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Samuel 28

1. Why did Saul consult the medium at Endor?

2. Who did Saul request to be summoned from the dead? (Samuel)
3. Why does Saul turn to Samuel? (v. 15)
4. What does Samuel imply with his reply? (v. 16-17)
5. Who was the enemy Israel was facing in 1 samuel 28 (philistines)

Samuel 29

1. Who was marching in the rear with Achish as the Philistines were gathering for battle against
Israel? (v.2)
2. Who did not want David to fight with the Philistines against the Isaraelites? (v.3,4)
3. Why did Achish believe David should be permitted to fight with the Philistines (v.3)
4. What did the Philistine commanders believe David would do during the fighting? (4)
5. How did David respond when Achish told him he could not fight with the Philistines? (v.8)
6. Where did David and his men go when they left the Philistines, who were preparing to battle
Israel at Jezreel? (v.11)

Samuel 30

1. In verse 2 of the chapter, who did the Amalekites take captive?

2. What was happening to the city of Ziklag when David and his men arrived?
3. How did David and his men react to their people being taken?
4. Who were David's two wives?
5. What did they give to the Egyptian to eat?
6. What the Amalekites were doing when David and his men found them?

Samuel 31

1. Where were Saul and his three sons killed? (31:1-6):

Mount Carmel
Mount Ebal
Mount Gerazim
Mount Gilboa
2. What did the men of Jabesh Gilead do? (31:11-13)
They took the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall of Bethshan
They burned the bodies
They took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh
All of the above

3. Why did Saul ask his armor-bearer to finish him off with his sword? (31:4)
He didn’t want the uncircumcised run him through and abuse him.”

4. What did Saul do when his armor-bearer refused to kill him? (31:4)
Saul took his own sword and fell on it

5. What rituals were performed on the bodies of Saul and his sons? (31:13)

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