Course Project - Madrid Metro Lines

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Database Management System

Madrid Metro
Course Project

Railway System
The Madrid Metro Network is one of the complex public establishments. You can design a
database solution for this network and make the management of the same more natural. Your
system should enable the client to register to the database, search for tickets, cancel
registration, booking and refund the ticket.

Case statement:
The customer can do the following:
- Register to the database with
o user's id_number, user's name, user's telephone, user's address, payed account.
- Cancel his registration
o delete the user's registration information from the table in the database.
- Search,
o Customers can use the train number to query.
- Booking ticket,
o Customers can use the train number make the query, and the system will return the relevant
information to customers, including the type of train, the type of the tickets, the number of
remaining tickets, the price of tickets.
o The registered customers can order tickets. They could select the Train Number, sites interval
of trips, the number of train tickets.
- Refunding his/her ticket.
o The system checks tickets information to determine whether to allow refunding tickets, then
returns the process result.

The project report should include:

- ER diagram (25)
- Relational Schema diagram (25)
- Database including data for at least 10 registered clients, and at least two Metro lines
(use Madrid Trains Network Map). (25)
- SQL code for database generation and Queries required to support client operations.
Note: you can add additional attributes that make the retrieving process and connections
among the system entities accurate and flexible.

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