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Top priority :

1. Regarding Insulin :
Immediate acton of Insulin – Entry of potassium into
Acton of insulin at eellular le el is – Entry of glucose into
Acton of insulin at eellular le el is mediated by – Proten

2. Regarding Prostate :
Median—structurally largest lobe
Lateral -- anatomically largest lobe
Peripheral – largest zone
eA prostate -- peripheral zone / Posterior lobe +
Metastasize to Vertebral column and brain by Anterio
Inter ertebral enous plexus
BPH – median lobe / transitonal zone
3. Regarding Errecton and Ejaculaton :
Errecton ( increaseas by O3 and Deecreases by Oor-
epinephrine ) – parasympathetc (S2-S4 )
Ejecton / Emission – Sympathetc (Hypogastric ner e
T11-L2 )
Ejaculaton / Expulsion – Pudendal ner e (Voluntary
control )
4. Regarding eholesterol :
High Triglycerides –chylomicrons > VLDeL > chylomicron
Lipoprotein which is rich source of cholesterol (bad
cholesterol) – LDeL
Highest phospholipids present in -- HDeL
Good cholesterol – HDeL

4. Infammaton mediators :
Potent ehemotactc factor --- e5a
Potent ehemotactc factor Deeri ed from arachidonic a id
pathway – LTB4
Potent ehemotactc factor for neutrophils – IL-8
IL-1 and TOF@ – Fe er mediator
Prostaglandins F2, E2 and De2 – Vasodilaton
Most potent infammatory mediator for pain –
Most important chemical mediator of Infammaton –
Inital mediator of infammaton – Histamine

5. Hypothalamus :
Anterior Hypothalamus – works as Ae – lose Heat by
cutaenous asodilaton immediate and sweatng afer
that ( Main control of Temperature regulaton )
Posterior Hypothalamus – works as heater – conser es
heat by shi ering or cutaenous asoconstricton
Lateral Hypothalamus – in ol ed in Feeding
Ventromedial Hypothalamus – Satety eentre

6. Regarding bufer :
Major blood bufer – bicarbonate
Major RBes bufer -- Hemoglobin
Major Intracellular bufer – proteins
Major Extracellular bufer – bicarbonate

7. Anion gap : Oormal alue 8-12

Deiference b/w Measured catons and measured anions
Deiference b/w Unmeasured anions and unmeasured

9.Antdote for organophosphates poisoning is –

For Re ersal of Symptoms -- Atropine

10. Initaton of micuturiton refex by – Stretch receptors

in bladder wall
Micuturiton centre (stmulatory )- Pons
Micuturiton centre (Inhibitory ) – Midbrain
Processing of micuturiton --- cerebral cortex
Micuturiton refex centre / integraton -- Sacral
segments of spinal cord
Voluntarily Inhibiton – act aton of pudendal ner e

11. Pain and flling sensatons of bladder are carried by

All other Sensatons of bladder carried by –

12. 3rofecal route – Hep E > Hep A

Most lethal hepatts – Hep De
Most common in pregnancy – Hep A
Most lethal in pregnancy (causing fulminant Hepatts ) ---
Hep E
Most common spread by blood – Hep e
Most lethal irus afer blood transfusion / Transplant –
Most common sexual spread – Hep B
High index of Infect ity is indicated by ---
Hbe Ag + e and Hbe Ab - e > HbeAg + e and HbsAg + e

13. Regarding absoprton :

He33- absoprton – PeT and eT
ADeH acts on – eollectng Deuct
Aldosterone acts on – eollectng Deuct + DeeT

14.HTO in Pregnancy—labetalol >methyldopa

Pre-eclampsia – labetalol
Eclampsia – MgS34
Hypertensi e emergency / pre- operat e Deecrease in BP
--- IV Hydralazine

15.Source of energy while fastng :

Upto 48hours – glucose
From 48 hours tll 72 hours—Faty acids/TGs
Afer 72 hours – Proteins /amino acids
16.Aortc Regurgitaton –EDeV increased and SV increased
Aortc stenosis --- ESV increased and Oo change in EDeV

