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Learning Objective
Identify breakfast food and drink
Success Criteria
I know the German for many breakfast items and say whether
they are healthy or not
I can express preferences for breakfast items in German
I can find people who like breakfast items
Key Vocabulary
Was isst du?
Was trinkst du?
Ich esse (gern) ...
Ich trinke (gern) ...
Schmeckt ... gut?
Ja/Nein ... schmeckt gut
das Frühstück
Ich habe Hunger / Wir haben Hunger
Ich habe Durst / Wir haben Durst
das Obst
Ein Ei / Zwei Eier
das Brot
das Brötchen
die Butter
die Wurst
die Marmelade
der Saft
das Wasser
die Milch
das Essen 
& Vocabulary from the 'Fruit' lessons

Lesson Context
The children will learn the vocabulary for a variety of
breakfast items and will be able to talk about them, such as by
saying what they eat/drink, whether something tastes good and
whether it is healthy/delicious.The children will be able to use
the vocabulary learnt in the 'Fruit' lessons to further extend
them. There are lots of exciting activities including 'secret
signal', 'find someone who' and 'hangman'. The lesson will end
with a revision of  the fun song 'wir haben Hunger', which will
introduce 'food' activities in future Zeit für Deutsch sessions.  
Power point presentation
Hand outs which the children can take home for revision
Flashcards (Fruit and Weather) for the starter activity
'Find someone who ...' sheets
Main Introduction
Slide 2
Communicate LO and SC
Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision
of Fruit and Weather
The children should know how to play the flashcard game by
now so explain that they should be using the 'Lob' words on
slide 3 and let them get on with it. The fruit vocabulary will be
useful in today's breakfast lesson as more advanced children
will be able to express preferences about items of fruit and say
whether they are healthy or not.
Slide 4 - Questions and Answers - Food
There is a lot to take in on this slide so break it down into the
3 colours, red, green and blue:
Red - eating 
Sag mir nach the vocabulary in red. Point out that the 'isst' in
'was isst du' sounds like the German for 'is' (ist), but with a
slightly longer 's' sound. Unlike in English, in German the
verb changes when proceeded by you - I eat, you eat.
"Gern" - Last week the children learnt 'ich mag' (I like) and
this will be confusing. At this stage just say that 'gern' comes
after a verb and 'mag' can stand alone.
Model a few sentences, asking the question at the top of the
slide and answering the question using fruit they learnt
recently (and revisited in their flashcards), for example:
Ich esse die Zitrone
Ich esse gern die Erdbeere
Now challenge some children by saying a sentence in English
and getting them to translate it into German. For example, you
could say:
I eat the apple and I like to eat the pear
Green - taste
Sag mir nach the 'green' vocabulary and point out that in
German you simply ask 'taste ... good?' instead of using 'does'.
Model a few sentences, asking the question and answering
using the bottom green prompt. Again, challenge some
children by saying a sentence in English and getting them to
translate it into German. For example, you could say: 
The pineapple tastes good but (aber) the pear doesn't taste
good (tastes not good) 
Blue - delicious and healthy
Sag mir nach the 'blue' vocabulary and then ask the children related questions in
German such as:
Ist die Banane gesund?
Ist der Kuchen lecker?
Ist der Apfel gesund oder (or) ungesund?
Slide 5 - Secret Signal - Eat
Using the vocabulary on the slide, ask one child to leave the
room and agree with the rest of the class on a secret signal,
such as touching your nose. Choose a child to perform this
signal at any given moment. Bring the first child back into the
room and ask the class to say 'Was isst du' (the first item on
the list) in a chant. Every time the class sees the designated
person do the agreed secret signal, they move onto the next
phrase in the list - 'Ich esse das Brot'. The child has to guess
who is doing the signal before the class gets to the bottom of
the list. If the child who went outside guesses correctly, they
earn a reward. If the class get to the bottom, the 'signaller' and
somebody else from the class, earn a reward  
Slide 6 - Questions and Answers - Drink
Go through the slides as you did with slide 4 but this time the
red vocabulary focuses on 'drink'. The green and blue
vocabulary is the same. Use water (das Wasser) as your
example and go through the slide and question the children as
you did on slide 4
Slide 7 - Secret Signal - Drink
The same activity as slide 5 but this time with a focus on
'drink'. Repeat a few times until you know that each child can
say 'ich trinke' and 'ich esse'
Slides 8 - 17
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slides and ask questions relating to the
vocabulary learnt on slides 4 and 6. For example, on slide 9 you could ask 'was isst
du?' and on slide 12 you could ask 'schmeckt die Marmelade gut?' If a child
answers in appropriate German they earn a reward. The children will have slides 4
and 6 on their hand outs to assist them.   
Slide 18 and 19 (same as slides 4 and 6)
Now model, going through the whole of slides 18 and 19 with a child. Ask and
answer one red question, one green and one blue. Practise a few times and change
role to be the answerer. On their tables with their partners, the children have a
conversation going through the colours on the slide as modelled. When they finish
they swap roles and when they have finished that they repeat using different
vocabulary. Tell the children beforehand that you will randomly select children
after this activity using lollipop sticks. If the chosen children can have a German
conversation using the red, green and blue vocabulary with both food and
drink, then they will earn a reward.   
Slide 20 - Find Someone Who ...
Using the hand out at the bottom of the page, the children circulate around the
classroom, asking pupils the 2 questions at the top of their hand out (and on the
slide). The children answer with the red vocabulary on the slide and the German
word for one of the images. The asker writes the name of the person under the
relevant image. They can write the name of additional children on the side of the
image if an item of food or drink is popular but the aim is to fill in all of the boxes
with names. Once completed, ask the class to share their findings
Slide  21 - Hangman
Model task first and then let some children come to the front
with their own sentences. I found these rules work well for the
* The children have to write a sentence which contains
'breakfast' vocabulary e.g. Ich trinke der Saft
* The class are only allowed to guess 5 letters and then they
must start guessing the sentence
* Whoever gets the sentence can come to the front with their
own sentence
Slide 22 - 'Wir haben Hunger' song 
The children have already learnt this song in 'Fruit 2'. Sing this song to the
children, emphasising how slow 'wir haben' and 'wo ist das'
are, especially contrasted with the speed of the rest of the
song. I have put a version of the song at the bottom of the page
so you can get the tune. Now sing the song translated into
English so they can understand the simple meaning. The
children usually laugh when you say 'sausage'. Sing the whole
song together with the children a few times. They make take a
few goes to get in tune with each other but they will have fun
doing it.
Inter-table competition - the children practise for 3 minutes
and then perform with their group in front of the class, with
actions if they can. The winning table wins a reward (and a
'Lieblingsantwort', 'Das war gut' or 'Das war
fantastisch' celebration). Alternatively you could use lollipop
sticks to choose individuals to sing the song instead of groups.
The chosen child can select a partner to join them if they
Assessment and Evidence
Observe and ask questions
Refer back to the success criteria after the singing activity
Check achievement of the Success Criteria by questioning
randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks)  

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