motion sensor and it activate. The system will send a message that there's a movement
detected on your house.

Adjustments: To utilize camera sensor and/or facial sensor to check if the person in question is
known or unknown.

Title 2: Alarm for drowsy bus driver with time in and time out

Description: To alert drowsy bus driver during the travels. The sensors will detect the eyes of the
driver; if the eyes were closed for 2 seconds. the prototype will alarm to wake the driver.

Title 3: Parental Awareness remote location tracker using GPS to prevent kidnapping

A system that can be useful for parent and child. When the child pushed the remote button one
time, it will send automatically on parent notifying where his/her child. If it is press twiced,
emergency will activate the data and gps runtime also notifying where the child is.

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