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TEST 1 – UNIT 10

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. sugar B. consume C. trans-fat D. obesity
2. A. vitamin B. mineral C. diet D. fitness
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. prevent B. injure C. sugar D. fitness
4. A. healthy B. consume C. diet D. headac
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
5. This kind of fruit helps to boost the immune system.
A. decrease B. reduce C. increase D. maintain
6. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years.
A. Living standard B. Longevity C. Life skills D. Lifeline
7. Children often get vaccinated in order to be immune to fatal diseases.
A. susceptible B. vulnerable C. allowed D. resistant
8. Here are some principles for people to stick to if they want to stay healthy.
A. rules B. principals C. laws D. duties

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
9. Stretching will relax your muscles and prevent any damage to your joints.
A. allow B. avoid C. limit D. protest
10. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and cause back pain.
A. result in B. result from C. lead to D. activate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
11. We need some cholesterols (A) to help (B) our skin, brain, and other organs grow(C), but too much of
it can cause (D) health problems.  some cholesterol
12. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases.
A B C D  developing
13. Your body may not be able to fights infections naturally if your immune system is weakened.
A B  fight C D
14. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I can't sleep.
A B C D  couldn’t
15. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle.
A B C D  will boost
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
16. Hoa reminded Lan ____ some groceries on the way home.
A. buying B. to buying C. buy D. to buy
17. My friend suggested ____ on a yoga course to lose weight.
A. enrolled B. enroll C. enrolling D. to enroll
18. Tom and Ken admitted ____ to submit the assignments the day before.
A. to forget B. to forgetting C. forget D. forgot
19. The mother told her two daughters ____ too much fast food.
A. not to eat B. to not eat C. to eat not D. not eat
20. The doctor said to Mr Black that if he ate lots of fatty food, he ____ increase his chance of developing
heart disease.
A. will be B. will C. would be D. would
21. She's going to the photographer's ____.
A. that her photograph be taken B. to have her photograph taking
C. to have her photograph taken D. to have taken her photograph
22. In order to avoid bad eating habits, you'll have to replace unhealthy fat with more ____ food.
A. nutrition B. nutritional C. nutritious D. nutritive
23. If you're tired, even if you feel that you need to get more done, give yourself ____ to sleep.
A. request B. requirement C. permission D. permit
24. The student failed to meet the necessary ____ for admission to the course.
A. fulfillments B. qualities C. aptitudes D. requirements
25. The director has promised that ____ finds a solution to this particular problem will be well awarded.
A. who B. the one C. whoever D. anyone
26. Tom's father told him if he goes to bed on an empty stomach, he ____ be able to sleep well.
A. doesn't B. won't C. wouldn't D. hasn't
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

27. Nam: What do you personally do to keep fit?

Lan: ____
A. I think keeping fit is necessary for everyone.
B. As far as I know, more and more people exercise to keep fit.
C. Fitness centres are mushrooming.
D. I just do morning exercise and maintain a balanced diet.
28. Lan: Do you think it's important for young people to keep fit?
Nam: ____
A. Why do they need to keep fit?
B. It's very important for old-aged people to have a healthy lifestyle.
C. I do think so. As the main labour force of the country, they must be strong.
D. It doesn't cost much to work out in the gym these days.
29. Nam: Do you do any sports ?
Lan: ____
A. More and more people are talking about sports events these days.
B. I used to, but now I don't. I'm too busy.
C. There are different types of sports. D. Sportsmen should be highly paid.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following