17. Hypoglycemia increaseas :

Glucagon > Gastrin > Secretn
GH is increased In :
Hypoglycemia > Exercise > OREM > REM

18.Smoking is associated with :

Giant cell Arterits
Endarterits obliterans / Buerger Deisease
Squamous cell eA lungs

19. Muscle for opening of mouth – lateral pterygoid

Muscle ha ing capsule and atached on neck of mandible
--- lateral pterygoid
Muscle for closing of mouth – medial pterygoid
Muscle of mastcaton used for closing of mouth –

20. Rapidly adaptng receptor – paccinian >Meissner >

Krause blub
Slow adaptng – golgi > markel endings >rufni

21. Oer e stmulaton is difcult to be generated in ---

Deecreased height of acton potental – Hyponatremia

22. Thyroid :
Maximum concentraton of thyroid hormone -- T4
Act e form of thyroid hormone -- T3 (Free form is act e)
Thyroid gland is enclosed by – pretracheal fascia
Metabolism of TSH in li er – Deemethylaton
Metabolism of Thyroid Harmones In Li er – Dee-iodinaton
Deyspnea on lying down – Retrosternal Goiter
Ant-thyroid drugs Deecreased – Thyroid gland Synthesis

23. Most reliable sign of irre ersible eell injury – Massi e

ealcium infux
Hallmark of irre ersible cell Injury – eell membrane
Most prominent sign of re ersible cell Injury – Myelin
Hallmark of re ersible cell Injury – ER swelling
Inital sign of re ersible cell Injury – Membrane blebbing

24. Regarding Absorpton from GIT :

Absorpton of L3OG chain FA—JEJUOUM
Absorpton of SH3RT chain FA –e3L3O
Max water Reabsorpton –JEJUOUM
Max water + electrolytes Reabsorpton – jejunum
Passi e water absoprton – Jejunum
Act e water absoprton – eolon
Aldosterone Independent Absorpton – Jejunum
Aldosterone dependent absoprton – eolon
Iron and ealcium absorpton – Deuodenum
Vitamin B12 Absorpton --- Terminal ileum

25. Types of pel is and related things :

Finger couldn't reach sacral promontory -- Android pel is
If Finger reaches Sacral promontory -- contracted Pel is
Pel is in males -- Android (Heart shaped )
Pel is is females -- Gynecoid (Rounded shape)
Most fa ourable pel is for deli ery -- Gynecoid pel is
( wide and spacious)
Reference point for head during labour --Ischial spine
Bony landmark for Pudendal ner e block -- Ischial spine

26. Parasympathetc efect :

Parasympathetc efect on GIT :
Relaxaton of fundus + eontracton of body of stomach
+Relaxaton of sphincter + Increasead GIT motlity
Parasympathetc efect on Heart : Deecreased heart rate

27. Sympathetc is always – Adrenergic

Sympathetc is eholinergic only in – sweat glands
Sympathetc is for – Fight and Flight ( Pupillary dilaton ,
Bronchodilaton , Deecreased GIT Motlity and dry

28. Metabolic disturbances :

Mild hypomagnesemia Stmulate Parathyroid—
Se ere Hypomagnesemia suppress Parathyroid thus
leads to – Hypocalcemia
Hypokalemia is associated with – Metabolic Alkalosis
Hyperkalemia associated with –Metabolic Acidosis

29. Related to Malignancies :

Microscopic feature of Malignant tumor :
Metastasis > In asion of adjacent tssues > pleomorphism
> increasead O/e rato
Grading --- Ouclear diferentaton / degree of
diferentaton / Anaplasia
Staging --- Extent of spread / Lymph nodes in ol ement
Pre-malignant lesion --- pleomorphism
Pre-malignant conditon --- increased O/e rato

30. TB
Inital – ehest X ray
Deefnit e – AFB by ZO staining
Deiagnostc -- sputum eulture
Microscopic --- easeous necrosis
Histologic – Epitheliod eells with caseatng granuloma
Type of hyper-senit ity – Deelayed Type 4
Margins – Undermined

