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Behavioral approach

to learning

Lic. Umaña Sopronyi Sandra

Principles of learning
● Individuality: Difficulties and to stimulate it in their strengths.
● Bases: Each subject must be exposed as to the purpose.
● Motivation: Capture the attention with attractive material, practical applications, considering their
interests and needs.
● Graduation: Conditioned to their age and previous knowledge.
● Participation: the student must be the protagonist of the learning process, investigating, actively
listening, criticizing and arguing.
● Relationship between theory and practice:
● Feedback: Return exams and assignments to know difficulties and achievements.
● Self-knowledge: Metacognition. Consciousness about what was learned and lack vrs blaming others for
their school failures.
● Transfer: Extrapolable.
● Result: Satisfactory results stimulate the student, from easy to acquire confidence to complex.
New pedagogy vrs pedagogy of memory

They gave great importance to attention, discipline (they used

punishments), memory through repetition.

Active education useful for life, centered on the student, not

the teacher.
To learn it is necessary

Know: Techniques, experience.

Wanting: Motivation to strive to learn.

Can: Capacity, information, resources.

Know: how to learn.
● You learn by doing.
● Collaborative activities.
● It is convenient to acquire, memorize (concepts, reference data).
● Build personal notes.
● Search information, access multiple sources.
● Techniques (repeat, underline, maps).
● Check the usefulness of what has been learned.
● Learn from mistakes.
● Apply reflective and critical thinking.
● Develop imagination and creativity.
Wanting to learn (positive attitude)

● Have motivation, involvement and

● Assume a growing autonomy in
learning (initiative, responsibility).
To be able to learn (possible goal)
● Be clear about the learning objectives.
● Develop objectives according to the tasks we are going to do.
● Have the basic instrumental techniques (reading, writing,
● Have self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge (what
do I know, what can I learn).
● Have adequate didactic resources.
● Receive tutorials when you need them.
Other laws and learning factors.
● Law of the exercise (you learn when practicing).
● Law of extinction (if not used).
● Follow logical sequences (all / parts, simple / complex,
concrete / abstract).
● Law of effect (I repeat the good / reward, I avoid the
unpleasant / punishment.
● Relevance, novelty (makes it better memorized).
● Multisensory (you learn best by involving several senses).
● Emotional impact (learning for longer).
Classical Conditioning

Learning is based on what happens before the

response. Example with winter, to blink +
trumpet. Learn something new.
Classical Conditioning
Element Initials Description Example

Neutral Stimulation NS It does not produce a response Bell

Unconditioned Stimulus US Produce a response on its own Meat

Conditioned Stimuli CS Answer paired with US Bell

Unconditioned Response UR Innate response Salivation reflects

Conditioned Response CR Learned response Salivation

Operant conditioning

Learning is based on the consequences of the response.

The results determine that a response is repeated or not.

Example hat: "Pretty" - reinforcement: use more.
"Criticisms" - punishment: use less.
Positive: give. Negative: remove.
Positive reinforcement + Something pleasant is given Food if it presses the lever.

Negative reinforcement + An unpleasant fact is eliminated Stop the pain if it presses the

Positive punishment - Displeasure is given Pain if it presses the lever.

Negative punishment - Pleasure is removed Take off food if it presses the

Operant Extinction

Modeling and operant extinction (boxed mouse and trained


Children: ignore bad behavior praise the good.


The child is using the cell phone in class and the teacher takes
it away.

Salivate by cookie, just watching it.

Before going to sunbathe I put on sunscreen.

After doing your homework your parents play with you.

The girl cries, the father spanks her.

Time to practice

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