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Process and Manufacturing Technology


Cover Sheet

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Submission Date:
Date received: 20 March 2023
Weightage : 10%

Semester : FEB 2023

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• This is an individual assignment.

• Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment (first page).

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• This assignment is my own work
• I understand what is meant by plagiarism
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- Late submission
- Any plagiarism found in my assignment.
Name Student ID
Firman syahbani 012022091047


TME21903 Process and Manufacturing Technology

Process and Manufacturing Technology

a) Answer the following (some questions have multiple answers that are correct)

1. For a given weight of metallic powders, the total surface area of the powders is
increased by which of the following (two best answers): (a) larger particle size, (b)
smaller particle size, (c) higher shape factor, and (d) smaller shape factor?
Answer :
B and C
2. Which of the following design features would be difficult or impossible to achieve by
conventional pressing and sintering (three best answers): (a) outside rounded
corners, (b) side holes, (c) threaded holes, (d) vertical stepped holes, and (e) vertical
wall thickness of 1/8 inch (3 mm)?
Answer :
A, B, C
3. Impregnation refers to which of the following (two best answers): (a) filling the
pores of the PM part with a molten metal, (b) putting polymers into the pores of a
PM part, (c) soaking oil by capillary action into the pores of a PM part, and (d)?
Answer :
B and C

4. Which of the following are bulk deformation processes (three correct answers): (a)
bending, (b) deep drawing, (c) extrusion, (d) forging, (e) rolling, and (f) shearing?
Answer :
B, C and D

b) condition for PM process.

Explain the process of powder metallurgy

TME21903 Process and Manufacturing Technology

Process and Manufacturing Technology

Answer :
- production of metal powder
- compaction and shaping of the powder, and
- consolidation and fusing of the powder into a solid metal component under
high temperature

c) Name some of the reasons for the commercial importance of powder metallurgy
technology and what are some of the disadvantages of PM methods?
Answer :
PM is important because :
1. parts can be made to net or near net shape,
2. parts can be made with a controlled level of porosity,
3. certain metals difficult to process by other methods can be processed by PM,
4. PM allows the formulation of unusual alloys not easily obtained by traditional
alloying methods.

d) Indicate some of the advantages of cold working relative to warm and hot working and
what is isothermal forming?
Answer :
Advantages of cold working rekative to warm and hot working :
- Better accuracy
- Better surface finish
- Increased strength due to work hardening

TME21903 Process and Manufacturing Technology

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