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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education

Region III - Central Luzon | Schools Division of Bulacan

Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School
Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

Senior High School Department


Class Number: Name: Garcia, Precious Yvette Garcia Score:

Strand & Section: 11 STEM - 1 Date: Parent’s Signature:



This study was received on June 12, Abstract :

2016, edited on July 27, 2016, and
accepted on July 28, 2016. - According to the findings of this study, citrus plants of the Rutaceae family, which include
fruits like lime, sour orange, mandarin, lemon, and grapefruit, appear to be an
Available online August 5. 2016 acknowledged prospective source of various beneficial vitamins and minerals for humans.
- According to the researchers, citrus fruit food that remains, which are generally discarded
It was published in the Journal of the as rubbish in the environment, have the potential to be utilised as nutritional resources.
Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences - The use of these bioactive-rich citrus leftovers can provide an efficient, low-cost, and
(2018), 17, 351-358. environmentally friendly platform for the development of new nutrients or the enhancement
of existing ones.
- This research carefully summarized the probable components found in citrus peel, which is
commonly discarded as waste.

Introduction :

Consuming fruits and vegetables can help minimize the chance of being ill for an extended
Summary :
period of time. They include dietary fiber, which aids in the functioning of our bodies. This implies
that if we consume enough of it every day, we are less likely to have gastrointestinal troubles, get
overweight, or develop illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Fruits, vegetables, and whole
Citrus fruits are really good for you grains are good sources and eating them has other benefits, such as preventing your body from
because they have things in them that storing too much cholesterol. By using special parts inside them called phenolic compounds, which
help keep your body healthy. They give act as antioxidants - they prevent harmful chemicals from harming since the dietary fiber content and
you vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, useful components, it lowers the risk of chronic illnesses.
potassium, and folic acid which make Citrus fruits are extremely nutritious since they contain substances that promote excellent health.
your muscles grow strong and help with They also provide your body with essential vitamins such as vitamin C and potassium. Citrus fruits
digestion. These fruits also protect us have been investigated to see if they might help prevent harmful diseases, and it has been shown
from getting sick by providing important that flavonoids, which are contained in the fruit, are quite effective. Even though we usually eat or
substances called phytochemicals that
drink the inside of these fruits, there is something valuable left over after we remove their skin -
can keep our bodies safe. Even the peel
which contains far more of those helpful components than anything else. We utilize it by drying it and
of these fruits has a lot of helpful stuff in
feeding it to cows, but there is so much remaining peel from producing juice each year that people
it. Scientists want to find better ways to
are looking for new ways to use it.
preserve food without using harmful
They include vitamins and minerals that can help keep your body healthy. These fruits also
chemicals but some parts of citrus fruit
include phytochemicals, which are specific substances that safeguard our health. Citrus is high in
peels can be useful too.
vitamin C, folic acid (essential for cell growth), potassium (excellent for muscles), and pectin, which
aids digestion. Citrus fruit was utilized as medicine many years ago since it helped with specific
conditions. Oranges, for example, may heal scurvy, lemon juice may prevent kidney stones from
developing, grapefruit may decrease blood pressure, and orange juice may even stop inflammation.
Some citrus fruits also include additional beneficial substances, such as oxyprenylated natural
compounds, which are uncommon but extremely beneficial to our health.
Scientists think that certain minerals and vitamins present in citrus fruits can help prevent illness.
Because some of the chemicals used to keep food fresh have been found to be dangerous, experts
are exploring for natural replacements to those chemicals. They've also discovered that some of the
fruit we typically toss away might be really beneficial. This article discusses three essential citrus
peel components that are both beneficial and healthful.

Phenolic compounds:
Summary :
Plants contain phytochemicals, which are extremely beneficial to human health. They can help us
I learned that plants have special things
battle diseases including cancer, diabetes, and heart issues.
called phytochemicals, which help keep
us healthy.
SUMMARY(Write 3 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.)
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon | Schools Division of Bulacan
Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School
Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

Senior High School Department


Class Number: Name: Garcia, Precious Yvette Garcia Score:

Strand & Section: 11 STEM - 1 Date: Parent’s Signature:



and fight off bad stuff in our bodies. They These molecules function by preventing harmful substances in our body from harming us, much like
can even fix broken DNA like a machine superheroes. They do this by fixing broken DNA (like a fix-it machine), battling infections (like an
or battle infections. Eating fruits and army soldier), and reducing swelling in the body when we are injured or unwell (like medication). So
veggies is good for us just like it helps eating fruits and vegetables with these abilities will keep you healthy and strong, just as it will help
the plants grow. I also found out about plants grow.
Kinnow fruit from India, which has really Citrus fruits, such as oranges and tangerines, contain nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial
nutritious peel left over after making to our health. Kinnow is a kind of tangerine that grows in India throughout the winter months. People
juice. And scientists discovered how to produce juice from it, but there is a lot of peel left behind as trash. This leftover peel also has a lot of
make meat safer without using chemicals nutritious ingredients. It's high in vitamin C and other beneficial chemicals that can keep us healthy
by using extract from oranges and other and safe. When we consume meat, it can go bad because air causes it to change color and taste
citrus fruits high in healthful components strange; this happens less frequently if we apply specific chemicals to the meat to block this process
that fight disease. They contain natural (although these aren't usually particularly safe).
compounds helpful for preventing cancer, Scientists discovered a technique to make meat safer without the use of chemicals. Instead, they
reducing swelling in our body when we're employed extract from the skin of oranges and kinnow fruit, which are high in healthful components
injured or unwell (like medicine), that fight disease in our bodies. Other research have demonstrated that certain varieties of oranges
protecting our brains, destroying harmful can be beneficial to our health. GOFA and boropinic acid (found in some fruits) are remarkable
germs natural compounds that help prevent cancer, decrease inflammation, protect our brains, and even
destroy hazardous microorganisms. Oranges and kumquats are particularly high in these beneficial