31Most comon cause of autoimmune Hemolytc anemia :

Idiopathic>> SLE >> drugs
In eO3 palsy – pupils dilaton occurs + Ptosis + de iaton
of Eye outward and downwards ..!
In Hornor syndrome – Deamage to cer ical Sympathetc
chain + pupil constricton + Ptosis and anhydrosis ..!
In eO 4 palsy – Vertcal Deiplopia ( Superior oblique )
In eO 6 palsy – Horizontal Deiplopia ( lateral rectus )
In eO3 palsy – both Vertcal and Horizontal Deiplopia

33. Deetecton of tumor :

eommon method to detect Tumor --- Tumor marker
eommon method to detect Tumor cells – Peripheral

earcinoid syndrome – most common site is small
intestne (ileum) > lungs , Trachea and bronchi
Most common tumor of appendix – earcinoid Syndrome
Most common site of earcinoid syndrome o erall GIT >
Respiratory system

35. Insulin and drugs :

Short term control of blood sugar -- regular insulin
Long term control of blood sugar – Metormin ( side
efects lactc acidosis + weight loss + metallic taste )
Startng Oew drug in obese patent – Metormin
Startng Oew drug in elder patent – Tolbutamide

Hemoglobin synthesis starts in – proerthroblast or Early
Hemoglobin First appears in --- Intermediate Oormoblast
RBe Ouclei disappear in – Retculocytes
Maximum concentraton – Retculocytes >> Late
Maximum rate of HB Synthesis –
Late Oormoblast and Intermediate Oormoblast
Blood cells of bone marrow get signals to proliferate
from—Growth factor
RBes get signals to proliferate from—
Hematocrit (41-47%) tells – 3nly RBes

Asbestosis -- lower lobe of Lungs + bronchogenic eA >
mesothelioma (pleural plaques ) + FERRUGIO3US B3DeIES
+ constructon workers + plumbers
Silicosis-- upper lobe of right + EGG SHELL
eALeIFIeATI3O + sandblastng , foundaries and mines +
Increased risk of TB
SARe3IDe3SIS – (ERYTHEMA O3De3SUM is characteristc
fnding ) -- microscopic (non- caseatng granuloma )
histology (epithelioid cells + asteroid bodies ) + LUOGS
most common afected
39. First line of defense
Tissue – Macrophages
Blood – Oeutrophils
Surface – Skin
Major sca engers – Macrophages
Phagocytosis done by – Oeutrophils
3psonizaton – e3b
Phagocytosis by -- e5a

Largest Antbody (pentamer) + can cross placenta + First
antbody to be produced in primary immune response --
Highest in serum + antgen binding --- IgG
Produced in highest quantty + present in Secretons –
Antbody produced in allergic reactons – IgE

41. Lesions :
Deopamine loss in substanta nigra and striatum --
Parkinson Deisease
GABA loss in Substanta Oigra and Globus Pallidus --
Huntngton Deisease
GABA loss in eaudate Oucleus --ehorea
GABA loss in Globus Pallidus – Athetosis
GABA loss in Subthalamic Ouclei -- Hemiballismus

Longest Incubaton period – HIV > IM >Hep B > EBV
Longest Latent period – HIV

43. Thiazide diuretcs cause :


Potent stmulant of Aldosterone – Hyperkalemia
Potent stmulant of Renin --- Hyponatremia >
Renin is inhibited by – Increased Angiotensin 2
Thrist centre is stmulated by – Angiotensin 2

Excessi e Exercise causes – Hyperkalemia
Insulin causes -- Hypokalemia

Virus cause malignancy by – alteraton in protein
synthesis > Alteraton in proto-oncogene
Virus cause malignancy because they ha e – 3ncogene
Radiaton cause malignancy by – Free radical formaton
DeOA irus – Adeno irus and Hepatts B

Posit e feedback – ehild-birth
Oegat e feedback – e32 transport / Homeostasis
Highest energy compound – ATP
Highest energy molecule – ATP
Highest energy content – Starch
Most common source of emboli – femoral ein
Most common site of DeVT –popliteal ein
Most common cause – immobilizaton
De dimers – sensit e for DeVT
FDeP –specifc for DeVT

