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Your Company – Specific Risk Assessment

Audit Location: __________________________

Audit Date: ________________


Objective: To verify controls over cash processing, receiving, posting, disbursing and reconciling are adequate to
prevent improper diversions of cash.

Controlled Risk
Yes No H/M
  /Low
1. There are excessive open bank Expected Control: Cash balances are monitored  
accounts with no activity increasing by the controller (and at a high level by the
risk for diversion of cash and lost Corporate Cash manager) to ensure that cash
assets. (APS 2) balances in excess of reasonable cash
requirements is transferred to maximize overall
company interest avoidance or investment
income. Zero balance accounts are used where
available. Balances in inactive accounts or
accounts considered unnecessary are transferred
to remaining accounts and accounts are timely

Actual Control:
2a. There is inadequate separation of Expected Control: Access to cash receipts is  
duties with respect to cash receipt, minimized by use of a lock box for handling
posting and reconciliation resulting in deposits. Remittances handled directly through
increased risk for cash the office are handled by employees independent
misappropriation. (APS 5) from accounts receivable and bank reconciliation
responsibilities and are immediately restrictively
endorsed upon receipt. Employees handling cash
are bonded to ensure that risk of loss is limited.
Receipts are deposited daily.

Actual Control:
2b. Significant Cash receipts are not Expected Control: The nature and significance  
received through the lock box, limiting of customer remittances being received and
the effectiveness of lock-box controls. deposited outside of lock box controls is reviewed
(APS 5) monthly by the controller as part of the bank
reconciliation review. At least quarterly, letters are
sent to customers not using the lock box
requesting that the lock box address be used
when sending receipts.

Actual Control:
3. Cash receipts posted to the accounts Expected Control: Remittances posted to the
receivable ledger are inconsistent with A/R system are agreed to amounts deposited per
cash deposited at the bank or the total deposit receipts. Total deposits per bank are
posted to the general ledger. reconciled to the total deposits per the cash

Prepared By: Date: 14-May-23 Page ____ of ____

Reviewed By: ___________________ Date: _________________

Audit Title and Location W/P REF. ______

Your Company – Specific Risk Assessment
Audit Location: __________________________
Audit Date: ________________

(APS 3 & 4) account.

Actual Control:
4. The bank accounts are not Expected Control: Bank accounts are  
independently reconciled resulting in independently reconciled to the balance per the
unidentified errors in financial general ledger monthly. Reconciliations are
reporting or opportunities for independently reviewed and approved for
concealment of cash misappropriation. appropriateness.
(APS 3)
Actual Control:
5. Miscellaneous cash receipts received Expected Control: Transactions giving rise to  
through the office are not supported future cash receipts are timely recorded as a
by a recorded accounts receivable, receivable to ensure that timely collection and
allowing misappropriations of such deposit of expected cash receipts can be
receipts to go undetected by other appropriately accounted for.
accounting controls. (APS 5)
Actual Control:
6. Cash receipts are applied to invoices in Expected Control: Customer account balances  
a manner different than remittance are regularly reviewed to ensure that receipts are
advices (or applied on account) to being applied to specific invoices rather than as
conceal previously misappropriated payments on account. Customer statements are
receipts (lapping). (APS 5) sent to customers so that missing or
inappropriately applied receipts are subjected to
customer scrutiny.

Actual Control:
7. Fictitious remittance information may Expected Control: Access to A/R cash receipts  
be entered into the system or programs and physical files used to process
documents inserted into manual files accounts receivable billings, credits, and
to affect inappropriate credit and remittances is restricted to individuals with related
resulting refund checks (i.e.- job responsibilities who are not also responsible
fraudulent over-payment refund or for handling cash (receipts or disbursements) or
refund of vendor credits). (APS 5) bank reconciliations.

