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‘UNIVERSITET VAN DIE VRYSTAAT ‘UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE HOOFRAMPUS/IAIN CAMPUS feud DDEPARTEMENT GENETICA ‘DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS RONTAXNOMMER/CONTACT NUMBER: 051 4013874 EXSAMEN/EKAMINATION: Bykomende eksamen 2018 / Adana! ‘raminaton 2014 \RAESTEL1/PAPER 1 ASSESSOR(EY Mev /Mis. Spies ASSESSORS}: eantwoord ale a in pen en motver jou antwoorde waar van torpating / Answer al questions in pe and motivate your answers where appilabe. to) kelgeen kruisng, teenoor twee ouers wat betrokke ‘monohybrid cross involves a single parent, organi 'n Enkelgeen kruising word slegs eenkeer gemaak, tery! 'n keer gemaak word. A monohybrid cross Is performed of hybrid cross is performed twice. 1 Gebruik aie onderste diagram en beskrywing om vrae 46 te beantwoord. / Use the

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