50. LIVER :
Most commonly Injured in Trauma to abdomen – Li er
Has dual blood supply so can withstand ischemia –Li er
Bare area of li er limited by -- eoronary ligament
eonnects li er to anterior abdominal wall-- Falciform
eonnects li er with frst part of duodenum
--Hepatoduodenal Ligament ( is a porton of lesser
omentum contains P3RTAL TRIADe )
Tail of pancreas lies in -- linorenal Ligament
Lesser 3mentum contains – Hepatogastric ,
Hepatoduodenal and Hepatoesophageal Ligaments

51. True hemaphrodite

XX :55/70%cases
XX/XY : 20/30%cases
XY : 5/15 %cases

Accidently cut – Ulner ner e
Suicidal atempt – Median ner e
Passes abo e fexor Retnaculum – Ulnar ner e and Ulnar
Ulnar ner e damage at elbow (fracture of medial
epicondyle ) – Loss of Sensatons in medial 1/3rd palmar
and dorsal aspect + Hypothenar wastng
Ulnar ner e damage at wrist – elaw Hand
Median ner e damage at elbow – Hand of Benedict
Median ner e damage at wrist – earpal tunnel Syndrome
( Thenar wastng )
In median ner e damage – 3ppositon and abducton is
not possible
Radial ner e is damaged in Spiral groo e in shaf of
humerus or maybe damaged in eompression of ner e of
axilla -- wrist drop
Axillary ner e is damaged In – Anterior dislocaton of
shoulder joint

Iron Transport form --- Transferrin
Iron storage form – Hemosiderin
Iron Fe2+ in reduced form binds to – Hemoglobin
Heme binds with – Hemopexin
Hemoglobin binds with – Haptoglobin
Iron is absorberd from – Deuodenum
Deiagnostc for IDeA – Serum Ferritn
Iron is contraindicated in – Thalassemia (due to iron
o erload )

54. HIV
HIV – ROA irus (Immunity is Deecreased due to decrease
in ed4 helper T cells )
Follow up is done by -- ed4 count (Helper T cells )
Progression from asymptomatc to Symptomatc stage
can be assessed by – PeR
Most common opportunistc organism :
In HIV --- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
AIDeS --- Pneumocystc eariini

Most eommon eongenital Deisorder -- VSDe
Most common eongenital eyanotc Deisorder – T3F
Most eongenital eyanotc anomaly at birth – TGA
Female li ing at Hill or if baby is premature – PDeA
Hyaline disease / disease of Prematurity -- Deecreased
type 2 pneumocytes ( Deecreased surfactant -- Deecreased
surface tension -- increased tendency of lung to
collapse ) -- Betamethasone is gi en in intrauterine life

56. Lymphatc Derainage :

Breast upper lateral quadrant – Anterior / pectoral group
Breast medial quadrant – Medial group
Stomach – eeliac nodes
Uterus , 3 ary and testes --- Para-aortc lymph nodes
eer ix – Internal and External Iliac
Prostate – Internal Iliac
Lateral surface of foot + Posterior compartment of leg --
popliteal group of nodes
Great toe – Horizontal group of superfcial Inguinal nodes
Abo e Pectnate Line – Internal Iliac Oodes
Below Pectnate Line-- Superfcial Inguinal Oodes
Glans penis and eorpora ea ernosa -- Deeep inguinal >
superfcial Inguinal
Urinary Bladder -- Internal & external iliac nodes

AFP raised in – Anencephaly
AFP Deecreased in – Deown syndrome
Deiagnostc for Oeural tube defects –
Oeural tube defects – most common is Meningo-
Oeural tube defects occur due to – Folic acid Deefcency
and itamin A toxicity

58 . Regarding Oeonates :
e- shaped Vertebral column
Has eircular abdominal ca ity
Li er has 5% of body weight ( largest organ )
Sample taken from De3RSALIS pedis artery > posterior
tbial artery
Blood olume is 85ml / kg

