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Date: February 14,2023

Topic: salt increase water temperature


The salt in the water increase temperature because When added salt to water, sodium
chloride dissociates into sodium and chlorine ions. These charged particles alter the intermolecular
forces between water molecules

As for every 58 grams of dissolve salt the boiling point is increase by half a degree pour kilogram of water
Which means that the more salt added the temperature increases more


The salt increase temperature faster because the water molecules bump into the salt which makes it
get more Kinect energy in the atoms which make the temperature increase.

Objective :

To figure out why salt increase the temperature of water(H2o)

Materials and apparatus

250-ml beaker 1 Bunsen burner

Measuring cylinder Conical flask

1 thermometer Measuring spoon.

Table salt flint and steal



1. measure the water in the beaker

2. add the water and measure the temperature before lighting the Bunsen burner

3 set the beaker water on Bunsen burner appropriately

5 stir the thermometer in the beaker while it is heating

4 measure the water temperature when it starts to boil ( bubble )

5 use the conical flask and add 2 tea spoon of salt with the water

6 measure the temperature of salt water before lighten

7 stir the salt water while heating till it boils measure the temperature of water

8 record all readings and tabulate results and repeat the procedure for the total of 5 readings

Controlled: the volume of water 1 tea spoon salt added to water

Independent: temperature of water and salt

Dependent the temperature boiling point with salt in water and the temperature with just water


Controlled: water

Experimental : water with 2 tea spoon of salt

Just water Reading before lightening Reading after boiling

Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Reading 5
Reading 6

Water with salt Reading before lightening Reading after Boling

Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Reading 5
Reading 6

Expected results.

It is expected that the temperature of the water Increase when salt is added. than with normal water

Assumptions : the water after getting boiled it tastes salty

Precautions: use a clamp or mitten when removing the hot water from Bunsen burner

Limitation : I burnt my hand which I couldn’t continue the experiment

Sources of error: too much water was added than salt which made the temperature change

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