Systems Thinking Assignment - PDF 01

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Bullying in the workplace.


Financial institute they are guided by their rules and processes. To run the daily operation they have
goal, visions, and value.

This gives guidelines on how to behave as employees towards your colleagues and customer.

The success of the business depends on how the employees perform.

For the employees to perform depends on the organization and the employees.

They depend on each other to be successful.


Bullying is a complex problem that is not visible.



Bullying is being identified as a major problem that employees are facing but they are fried to talk about,
they will be labeled as follows

1. One is negative
2. Not a team player
3. Lazy

It is like harassment e.g., Abuse of someone’s race / religion/ sexual comment.

Not easy to make a legal claim but one can report to our compliance officer, human resources office,
employee’s representative, or senior manager of supervisor and even to your Doctor who can give

We’ve spoke to individual who seem to be victims. From the two that we approached managed to tell
others. Still work in progress. People are afraid to talk as they fear to be victimized.

We are trying to create a safe workspace to deal the matter. We need to understand that when we
share the story told to us who safe will this people be in the workspace.

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We are talking about breadwinners, parents, daughter.


At times they feel humiliated

Treated unfairly

Verbal abuse

Blamed for problems occurring.

Over worked

They feel that their jobs are threatened

Unfairly passed over for promotion

They feel exploited

The Root Couse:

Lack of confident from the leader.

The employee is being in the same position since 2012. To date she relieves everybody in the branch.
She’s experienced, she can solve problems.

When there are vacant positions, she’s requested to act to fill the position until an appointment is done.

This happens frequently, since 2020 when I started at the branch, she acted four times and invited only
one for an interview.

Her direct leader depends on her to run the branch when she’s no available. Forever present.

Once she managed to get a lateral move to another branch,the direct leader refused to release her.

With the following stakeholder:

1. Human resource

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2. Employee representative – SASBO
3. Line manager
4. Employee

We need to find a solution to the situation.

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At times they feel humiliated

Treated unfairly

Verbal abuse

Blamed for problems occurring.

Over worked

They feel that their jobs are threatened

Unfairly passed over for promotion

They feel exploited


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Relevant question:

1. What is it that the leader does not like about this person
2. What skills or experience is needed for this person to grow.
3. Where do we start with helping both the employee and leader to stop the situation.
4. How can we rebuild trust between the two.
5. How do we ensure that such situation don’t get repeated
6. Will moving the employee solve the situation


Affinity diagram

Company Employee Human resource Employee


Loss of income Lack of trust in Motivation Represent the

the company employees
No production Resolve
Increase stress Ethical
Lack of trust leadership
Sick staff
No operations

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It gave me an opportunity to hear and see things that I thought no longer existing.
As leaders we then to turn a blind eye if things are not affecting you direct.
We let others take care of them.

It allowed me to be vulnerable in other people’s situation or stories.

To embark on the new journey as a leader with a purpose, not a leader by title.

As a system thinker I will be able to listen more, and I will learn to respect other people
stories if they trust to share with me.

As a system thinker creating a safe environment for others to share is imported and it build

Assisted me to have different perspective of the situation.

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Reference List

*** My work is based of interview done with colleagues

*** The agreement was not to disclose their details

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