59. Staging shows --

Spread of cancer
Extent of In asion
Lymph nodes in ol ement
Grading shows –
Ouclear diferentaton
Oo of Mitosis

60. B2 agonists --
➡️Increased Insulin Secretons
B2 blockers –
➡️Deecreased insulin Secreton

Deiagnostc feature of Aplastc anemia – Faty marrow >
In Aplastc anemia – Deecreased all cell lines

62. e3LLAGEO and Wound Healing :

Type 1 collagen -Fibrocartlage + bone + tendons + fascia
Type 2 -- elastc and Hyaline cartlage + itreous body
Type 3 -- blood essels + uterus
Type 4 -- Basement membrane + lens
Early wound healing + granulaton tssue-- Type 3
Late wound healing + wound strength -- Type 1 collagen
Hyaline cartlage -- larynx + artcular surfaces of Syno ial
Elastc cartlage -- Ear pinna + nose
Deiet defcent in fruits and egetables -- Deecreased
tensile strength
Deiet ha ing complete absence of fruits and egetables--
Deecreased collagen synthesis..
Vitamin e -- hydroxylaton of glycine and proline residues
L3eAL factor for delayed wound healing -- infecton
SYSTEM factor for delayed wound healing -- anemia >
3ld age Deecreased wound healing -- Harmonal and
endocrinological changes
3ld man fell and fractured his bone and delayed wound
healing -- Deecreased blood supply

63. Perforatons of Deuodenum and stomach :

Anterior duodenum perforaton -- right paracolic guter
> Right iliac fossa > right post subphrenic space
Posterior duodenal perforaton – lesser sac
Bleeding from duodenal perforaton – Gastroduodenal
Bleeding from Gastric ulcer – Lef Gastric artery
Ulcer is most common in – Deuodenum > stomach
Ulcer is most commonly caused by – H. Pylori
Ulcer is a risk factor for – eA stomach

64. Sesamoid cartlage—Ala of nose

Sesamoid bone – Patella
Factor V mutaton(Laden ) leads to—thrombosis .
Factor V defciency leads –bleeding .
Factor 12 defcency leads – Thrombosis.
Most common acquired thrombotc disorder is – ant-
phospholipid syndrome
Most common Inherited coagulopathy – WBDe
Most common inherited disorder is – Factor V Mutaton
Oatural antcoagulant and ant-thrombotc – heparin
Oatural thrombolytc – Plasmin > plasminogen

Extrinsic and intrinsic pathway con erge on ----- Stuart
factor (Factor 10).
Factor 8 is produced by – Endothelium .
elotng factor not completely synthesized in li er is ---
Factor 8.
Act aton of extrinsic path way by --- thromboplastn
In itro coagulaton is initated by—Factor12 .
Vitamin k dependent factor with shortest half life is ---
Factor 7 .
Vitamin k dependent factor ha ing longest half life is ---
factor 2.

67. Regarding Brain Tumor:

Most common 3VERALL – Glioblastoma Multforme
Most common BEOIGO in eHILDeREO – Meduloblastoma
Most common MALIGOAOT in eHILDeREO – Pilocytc
Most P3TEOT Antoxidant – GLUTATHI3OE
Most potent antoxidant among itamins – Vitamin E
Sequence : Glutathione > itamin E > transferrin

69. Antbodies :
lgM –LARGEST in size, antbody (pentamer ) that is
mainly Intra ascular, EARLIEST antbody to be
synthesized and e3LDe antbody
IgG – can cross placenta , in ol ed in phagocytosis ,
WARM antbody , present in highest quantty in blood
IgA – antbody produced in highest quantty in blood ,
present in body fuids and secretons
IgE – produced in allergic reacton

Functonal End Arteries -- Heart
Anatomical / True End Arteries – Retnal Artery
EODe arteries are present in -- eentral Retnal Artery >>
Spleen >> Heart

71. Lab fndings in hematology:

➡️aPTT raised only – hemophilia
➡️aPTT and BT raised – WBDe
➡️apTT and PT raised – it defciency or li er disease (if
doesn’t impro ed by gi ing it k)
➡️if all 3 raised --- Think for DeIe (ad ise De-dimers )
➡️if only BT raised – ITP , HUS and TTP

