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Linear Algebra (MAT423) – Assessment 1: Written Assignment (Group Project)



Please answer all questions. The total marks is 40.

Please submit the assignment in .pdf file to
Due by 11.59pm, Friday,12 April 2023.

1. (a) Given 3AB   C 

1 1

T T  1 3 
3 3
3 4
 and C   ,
2 3
i. Find AB1
 3 3
ii. Find A if B    (10 marks)
 1 1 

(b) Describe on what a triangular matrix is and name types of triangular matrices. Then, give an
example for each type of them. (5 marks)

2. (a) Given the following system of linear equations:

x  my  2
(2  m)x  y  3
Determine the value(s) of the constant m such that the above systems has
i. no solution
ii. infinitely many solutions
(7 marks)
1 2 4  1 2 4 
(b) Let A    and B    where A is row equivalent to B .
 2 9 2   0 1 2 
i. Find the elementary matrices E1 and E 2 such that B  E2E1A .

ii. Compute E11 and E21 .

(8 marks)
 1 3 1
 
3. Find the determinant of the matrix  2 1 1  by using cofactor expansion along:
 2 2 1
 
i. the 3rd row
ii. the 2nd column (10 marks)

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