30. ‘I'll buy you a new bicycle if you stop eating junk food,' said Lam's mother.
A. Lam's mother promised to buy him a new bicycle if he stopped eating junk food.
B. Lam's mother promises to buy him a new bicycle if he stops eating junk food.
C. Lam's mother will promise to buy him a new bicycle if he stops eating junk food.
D. Lam's mother had promised to buy him a new bicycle if he stopped eating junk food.
31. 'You will boost your immune system if you exercise regularly,' said Tam.
A. Tam says that we'll boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
B. Tam said that we'd boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
C. Tam said that we'll boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
D. Tam said that we boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
32. I thought I should ask the doctor about going on a diet. I went to the surgery.
A. Having been on a diet, I went to the surgery.
B. I went to the surgery, so I asked the doctor about going on a diet.
C. I asked the doctor about going on a diet, so I went to the surgery.
D. I went to the surgery in order to ask about going on a diet.
33. I had to lose some weight. I went on a strict diet.
A. I had to lose some weight after I went on a strict diet.
B. I went on a strict diet in order to lose some weight.
C. I had to lose some weight before I went on a strict diet.
D. I had to lose some weight even when I went on a strict diet.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
In China, it is believed that tai chi can delay ageing and prolong life, increase flexibility, strengthen
muscles and tendons, and aid in the treatment of heart disease, high blood (34) ____, arthritis, skin diseases,
depression, cancer, and many other (35) ____.
(36) ____ of the research on tai chi has been done in older individuals in the area of balance and fall
prevention. This area of (37) ____ is important because fall-related injuries are the leading cause of death from
injury and disability among older adults. Because tai chi movements are slow and deliberate (38) ____ shifts of
body weight from one leg to the other in (39) ____ with upper body movements, it challenges balance and many
have long assumed it helps improve balance and reduce fall frequency.
In a similar tai chi study of older adults, 54% of the subjects who practised tai chi attributed their
improved (40) ____ of confidence to improved balance. One study looked at adults in their 60s and 70s who
practised tai chi three times a week for 12 weeks (60-minute classes). After (41) ____ six weeks, statistically
significant improvements were observed in balance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility measures.
Improvements in each of these areas increased (42) ____ after another 12 weeks.
The demands of living are stressful for adults of all ages. Although one cannot directly point to studies
showing a reduction in stress from practising tai chi, the breathing, movement, and mental concentration
required of individuals who practise tai chi may be just the distraction you need from your hectic (43) ____.
34. A. pressure B. ceremony C. request D. telling
35. A. bride B. regulations C. diseases D. notes
36. A. Almost B. Most C. The most D. Mostly
37. A. research B. boxe C. present D. war
38. A. through B. for C. in D. with
39. A. respect B. coordination C. stopping D. refusal
40. A. sense B. common C. marriage D. divorce
41. A. then B. as C. just D. that
42. A. father B. further C. farthest D. more
43. A. troubles B. problems C. lifestyle D. rounds

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a child's upbringing can give it the ability to do
outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a
person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The
truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.
It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a child's
ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities.
As one psychologist says, “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel”.
Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that
were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based
on intelligence, and later influenced by the child's environment. One case involving very intelligent twins was
quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was
brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That
twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better. This case
reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a child's
intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic
level of a child's family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not
affect intelligence.
Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One
professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary
performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten
years' hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining. People who want to
have very gifted children are given the following advice:
- Marry an intelligent person.
- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.
- Start a child's education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.
- Encourage children to play, for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who
wants to become an outstanding musician.
44. The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires ____.
A. an expensive education B. good musical instruments
C. parental support and encouragement D. wealthy and loving parents
45. The word "others" used in the first paragraph refers to____.
A. other people B. other scientists C. other children D. other geniuses
46. When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that ____.
A. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement
B. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability
C. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment
D. different twins generally have different levels of ability
47. Scientists chose twins for their study because ____.
A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin
B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing
C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities
D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence
48. How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?
A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nurtured.
B. They practice playing their instruments for many years.
C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.
D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.
49. The remark: "To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel." in the passage means that in
order to become a genius ____.
A. you need to have good health and good nourishment
B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it
C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently
D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard
50. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ____.
A. a child's intelligence is influenced by that of his/her parents
B. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development
C. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure
D. educational development depends completely on economic well-being.