72. Heart rate and locaton of pacemaker:

SA node –60-80
AV node—40-60
Purkinje fbers –20-40

73. SA node – slowest pre-potental / prominent pre-

potental + works as synctum as it is able to generate
impulses at a faster rate
Purkinje fbers ha e highest speed of conducton due to –
wide diameter > large no of gap junctons
Speed of conducton :
Purkinje fbers > Bundle of His > Atria > Ventricles > AV

74. Abortons :
➡️Most common cause of recurrent spontaneous
aborton – Ant-phospholipid antbiody syndrome
➡️Most common cause of aborton in frst trimester is
ehromosomal abnormalites
➡️ehromosomal causes are o erall most common cause
➡️Aborton in 2nd trimester is mostly related to maternal
causes like fbroids or eer ical abnormalites
➡️Deown Syndrome is most common chromosomal
abnormality in Pregnancy

75. Appendectomy :
Oer e / structure damaged during Appendectomy--
Iliohypogastric ner e
Artery damaged during Appendectomy-- Deeep eircumfex
Appendicular artery -- terminal branch of ileocolic Artery
Incision gi en is – Mc Burney incision

Superfcial inguinal ring formed by -external oblique
Deeep Inguinal ring formed by -- trans ersalis fascia
Femoral sheath formed by -- trans ersalis fascia + fascia
eonjoint tendon -- formed by aponeurosis of internal
oblique and trans ersus abdominus

77. Radiotherapy and ehemotherapy :

Regarding sensit ity to radiotherapy :
Lymph node tumor > Seminoma > Glioma >
Radiaton induced Brain malignancy – meningioma
3 erall radiaton induced eA – Leukemia
ehemotherapy caused cell death – Apoptosis
ehemotherapy induced omitng is treated by –

78. Tumors :
Male age Les than 40 – Seminoma
Male age more than 50 + increased LDeH – Lymphoma
Tumor containing mature cells – Teratoma
Giant cell tumor (soap bubble appearance )- Epiphysis
3steosarcoma (codmans triangle sunburst
appearance ) + osteochondroma (most common
benign )- metaphysis
Ewing sarcoma (onion skin )-- diaphysis
3steoblastoma occurs in -- ertebrae
3steoid osteoma -- cortex of long bones + has
radiolucent osteoid core

Most common long bone fractured is – cla icle
Fracture occurs at juncton of middle and lateral third …
ela icle ossifcaton occurs by Intramembranous
In lower limb most common bone fracture is – Tibia
Mandible has – both intramembranous and intrachondral
method of ossifcaton
Epiphyseal centre afer birth -- Lower end of Femur

80. Deeterminants :
Preload -- EDeV (which in turn depends on enous return)
Afer load – MAP
TPR – Deiastolic BP

81. Regarding eellular 3RGAOELLES :

Deetoxifcaton of drugs – SER
Deetoxifcaton of alcohol – peroxisomes (contain
3xidases and in ol ed in long chain faty acid
Metabolism )
Mitochondria – power house + self-replicatng + Short
chains Faty acids Metabolism
Deouble membrane bounded organelles – Oucleus and
Golgi bodies – packaging of cells
Producton of proteins – Ribosomes > RER
eentrioles make – Basal body ( basal body makes cilia
and fagella )
Hypertrophy – Increased in size ( Increased DeOA content)
Hyperplasia – Increased in number
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia both together – Uterus in

82. Regarding Bar bodies

Scanty or absent bar Bodies – Turner Syndrome
Bar Bodies are diagnostc for – Klinefelter Syndrome
Bar Bodies are related to which type of cells –

Heparin Acts on – Factor Xa
Heparin inhibts – ant-thrombin 3
Antdote of heparin is – protamine sulphate
Heparin monitoring is done by – aPTT
Heparin is gi en – IV
Warfarin acts on and inhibits -- Vitamin K Epoxide
reductase thus Inhibitng the synthesis of itamin K and
clotng factors
Warfarin antdote is – FFP or Pee
Warfarin acton is re ersed by – itamin k (long actng )
Warfarin monitoring is – IOR > PT
Warfarin in gi en – 3rally

