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Structural Review of

La Colorada Mine,
Zacatecas, Mexico
Field Visit Report
prepared for:

Plata Pan Americana S.A. de C.V.


April 2017

prepared by:

Telluris Consulting Ltd., Brackendale, Banks Lane, Riddlesden, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 5DN, UK
tel. +44-1535-606002; e-mail web:
Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp


This report summarises the principal conclusions of a 6 day field visit to the La Colorada deposit and
district, Zacatecas state on behalf of Pan American Silver Mexico S.A. de C.V. in spring 2017 (3rd to
8th April on site). The principal aim of the visit was to elucidate the tectonic evolution of the deposit
and the structural controls on mineralisation in order to help define exploration targets and determine
the potential of the district.

The ideas and conclusions presented from the geological observations in the field have been
augmented by discussions with the Pan American Silver geologists and these contributions are duly
and gratefully acknowledged. For this work local magnetic declination was set at 6°30’E (positive).

Geological Setting

The La Colorada intermediate-sulphidation epithermal polymetallic deposit is situated at the border of

Zacatecas and Durango states in the Mexican Altiplano at the boundary with the Sierra Madre
Occidental volcanic province to the south and west. It lies on the southern edge of the Chalchihuites
inlier; a horst block of Mesozoic marine clastic sediments of Lower Cretaceous age and locally
allocated to the Indidura/Caracol and Cuesta del Cura formations (e.g. Albinson, 1988). This broadly
NW-SE-trending range is cored by a major Tertiary intrusive complex and at the SE end of this block
the sediments are unconformably overlain by terrestrial conglomerates of the Ahuichila Formation
and Eocene intermediate volcanics assigned to the Lower Volcanic Series. All these units are known
to be pre-mineralisation in age but the sequence is unconformably overlain by a post-mineralisation
suite of silica- and iron-rich rhyolitic volcanics of the Upper Volcanic Series.

La Colorada is one of several deposits in the Chalchihuites range with mines and prospects hosted in
all of the pre-Upper Volcanic Series sequence. These range from epithermal vein style deposits to
skarn and CRD-type Ag-Pb-Zn ±Au, ±Cu mineralisation such mina El Bote and the Cronos-Guantes
deposits. Across the valley to the NW lies the La Parrilla district whilst San Martin and Sombrerete
are situated within another Mesozoic inlier to the immediate north. These deposits lie along a
regional WNW-trending structural corridor that extends to the SE through El Chacuaco to Fresnillo,
the Zacatecas vein district and Real de Angeles whilst the extension of this regional feature can be
traced into the Sierra Madre Occidental at deposits such as La Cienega (Fig. 1). Around Fresnillo this
structural feature broadly coincides with the NE boundary of the arc-related Guerrero terrain (Campa
& Coney, 1983; Coney and Campa, 1987) though the WNW structural trend is repeated throughout
Mexico (e.g. the Mojave-Sonora megashear) and into the USA controlling the majority of the
Laramide porphyry systems as well as younger intermediate-sulphidation and low-sulphidation

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

From regional structural interpretation the La Colorada deposit sits on another such regional WNW
corridor reflected in part by its reactivation along the southern margin of the Chalchihuites inlier
down-faulting Upper Volcanic Series volcanics against Mesozoic sediments. This fault extends ESE
through La Colorada where it is associated with the NC vein system (and causes significant oxidation
of the ore on the western side). Stratigraphic studies by Torres (1998) suggests that La Colorada lies
on the northern boundary of the Guerrero (Tarahumara) arc terrane but the absence of proven
outcrops/subcrops of arc-related primary volcanic rocks as seen in the Chilitos Formation at Fresnillo
makes this conclusion questionable.

The La Colorada deposit currently comprises three, ENE to E-W-trending principal vein type
structures that from NW to SE are termed the Recompensa, Amolillo and NC-HW veins (Fig. 2) with
second order sub-parallel splays and duplexes and more rarely NW to WNW-trending veins such as
V. San Geronimo. In addition there are a series of sub-rounded to irregular-shaped, lower grade
breccia pipes to the immediate SE of the NC vein zone that were mined in the past as well as some
breccia bodies along the NC-HW zone such as the San Fermin Breccia. In general the principal veins
are not cohesive planar veins dominated by quartz/quartz-carbonate gangue as seen in other deposits
of the Altiplano (e.g. Sombrerete, El Chacuaco, Fresnillo, Zacatecas) and consist of tabular zones of
brecciation with often irregular boundaries. Some veins such as the NC7 structure and Recompensa
west do show characteristic banded epithermal vein textures but these are rare. The broadly non-
cohesive nature of the vein breccias resemble high-level fault rocks and the relatively low gangue
mineral content means that the veins show very little surface expression.