Flavonoids :

Flavonoids are unique chemicals present in citrus fruits such as oranges. They may not provide
us with energy, but they can help avoid big ailments. Flavonoids are classified as glycosides or O-
methylatedaglycones. The peels of the fruit contain far more PMFs than the other sections we
consume. These substances from citrus fruits also do a lot of good for our health, such as preventing
Summary of flavonoids : cancer, fighting viruses and inflammation, making blood vessels stronger so they don't break easily
or cause clots that stop blood flow to important places like your brain or heart, which is very bad
Flavonoids are special things in oranges news, and helping you not get sick when your body is under too much stress by reducing oxidative
that can help us stay healthy. They aren't stress caused by aging. Flavanones provide natural sweeteners without the need of chemicals.
like energy, but they prevent big Flavonoids can even keep older individuals healthy for longer by improving the general functioning of
problems and make blood vessels their bodies.
stronger so we don't get sick or have Citrus fruit extracts have been examined by scientists to determine whether they might be utilized
clots stopping important places from as medication or nutritious food. They discovered that when paired with other medications,
getting blood. Flavanones taste sweet flavonoids, which are natural compounds present in citrus fruit, may help protect our brains and
without chemicals! Citrus fruits grown combat illnesses such as diabetes and cancer. Citrus fruits cultivated in areas with plenty of
with lots of sunshine contain more sunshine contained more flavonoids than those grown in areas with little sunlight. The researchers
flavonoids than those in little sun areas. also uncovered distinct forms of flavonoids present in certain citrus fruits, such as Mandarin oranges,
Scientists found different kinds of them which contain a specific kind called naringin while others do not. Flavonoid structures influence how
too - some weaker against bad stuff well these compounds work against harmful molecules known as free radicals; some forms weaken
while others work better to help our them while others increase their ability to reduce damage caused by oxidative stress, which
brains fight diseases like Alzheimer's contributes to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.'As a result, understanding
disease. Dried tangerine peel also has the flavonoid content and structure in citrus fruits can help us design more effective dietary
good stuff called flavonoids whichcan strategies to prevent or manage these diseases.
reduce inflammation in the body. Researchers discovered that a natural remedy known as dried tangerine peel can help preserve
our brains. This drug has specific components, such as flavonoids, which are beneficial in preventing
harmful things from occuring in our bodies (such as cancer and brain issues). One major function of
this medication is to prevent microglia cells from generating inflammation in our brains. Inflammation
is defined as swelling within your body that causes you to feel ill or injured.
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon | Schools Division of Bulacan
Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School
Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

SUMMARY(Write 3 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.)

Senior High School Department


Class Number: Name: Garcia, Precious Yvette Garcia Score:

Strand & Section: 11 STEM - 1 Date: Parent’s Signature:



The researchers also uncovered certain particular components within the tangerine peel -
hesperidina, nobility, and tangerine - that act together to protect humans against these diseases
much better than they would if consumed alone.

Dietary fibre :

Summary : Dietary fibre is derived from plants and is classified as either soluble (can dissolve in water) or
insoluble (cannot dissolve in water). It contains cellulose, pectin, gums, starches, and other
ingredients. A table lists several good sources of dietary fibre. Fibre is vital because it prevents our
There is a type of food called fibre that
bodies from digesting too quickly, allowing us to absorb nutrients more effectively and allowing us to
comes from plants. It can be dissolved in
excrete more frequently. Eating adequate fibre also maintains us healthy by assisting in the
water or not, and it helps our bodies by
maintenance of insulin levels and the reduction of cholesterol before meals.
letting us absorb nutrients better and go
People who care about their health often prefer natural supplements over synthetic ones to stay
to the bathroom more often. Fibre also
safe; food manufacturers benefit from using these fibre-rich plant products as an ingredient in eco-
keeps us healthy because it maintains
friendly foods that have many positive effects on people's well-being while remaining affordable to
insulin levels and lowers harmful
produce on a large scale. We require between 21-38 grams per day, depending on whether you're
cholesterol before meals. We should eat
male or female - the majority of which should be the type that dissolves readily when combined into
between 21-38 grams per day depending
liquids, known as 'soluble' one-third daily consumption limit advised by specialists. As a result, it is
on if we are boys or girls, with most being
critical that we consume adequate fibre in our diets.
soluble fibres like oatmeal. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruit elements such as the peel and fibre contain polyphones, which can help keep meat
have pectin which prevents heart disease
fresher for longer. They also contain pectin, which is beneficial to the body and aids in the prevention
& cancer while decreasing bad
of ailments such as heart disease and cancer. Eating citrus fruits or peels can also help decrease
cholesterol levels. There are many types
harmful cholesterol levels. There are several varieties of citrus fruits that all include significant
of citrus fruits you can add to your dishes
quantities of beneficial fibres that you may add to dishes to make them healthier.
for health benefits.

Conclusion :

Scientists conducted research on citrus fruit remnants, particularly the peel. They discovered that
these leftovers may be utilized as healthy supplements to our diet since they contain nutrients that
are beneficial to us and can help avoid illnesses caused by stress. The peel also helps to hold oil
and water together during cooking, which is beneficial. Using these fruit scraps may also assist to
reduce pollution. However, further study is needed to ensure if it is truly useful.
SUMMARY(Write 3 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.)

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