84. Regarding Vascular supply :

Anterior wall of Heart supplied by --- LADe
Anterior surface of Heart supplied by --- ReA
eonducton system of heart supplied by – ReA ( except
RBB supplied by LeA)
Anterior inter entricular groo e contains -- great cardiac
ein + anterior inter entricular artery ( LADe )
Posterior inter entricular groo e contains -- middle
cardiac ein + posterior inter entricular artery ( ReA)
Epicardium supplied by – eoronary artery
Pericardium supplied by – pericardiophrenic arteries +
phrenic ner e

85. Arteries and leads in MI (ST ELEVATI3O) :

Inferior wall MI (Artery is ReA )—leads 2, 3 and aVF
Anterior wall MI (Atery is LADe ) – leads V1-V6
Lateral wall MI ( Artery is LeX ) --- leads 1 , a L , V5 and
V6 )

86. Heart Sounds :

First heart sound – iso olumetric contracton ( closure of
mitral and tricuspid al e ) + felt at mitral area
Second heart rate-- iso olumetric relaxaton ( closure of
aortc and Pulmonary al e ) + felt at lef upper sternal
Third heart sound –rapid entricular flling + best at apex
+ normal in childens , pregnancy and athletes
Fourth heart sound-- Oon- compliant lef Ventricle +
best at apex + due to increased atrial pressure
87. Malaria :
Fe er with chills – prefer malaria always
Shortest proerthrocytc phase – P. Falciparum
( responsible for eerebral malaria )
Longest proerthrocytc phase – P. Malariae
Benign Malaria – P. Vi ax
Quatdian Malaria – P. Knowleski
Quartan Malaria – P . Malariae
Tertan – P. Falciparum
In resistant malaria – Artemisnin with combinaton is
gi en

88. Regarding heat loss :

Heat loss Deepends upon – eore body Temperature (if
not present choose Temperature of External
en ironment )
Set point Increased than Hypothalamus—Shi ering
happens and sweatng Deecreases ( ice ersa if set point
Deecreased )
If a person is lying naked heat loss by -- radiaton and
Marathon runner ha ing excessi e sweatng—Heat
exhauston > Deehydraton
If a person has no sweatng and then collapsed—Heat
Farmer In a sunny day collapsed—Hyponatremia Deue to
excessi e sweatng

89. Regarding bone :

3steoporosis – thin and wide trabeculae + long term use
of steroid is the cause
3steogenesis -- osteoclasts in howhship lacunae
REGARDeIOG bone -- appositonal growth
3steoblast -- bone making cells + produce ALP
3steoclast – bone resorpton
Deemimeralizaton of bone done by – PTH
PTH directly regulates – itamin De le els
PTH indirectly regulates – ealcium Absorpton from
intestne through Vitamin De
3steon Has -- eoncentric lamellae
Patent has cast applied now has Deecreased muscle mass
-- Deisuse atrophy + Deecreased no of actn and myosin +
Deecreased work load

90. Mysthenia gra is :

Mysthenia gra is – antbodies’ against presynaptc
oltage gated cannels
Deiagnostc test –AeH receptor antbodies
Most accurate/confrmatory/gold standard--- EMG
Inital drug fro mysthenia gra is—Oeostgmine
De3e -- For maintained therapy is pyridostgmine
Physostgmine – erosses BBB immediately and Increase
In Lambert eaten Syndrome – antbodies are directed
against ealcium channels

91. Regarding Malignancies :

Most common skin eA -Bee (nodular type )
Most common site of Bee is -upper lip
Most common afer Basal eA -- Squammous eA
Most common site of See – lower lip
Most aggressi e – Melanoma
Locally Malignant – Ameloblastoma
Pre-malignant lesion which must be excised --- Actnic
keratosis ( on cheeks)
eonditon ha ing Highest malignant potental --- Basal
cell eA ( See in situ )
Blue cell tumor in children + releasing catecholamine +
gene Amplifcaton – Oeuroblastoma