Tectonic Evolution of the La Colorada District

The paucity of competent veining and stick-slip style deformation associated with ore formation
means that conclusive evidence for detailed kinematic analysis of the La Colorada mineralisation is
very limited however a coherent tectonic history for the deposit and the structural controls of
mineralisation can be inferred and defined from detailed studies by the author of the majority of the
deposits in the district. There are five distinct deformation stages recognised (Fig. 3):

D1 Laramide Deformation Stage 1

Early stage Laramide D1 deformation involved “thin-skinned” fold-thrust deformation of the

Mesozoic sedimentary sequence in response to an increase in the rate of subduction along the western
margin of North America broadly around 80-60Ma (and concomitant shallowing of the angle of
subduction). This phase of NE to ENE-directed compression resulted in NW to NNW-trending folds
and thrusts often segmented by ENE-trending steep tear/transfer faults (Fig. 4a). Although much of
the deformation did not appear to significantly affect the basement rocks, some of the basement
WNW-trending shear zones may have been initiated along with N-S to NNE conjugate structures. At
La Colorada the D1 phase is evident in the broadly NNW- to N-S-trending inclined to recumbent
folds (Fig. 5), often isoclinal in shape along with the associated short white calcite tension gash veins
confined to the more competent beds of the sedimentary sequence and related to shearing and bed
flexure during folding. Occasionally longer narrow calcite veins cross-cut several beds and their
ENE, WNW and NNE trends are likely to reflect small-scale Laramide conjugate and tear structures.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

D2 Laramide Deformation Stage 2

At around 60Ma there was another change in subduction dynamics again related to the rifting of
Pangea and the opening of the North and South Atlantic. The North and South American blocks that
up to this point were joined began to drift apart allowing the Caribbean plate (that originated to the
west of Pangea) to force its way through the gap. Segments of crust in southern Mexico, such as the
Chortis block, were transported to the SE and a phase of "thick-skinned" contractional deformation
occurred. The change in compression direction (Fig. 4b, Fig. 6a-c) and activation of major basement
shears controlled porphyry copper and associated orogenic gold mineralisation in Mexico. In the
Mexican Altiplano between La Parrilla and Fresnillo the D2 compression direction was oriented
approximately in a N-S to NNE trend and the WNW-trending terrane boundaries and subsidiary
basement shear zones were reactivated as dextral shears. This is seen as a clockwise deflection of
bedding traces over and adjacent to the main shears at deposits (Fig. 6c) such as San Martin, Fresnillo
and Charcas and evident from geophysics (Fresnillo).

At La Colorada the effects of the D2 deformation are not clear as time constraints did not allow
detailed analysis of the folded sediments and the effects of pre-mineralisation deformation. However
some WNW bedding trends and folds suggest that D2 deformation may have played a role in ground
preparation prior to mineralisation. The Yuri manto zone on the west side of the Recompensa vein
was not accessible but its WNW to NW trend may reflect the influence of a significant basement
structure and perhaps the development of WNW to E-W low-angle reverse faults as seen in the San
Sebastian deposit to the north.

D3 Early Post-Laramide Extension and Mineralisation

D2 compression waned by about 36-40Ma (perhaps reflecting the passage of the Caribbean plate
further east into the Atlantic basin and Mexico went into a phase of regional N-S to NNE-SSW
extension as either the relaxation phase to the D2 event or renewed movement north of the North
American craton. This event is recognised throughout central and northern Mexico into the southern
USA. In the Altiplano this phase of extension was active approximately between 36 and 28 Ma and
controlled the vast majority of the epithermal vein, skarn and CRD deposits as well as mineralisation
in the older basement rocks of the Sierra Madre Occidental and NW Mexico. Along the Faja de Plata
belt between San Martin and Zacatecas (Fig. 6d-f) the D2 extension showed a progression of
increasing extension activity to a peak around 34Ma when listric normal faulting produced significant
block rotation in parts of the belt (e.g. the Fresnillo Fault) and similar faulting caused tilting of older
porphyry copper deposits such as the San Manuel-Kalamazoo deposit in the southern USA. The
mineralisation along the section between San Martin and Fresnillo shows a progressive younging to
the SE; the San Martin skarn/vein system straddles the compressional deformation of the Laramide
and into early D3 extension (<46Ma), Sombrerete (~36Ma) pre-dates listric normal faulting and
tilting, El Chacuaco (no date) occurred during the listric normal faulting phase whilst Fresnillo
(~30Ma) formed after the tilting phase and cuts through the listric Fresnillo Fault.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

At La Colorada there is no direct dating of the mineralisation but the mineralisation is hosted in
Eocene volcanic rocks of the Lower Volcanic Series (~53.6Ma, Damon and Clarke referenced in
Albinson, 1988). The post-mineralisation rhyolitic cover of the Upper Volcanic Series is part of the
same sequence that extends NE to Sombrerete and therefore it is likely that the La Colorada
mineralisation is older than 30Ma (Albinson, 1988). The broadly ENE-trending La Colorada veins
show footwall and hangingwall splay structures in both clockwise and anti-clockwise senses and level
mapping show no significant changes in width or grade with changes in strike. Where identifiable the
veins show normal vertical offsets and kinematic indicators show they developed in an extensional
setting. This explains the absence of steep ore shoot boundaries