TEST 2 – UNIT 10
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. nurse B. films C. stops D. coughs
2. A. language B. program C. England D. applicant
3. A. China B. Latin C. skin D. pronunciation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following questions.
4. A. happen B. visit C. travel D. develop
5. A. offer B. listen C. precede D. follow
6. A. interview B. appropriate C. employ D. describe
7. A. support B. fascinate C. accept D. believe
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions
8. We should consume healthy food and exercise regularly.
A. store B. purchase C. buy D. eat
9. There are several ways to exercise and stay healthy.
A. apply B. exploit C. keep fit D. operate
10. We should take prescription medicine only when other methods fail.
A. decline B. not succeed C. break D. fall
11. If you take this medicine, you will recover quickly.
A. get well B. get on C. get up D. get in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
12. You need to do some warm-up exercise such as stretching before you start your yoga practice.
A. remaining B. declining C. developing D. shrinking
13. After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my obesity.
A. denial B. approval C. refusal D. rebuttal
14. I found a website advertising an effective way to lose weight in one month.
A. drop B. waste C. maintain D. gain
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
15. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle.  will boost
16. Nam’s wife told him that it would be nice if he spends more time with the children.  he spent
17. Peter explained to us that if Ann called him back, he'll arrange an appointment for her.  he’d
18. The travel agent explained to us that if we travelled to a foreign country, we need a valid passport. if we

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
19. Lan's father reminded ____ her medicine regularly.
A. to take B. her take C. her to take D. her taking
20. Her yoga instructor insisted ____ those relaxation techniques every day to improve her health.
A. her practise B. her to practise C. on her practise D. on her practising
21. My doctor warned me ____ out if air pollution levels are very high.
A. not to go B. to not go C. not go D. go not
22. John apologised ____ his doctor's instructions.
A. not for following B. for not following C. to follow D. to not follow
23. Anna said that if she ____ a lot of fast food, she could become overweight.
A. consumes B. consumed C. will consume D. would consume
24. The student failed to meet the necessary ____ for admission to the course.
A. fulfillments B. qualities C. aptitudes D. requirements
25. ____ cholesterol is a byproduct of the fat that are found in animal-based foods like eggs, dairy products and
A. Diet B. Dietary C. Meal D. Food
26. After ____, people feel more refreshed and alert.
A. meditation B. attention C. determination D. prescription
27. Come and see me when you ____ your report.
A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. had finished