Actual Control:
8. Petty cash is not maintained in a Expected Control: Petty Cash is kept in a secure  
secure location increasing the risk for location accessible only by the cash custodian.
lost cash. (APS 6)

Actual Control:
9. Petty cash reconciliation is not Expected Control: Petty Cash is independently  
independently reviewed increasing the reconciled.
risk of improper diversion of cash.
(APS 6) Actual Control:
10. Improper or non-business Expected Control: Petty cash is maintained as  
expenditures are paid from the petty an impressed account. Cash disbursements are
cash resulting in lost cash. (APS 6) agreed to supporting receipts or related
documents before being replenished. Funding of

Prepared By: Date: 14-May-23 Page ____ of ____

Reviewed By: ___________________ Date: _________________

Audit Title and Location W/P REF. ______

Your Company – Specific Risk Assessment
Audit Location: __________________________
Audit Date: ________________

petty cash is limited only to petty cash

replenishment transactions. Release of petty cash
is supported by a petty cash disbursement
voucher that is approved only for transactions
that are reasonable and necessary to be handled
through petty cash.

Actual Control:

Prepared By: Date: 14-May-23 Page ____ of ____

Reviewed By: ___________________ Date: _________________

Audit Title and Location W/P REF. ______

Your Company – Specific Risk Assessment
Audit Location: __________________________
Audit Date: ________________

Cash & Accounts Receivable Detail Test Work

Audit Done W/P
Pgm# Review and Testing Performed by Date Ref. Comments
Interview key personnel in order to prepare a detailed
Transaction Flow Narrative to document the following.
 Who receives cash, posts cash and physically deposits
 Number of bank accounts and use of each account
 Bank account reconciliation process
 Petty cash procedures, security and reconciliation
 Cash application
 Obtain or prepare a comparative summary of the
previous four quarter-ending cash balances for analytic
review of fluctuations
Audit Test Work
2. Obtain a list of all active bank accounts and review the following:
 Number of bank accounts is not excessive and active
bank accounts have a valid purpose
 General ledger equivalent for each bank account
 Verifying authorized signers for the accounts. Ensure
that signers are current employees
3. Select various bank account reconciliations and review for the
 Reconciliation was completed timely
 Reconciler was independent of cash handling
responsibilities or reconciliation was independently
reviewed to prevent concealment of potential cash
 There were no un-reconciled items over 3 months old
 Check mathematical accuracy of reconciliations and
supporting documentation
 Ensure that bank balances are reconciled to general
ledger balances
 Verify that deposits in transit are recorded in the
subsequent statement
 Review bank statements for transfers of funds
between accounts occurring near the balance sheet
date. Verify that the transfers were recorded in the
books in the same accounting period and that O/S
transfers in transit were appropriately reported on the
bank reconciliation.
 Identify checks that have been outstanding for a
substantial amount of time and determine status
 Determine through inquiry whether any checks drawn
before period end were released after period end

Prepared By: Date: 14-May-23 Page ____ of ____

Reviewed By: ___________________ Date: _________________

Audit Title and Location W/P REF. ______

Your Company – Specific Risk Assessment
Audit Location: __________________________
Audit Date: ________________

 Consider agreeing the last check number issued during

the period to the bank statement or outstanding check
list to verify the completeness of outstanding checks
reported per the bank reconciliation
 If available, examine cancelled checks for proper
endorsement of payee and for proper signature
(CARSRA 3 & 4)
4. Per inquiry, verify that bank account and G/L reconciliations are
done every month and that un-reconciled items are resolved.
5. Review Bank account activity to ensure that the source, nature,
and significance of bank statement credits are consistent with
the transaction flow narrative. Select a sample of miscellaneous
cash receipts received and deposited through the office and
verify that the receipts were appropriately supported by
independently recorded accounts receivable.
(CARSRA 2a, 2b, 5, 6 & 7)
6. Perform the following steps with the petty cash:
 Evaluate the physical security of the fund
 On a surprise basis count the petty cash in the
presence of the custodian and agree to G/L
 Review vouchers for disbursements to ensure
appropriateness of expenditure and proper approval
 Review various reconciliations to ensure they are
performed and un-reconciled items are properly
resolved (CARSRA 8, 9 & 10)

Prepared By: Date: 14-May-23 Page ____ of ____

Reviewed By: ___________________ Date: _________________

Audit Title and Location W/P REF. ______

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