Lecture 4 Part B

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Power Electronics II

Lecture 4 – Part b
Buck-Boost Regulator

Prof. Dr. Mostafa I. Marei

Buck-boost regulators
A buck-boost regulator provides an output voltage that may be less
than or greater than the input voltage.

The output voltage polarity is opposite to the input voltage.

This regulator is also known as an inverting regulator.

The circuit operation can be divided into two modes:
• Mode 1 ,transistor Q1 is turned on and diode Dm is reversed biased.
The input current, which rises, flows through filter inductor L and
transistor Q1.

Mode 1 Mode 2

• Mode 2 transistor Q1 is switched off and the current, which was flow
through L, would flow through L,C, Dm , and the load. The energy
stored in inductor L would be transferred to the load and the inductor
current would fall until transistor Q1 is switched on again in the next
The average voltage of the inductor =0  VskT= Va(1-k)T
 Va/ Vs=k/(1-k)


During mode 1: Assume that the inductor current rises linearly from I1 to I2
in time t1: I  I1 I
Vs  L 2 L ..........................................................1
t1 t1
During mode 2: The inductor current falls linearly from I2 to I1 in time t2:
 Va   L .......................................................... 2
t2 4
Where ΔI = I2 - I1 is the peak-to-peak ripple current of inductor L. From
Eqs. 1 and 2:
Vs t1 Va t 2 Vs k Va ( 1  k )
I   or
I   .....................3
L L Lf Lf
Substituting t1=kT and t2=(1-k)T, The average output voltage is:
Vs k .................................................................................4
Va 
1 k
Assuming a lossless circuit, Vs Is= Va Ia= k Vs Ia / (1-k) and the average
input current Is is related to the average output current Ia by :
kI a
Is  ...........................................................................5
1 k
The ripple voltage of the capacitor is:
Q I at1 I a kT I a k Va k
Vc      .....6
C C C Cf RCf
Hence, the per unit voltage ripple is given by:
Vc k
 ........................7
Va RCf
The average input current calculated from : is
1 kT 1 I  I2 I2
I s   is dt  ( 1 )kT  kIL
T 0 T 2 I1
Using Eq. 5, KT T
Ia Va kVs
IL    ..............................8
1 k R(1  k ) R(1  k ) 2
The maximum and minimum inductor currents =
The maximum and minimum switch currents =
The maximum and minimum diode currents and are given by
I I I
I max  I 2  I L   s 
2 k 2
I I I
I min  I1  I L   s 
2 k 2
Note: The supply current or the input current is discontinuous and a high
peak current flows through transistor Q1  the current rating of the
switch is higher than the boost converter ( I2 = Is + Δ I/2 ).
When the diode conducts  VD =0 and the switch becomes off
The voltage rating of the switch = Vs + Va

When the switch conducts  VQ =0 and the diode becomes off

The voltage rating of the diode = Vs + Va


Condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage.
For critical value of the inductor, the inductor ripple current ΔI=2IL .
Using Eqs 3 and 8, we get
kVs 2kVs
 2I L 
fL R(1  k ) 2
Which gives the critical value of the inductor Lc as

R(1  k ) 2 ...............................................................................9
Lc 
For critical value of the capacitor, the capacitor ripple voltage ΔVc=2Va.
Using Eq. 6, we get
 2Va  2 I a R
Which gives the critical value of the capacitor Cc as
Cc  ..............................................................................10
2 fR
Sheet 1: Q9
A buck-boost regulator in the figure below has an input voltage of Vs=
12V. The duty cycle k=0.5 and the switching frequency is 25kHz. The
inductance L=150 μH and the filter capacitance C=220μF. The average
load current Ia=1.25A. determine (a) the average output voltage Va, (b)
the peak-to-peak output voltage ripple ΔVc , (c) the peak-to-peak
ripple current of inductor ΔI, (d) the peak current of the transistor Imax,
and (e) the critical values of L and C.

Vs= 12V, k=0.25, Ia=1.25 A , f=25kHz , L= 150μH, C=220μF.
Vs k 12  0.25
(a) Va    4V
1 k 1  0.25
Iak 1.25  0.25
(b) Vc   6
 56.8mV
fC 25000  220 10

Vs k 12  0.25
(c) I   6
 0.8 A
fL 25000 150 10
(d) From Eq.5, Is=1.25×0.25/(1-0.25)=0.4167A, the peak current of the
I I 0.4167 0.8
I max  s     2.067 A
k 2 0.25 2
(e) Va 4
R   3.2
I a 1.25 (1  k ) 2 R (1  0.25) 2  3.2
Lc    36 H
2f 3
2  25 10
k 0.25
Cc    1.56 F
2 fR 2  25 10  3.2 10
Buck-boost regulator and Flyback Regulator
Replacing the coil L by a high frequency transformer (pulse transformer)
results in the Flyback converter.
L represents the magnetizing inductance of the high frequency transformer.
The flyback converter is one of the family of isolated DC/DC converters which
is used in any application requires isolated Switch Mode Power Supply “SMPS”

The Flyback DC/DC converter

N1:N2 11
Discontinuous Current Mode (DCM) of Buck-Boost converter:
Show that the gain of the buck-boost converter in the DCM depends on the
circuit and control parameters. I2
i1 i2

il I2

kT t3

eL T
I I2 I 
During on-mode: Vs  L L  2 …(11)
kT kT L
During off-mode: Va  L
…(12) Va
 L 2  t3  L 2  s
t3 t3 Va Va
From the circuit, the capacitor is assumed to sink the ripples of il  the
1 t3 I 2 Va t3 I 2 R
average value of il equals to Ia  I a    Va  …… (13)
T 2 R 2T
Substituting (11) & (12) in (13): Va R
Vs kT Vs kT R  k
Va  
Va L 2T Vs 2 Lf … (14)12
Discontinuous Current Mode (DCM) of Buck-Boost converter:
Example: find the output voltage of a buck-boost converter fed from 30V
battery where L=1.3 mH, R=100 , f =5KHz, and k =0.3.

R( 1  k )2
From equation (9), Lc   4.9 mH  L  DCM
Va R 100
k  0.3  0.832  Va  0.832( 30 )  24.96V
Vs 2 Lf 2( 1.3 )( 5 )
Va k
Note, If L  the operation becomes CCM and   0.429
Vs 1 k
i.e. the voltage gain in DCM > gain in CCM
Another way to check DCM:
Vs kT k 2 Lf 2L
Substitute (14) in (12) results in: t3     72 s.
Va fk R fR
( 1  k )T  ( 1  0.3 ) / 5000  140 s.
 t3  ( 1  k )T  DCM of operation as we expected. 13

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