92. Exercise :
Deuring Exercise blood fow increased to – Exercising
skeletal muscle
Deuring Exercise decreased blood fow to—kidneys >
Splanchnic Vessels
Deuring Exercise blood fow to Exercising muscles is
maintained by – Local Metabolites
Deuring Exercise blood fow to Oon-Exercising Muscle is
maintained by – Sympathetc Adrenergic
Deuring Exercise there is an increase in – Ventricular
Deuring Exercise subject e feelings of getng tred is due
to – Increased Heart rate
Afer Exercise feeling of getng tred is due to –
Increased Lactc acid

93. Regarding Infarcts :

Hemorrhagic Infarcts + red Infarcts ➡️
Testes + Intestne + lungs + li er
Ischemic Infarcts + pale Infarcts ➡️Heart + spleen +

94. Regarding Body Fluids :

Oormal indi idual –70kg (42 litres )
IeF – 28 litres (2/3rd )
EeF – 14 litres (1/3rd )
EeF further has two parts :
Plasma – 3.5 litres
Remaining is Intersttal fuid -- 10.5 litres
95. Oecrosis and ealcifcaton :
Fat necrosis – pancreas + breast (trauma) + omentum
eoagulat e necrosis (eell architecture is preser ed )—
kidney + heart + li er
easeous necrosis (is a Special type of eoagulat e
Oecrosis )--- Lungs
Liquefact e necrosis -- brain tssues
Metastatc calcifcaton – lungs and kidney
Deystrophic ealcifcaton –necrotc tssues

96. In estgaton for Li er abscess :

Li er abscess – eT Scan
Amoebic Li er Abscess --- Serology
Hydatd eyst --- Immunological Assay

97. Bronchoscopy – First seen will be upper lobe of right

Aspiraton most common --- Apical segment of right
lower lobe
Aspiraton in Supine positon --- right lower lobe
Aspiraton in Lying on right side – right upper lobe

Becks Triad (eardiac temponade)—Mufed Heart
sounds , Hypotension and Raised JVP
Rustling Sound /Pericardial Rub—Pericardits
Pain unrelated to Respiraton – Myocardits
eonducton system of Heart --- Sub-endocardium

99. Regarding EeG :

Most prominent feature of hypokalemia ---
U wa e + in erted T-wa es
In Hyperkalemia – Tall T-wa es
Oormal EeG is unable to record – electrical act ity of
SA node
EeG changes can be seen in the following conditons
except --- Sleep
Saw tooth appearance on EeG --- atrial futer
P wa e absent + Irregular RR inter al in – Atrial
QRS complex shows – Ventricle Deepolarizaton
ST segment shows -- eomplete Ventricular
Deepolarizaton / Plateau phase
Isoelectric line --- PR segment
Isoelectric period – ST segment
TP segment – Relaxaton of Ventricles
Hypoglycemia increaseas – QT inter al
Most specifc fnding of pericardits – PR depression
Time taken by the impulse to tra el from endocardium
to epicardium – QRS eomplex
Absent p wa es Pacemaker In-- AV node
PR inter al on EeG coincides with – A wa e of JVP
Tall QRS complex – Hypertrophy of Ventricles
Low oltage QRS complex – 3besity , 3ld MI , e3PDe /
Emphysema , pericardial efusion , eonstrict e
eomplete Heart block (3rd degree) – eannon wa es
P-Mitrale occurs in – Mitral stenosis

100. Measles :
Highly contagious iral disease (airborne )
Rash frst on face  then body..
Koplik spots ..
Fe er (high grade ) + runny nose + infammed eyes +
eommon complicatons : diarrhea and ear infectons
Serious complicatons : pneumonia (most common cause
of death ) + deafness + seizures + if pregnant leads to
premature birth or Low birth baby
Long term squeal afer 7-10 years --- SSPE (sub-acute
sclerosing panencephalits )

Dr. Asad Rehman

“In positive minds knoleedee
becomes a ray of eieht “

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