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
28. Lan: What do people do to keep fit?
Nam: ____
A. Everyone wants to keep fit these days.
B. So many people do harm to their health by smoking or drinking.
C. They combine exercising and having a balanced diet.
D. Not many people can afford to eat healthily.
29. Nam: Do young people you know get enough exercise?
Lan: ____
A. Not really. They are a little bit lazy.
B. Getting enough exercise is very important.
C. They tend to eat too much junk food.
D. Fast food is the young people's favourite food.
30. Nam: What could we do to encourage them to exercise more?
Lan: ____
A. Exercising in the morning is really encouraging.
B. What about forming some sports clubs after school hours?
C. Young people tend to exercise less than before.
D. Lack of exercise will weaken your body.
31. Nam: Do you think we are healthier today than people were fifty years ago?
Lan: ____
A. People always want to live long and stay healthy.
B. Life fifty years ago was much harder than nowadays.
C. People in the past had to overcome lots of hardship.
D. Not really. People nowadays live in a more polluted environment.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
32. 'Mai will recover quickly if she follows the doctor's advice, said Mai's father.
A. Mai's father said she would recover quickly if she follows the doctor’s advice.
B. Mai's father said she will recover quickly if she followed the doctor's advice.
C. Mai's father said she would recover quickly if she followed the doctor's advice.
D. Mai's father says she would recover quickly if she followed the doctor's advice.
33. 'You should exercise more in order to keep fit,' said Anna.
A. Anna urged us to exercise more to keep fit.
B. Anna demanded us to exercise more to keep fit.
C. Anna forced us to exercise more to keep fit.
D. Anna advised us to exercise more to keep fit.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
34. People want to keep fit. Many people take up sports.
A. Many people take up sports so as to keep fit.
B. Many people want to keep fit so as to take up sports.
C. Many people want to keep fit in order to take up sports.
D. Although people want to keep fit, they take up sports.
35. I want to stay healthy. I try to eat lots of fruit.
A. Although I try to eat lots of fruit, I stay healthy. B. I stay healthy though I eat lots of fruit.
C. I try to eat lots of fruit in order to stay healthy. D. I eat lots of fruit, but I stay healthy.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Foot massage has been (36) _______ in different cultures for years to promote health and well-being. Also,
it has been a valuable part of complementary and alternative (37) _______.
Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that
correspond to the body’s different (38) _______ and glands. These points are located on the soles, ankles, toes
and upper part of the foot. In reflexology, pressure is applied (39) _______ special areas on the feet with
specific thumb, finger or hand techniques.
Stimulating and applying pressure to these reflexes on the feet is definitely pleasurable, but at the same
time it helps (40) _______ good health.
Due to urban (41) _______, most of us do not use the muscles of our feet properly. Also, improper
footwear like tight shoes hamper normal circulation in the feet. You can improve your blood circulation with 10
minutes of daily foot massage. This in turn will help (42) _______ oxygen to the body’s cells, which is (43)
_______ for overall health.
Certain points on the feet are helpful in alleviating symptoms of depression. For instance, the spot in the
center of the big toe, the spot at the center of the ball of your foot are associated with emotional (44) _______
and mental health.
One easy way to keep your feet healthy and free from all kinds of foot problems is a regular foot massage.
It helps stimulate the muscles around your feet, lessens stiffness and even (45) _______ pain in the ankles or the
36. A. worked B. made C. practised D. trained
37. A. medicine B. medicines C. pills D. substance
38. A. bodies B. organizations C. organs D. regions
39. A. for B. to C. through D. with
40. A. raised B. upgrade C. stimulate D. promote
41. A. lifetime B. lifestyles C. life expectancy D. life story
42. A. transform B. transfer C. transport D. transmit
43. A. essential B. available C. care D. suitable
44. A. quality B. stability C. need D. change
45. A. kills B. cures C. rejects D. reduces
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is suitable
for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner, Hatha Yoga,
which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want to increase strength
through using more of your own body’s resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you. Whether you prefer
you're at home, in a private session, watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a huge variety of options
available to suit your goals and needs.
Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you
probably won’t be able to touch your toes. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and
eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses is built to reinforce the
muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is the core from which everything else operates.
When the core is working properly, posture is improved, thus alleviating back, shoulder, and neck pain.
Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back pain,
and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with
flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility.
Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your
circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better
as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated
blood to flow in once the twist is released.
Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to greater levels of
happiness and better immune function.
46. Yoga is a very convenient type of exercise because _________.
A. we can watch a DVD at a studio or gym and follow it
B. we can choose a yoga style that is suitable for our lifestyle
C. we can choose Hatha Yoga to focus on basic postures or to increase strength
D. there are a huge variety of options available for our private session
47. According to yoga’s principles, the spine is of great importance because _________.
A. when the spine is working properly, postures will become possible
B. seemingly impossible poses will become possible
C. it is the center of your body, from which other muscles operate
D. we can avoid back, shoulder, and neck pain
48. In order to build strong muscles, _________.
A. we build strength with high expenses at the gym
B. we don’t pay any attention to our appearance
C. we should reinforce the muscles around the spine
D. we can have strength with flexibility through yoga
49. Yoga can improve our circulation because _________.
A. it helps to provide more oxygen to cells or internal organs
B. it helps us to perform twisting poses more easily
C. we can have more relaxation exercises
D. it helps to provide more blood to internal organs than others
50. The word “alleviating” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. keeping B. relieving C. worsening D. boosting

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