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RISK MANAGEMENT REVIEWER ‘gross level’ or ‘absolute level’ of the risk.

Business Model- Customer offering that Level of Risk- Combination of the

utilizes resources, underpinned by likelihood and impact of the risk, as
resilience (CORR) established during the risk rating stage of
risk assessment and can be determined at
Compliance Risk- Category of risk that is either gross (inherent) or net (residual)
associated with the management of level
mandatory obligations
Likelihood- Evaluation or judgement
Consequences- Effect on the strategic, regarding the chances of a risk
tactical, operational and compliance materializing, sometimes established as a
(STOC) core processes resulting from a ‘probability’ or ‘frequency’
risk materializing
Magnitude- Size of the event when a risk
Control- Actions to reduce the likelihood materializes, sometimes referred to as
and/or magnitude of a risk. Hazard ‘severity’ of the event and representing
controls can be preventive, corrective, the gross (or inherent) level of the risk.
directive or detective (PCDD) - Impact or consequence or severity

Control Risk- Category of risk that is Material Failure- Failure of controls in an

associated with the management of organization, resulting in loss of a
uncertainty magnitude that is considered important by
Corporate Social Responsibility-
Actions to take account of the impact of Operational Risk- Defined in Basel II as
activities on stakeholders (CSFSRS), as ‘risk of loss or gain, resulting from
well as the environment inadequate or failed internal processes,
people and systems or from external
Current Risk- Existing level of risk taking events’ and capable of impacting the
into account the controls in place, operations of the organization
sometimes referred to as ‘net risk’ or
‘managed risk’, but most frequently as Operations- Activities of the organization
‘residual risk designed to deliver products and services
to customers or clients
Hazard Risk- Category of risk that is
associated with the management of pure Opportunity Risk- Category of risk that is
risks or perils – the effects of hazard risks associated with the benefits of speculative
need to be mitigated opportunities

Impact- Effect on the finances, Project Risk- Risk that could cause doubt
infrastructure, reputation and marketplace about the ability to deliver a project on
(FIRM) when a risk materializes time, within budget and to quality

Inherent Risk- Level of a risk before any

control activities are applied, sometimes
referred to as the
RISK Meanings
ISO Guide 73/ISO 31000- Effect of Risk capacity- Maximum level of risk to
uncertainty on objectives. Note that an which the organization should be
effect may be positive, negative, or a exposed, having regard to financial and
deviation from the expected. Also, risk is other resources
often described by an event, a change in
circumstances or a consequence. Risk criteria- Basis for ranking or
Institute of Risk Management (IRM)- evaluation of the significance of a risk –
Risk is the combination of the probability will define the risk appetite of an
of an event and its consequence. organization
Consequences can range from positive to
negative. Risk exposure- Level of risk to which the
Orange Book from HM Treasury- organization is actually exposed, either
Uncertainty of outcome, within a range of with regard to an individual risk or the
exposure, arising from a combination of cumulative exposure to the risks faced by
the impact and the probability of potential the organization
Institute of Internal Auditors- The Risk management- Management
uncertainty of an event occurring that activities to deliver the most favourable
could have an impact on the achievement outcome and reduce the volatility or
of the objectives. Risk is measured in variability of that outcome
terms of consequences and likelihood.
Risk management manual-
-Risks can be classified according to the Documentation that includes all risk
nature of the attributes of the risk, such as management policies, procedures,
timescale for impact, and the nature of the protocols and guidelines
impact and/or likely magnitude of the risk.

Risk appetite- Defined in Guide 73 as Risk management policy- Statement of

‘amount and type of risk that an the overall intentions and direction of the
organization is willing to pursue or retain’ organization related to risk management –
but definitions of risk appetite can vary often a one-page document
Risk management process- Activities
Risk assessment- Means by which that deliver management and control of
significant risks are evaluated and risks – defined in this book as recognition,
prioritized by undertaking the three stages rating, ranking, responding, resourcing
of ‘Risk recognition’, ‘Risk rating’ and ‘Risk controls, reaction planning, reporting and
ranking review (8Rs)

Risk assurance- Means by which an Risk management standard- Guidance

organization receives reasonable that provides a description of the risk
assurance that the significant risks are management process, together with
being adequately controlled advice on establishing a suitable risk
management framework
Risk attitude- Long-term view of the
organization to risk defined by the 4Cs of Risk Matrix- Presentation of risk
comfort, concerned, cautious and critical information on a grid or graph, also
referred to as a risk map or heat map and years time, often defined by strategic
often used to illustrate information from objectives
the risk register
Tactical risk- Medium-term, control or
Risk ranking- Stage in the risk uncertainty risk associated with change
assessment process that analyses the and projects designed to ensure that the
likelihood and impact of a risk organization delivers the planned strategy

Risk rating- Stage in the risk assessment Tactics- Developments, projects and
process that evaluates the risk with programmes of work to implement
reference to the risk appetite or the strategy and move the organization from
established risk criteria, to help select the where it is now to where it wants to be in
appropriate risk response three or five years time

Risk recognition- Early stage in the risk Target risk- The ultimate level of risk that
management process, which involves the is desired by the organization when
identification of all of the risks faced by the planned additional controls have been
organization implemented

Risk register- Record of the significant Terminate- Risk response that is

risks faced by an organization, the appropriate when the level of risk is not
controls currently in place, additional acceptable to the organization or outside
controls that are required and risk appetite, also referred to as ‘avoid’ or
responsibility for control activities ‘eliminate’

Tolerate- Risk response that is

Risk tolerance- Deviation from the appropriate when the level of risk is within
expected level of risk leading to risk appetite, also referred to as ‘accept’ or
implementation of risk escalation ‘retain’
procedures – definitions of risk tolerance
can vary considerably Transfer- Risk response for risks outside
risk appetite that the organization wishes
Significant risk- Risk with the ability to to transfer or share, by means of
impact above the established benchmark insurance, contract or (perhaps) joint
for that type of risk venture

Stakeholder- Persons or groups of Treat- Risk response for risks that can be
persons with an interest in the activities of (further) treated by introduction of
the organization, summarized by CSFSRS cost-effective (corrective) controls, also
referred to as ‘control’ or ‘reduce
Strategic risk- Long-term or opportunity
risk concerned with where the Upside of Risk- Additional benefits
organization wants to go, how it plans to available to the organization by taking risk
get there and how it can ensure survival

Strategy- Statement of where the

organization wants to be in three or five

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