Structural Model for the Mineralisation at La Colorada

Under the D3 setting such ENE trending structures would open as dextral transtensional structures (as
suggested by Valladares Aguilera, 2016) if they represented a reactivated pre-existing basement fault
zone. However there is evidence for sinistral transtensional shear along near E-W-trending sections
of the NC zone along the NC7 vein (Fig. 7) and the likely setting of the three principal veins
(Recompensa, Amolillo and NC-HW) are that they represent the extensional component of a pull-
apart/extensional duplex formed at a dilational fault overstep/understep (e.g. Micklethwaite et al.,
2010). Until the traces and extents of the proposed WNW controlling structures are verified it is not
known whether the duplex was a structural overstep (i.e. the controlling faults overlapped) or an
understep (i.e. the controlling faults did not overlap but extensional faulting developed as a relay or
link between the two structures). The presence of extensional veins on an ENE strike, E-W sections
with sinistral shear sense and second order NE trending veins (Veta Dos) are consistent with the
expected structural components within a WNW-trending sinistral Riedel shear model (Fig. 8). The
relative steep dips of many sections of the principal veins would also be consistent as having formed
as extensional splays within a strike-slip system and therefore more likely developed in a structural
overstep as hard linkage features.

This is very similar to the extensional vein system around the San Martin deposit (Fig. 9) and the vein
system at Fresnillo (Fig. 10); both forming extensional duplexes across WNW-trending fault zones
acting as sinistral transtensional structures during D3 N-S extension. The WNW veins at Sombrerete
and in the Zacatecas vein district also acted as sinistral transtensional structures resulting in steeply
plunging, isolated ore shoots at anti-clockwise strike-swings. WNW-trending fault segments are
common in the Chalchihuites block and control mineralisation along strike from La Colorada in the
Cronos-Guantes deposits (at intersections with ENE-trending splays). At present at La Colorada
these bounding structures have not been identified but the WNW trend of mineralisation drilled by
IMMSA in the Canoas zone as well as the WNW trend of the San Geronimo vein to the east of the
breccia pipe zone could reflect the trace or margins of such fault zones (Fig. 11). WNW-trending
chalcedonic quartz veining occurs in the breccia pipe zone and the western margin of the Carmen
Breccia (as seen in the Socavon working) shows a weak WNW and ENE structural control. The
principal dyke on the east side of the breccia zone also shows a NW to WNW trend. It is clear that
the limits of the structural-vein system at La Colorada have not been identified nor reached
confirming that there is still significant potential in the district.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

Magmatic-Hydrothermal Model for La Colorada

The variation in ore mineralogy between the Recompensa vein and the NC vein/breccia pipe zone
indicates that there was a clear hydrothermal temperature gradient from the SE to the NW. Sphalerite
changes from the dark Fe-rich marmatite in the breccia pipe and NC zone sulphide ore through
brown/honey brown varieties in the Amolillo vein to low temperature, low-Fe green sphalerite in the
Recompensa vein. The Recompensa vein also contains much more carbonate, especially in the
manganoan form of rhodochrosite along with the Mn silicate rhodonite (Fig. 12) both indicative of
more distal, cooler conditions along with slightly higher average gold values. The textures in the
breccia pipes vary from matrix- to clast-supported types most commonly with a matrix of finely
comminuted rock flour and hydrothermal quartz-carbonate and sulphides/sulphosalts (including a
significant pyrite component and elevated copper contents). The breccia pipe cores typically are
bleached due to both intense pervasive silicification and porphyry-style phyllic alteration (Fig. 13)
with a lower temperature smectite clay overprint seen on surface (halloysite/celadonite?) whereas the
margins comprise chaotic breccias that grade outward to structurally-controlled jigsaw-fit and crackle
breccia types. The outer shells of the breccias are less altered and allow recognition of angular dark
sediment clasts along with sub-rounded porphyritic igneous clasts often with sub-vertical, cm-scale,
flow banding.

These relationships and the presence of juvenile clasts in all the breccias observed suggest that the
breccias are chiefly phreatomagmatic in origin due to the interaction of a near-surface flow dome
complex at or around the paleo water table but perhaps overprinted by later phreatic brecciation
events (primarily the veins?). Fluid inclusion data for the deposit suggest mineralisation occurred
≤500m from the paleosurface (Albinson, 1988). The lithological unit mapped at the centre of the
cluster of breccia pipes to the SE of the NC zone is therefore more likely to be intrusive or sub-
volcanic in nature. Flow-banded igneous clasts in other breccia pipes such as the San Fermin breccia
indicate that these pipes are also related to intrusions in the form of sills and dykes. Brief surface
reconnaissance and underground exposures close to the sediment-volcanic contact suggest that such
dykes are much more common than appear from the current mapping. The shallow level of
emplacement of the proposed flow dome complex explains the brecciated textures of the main veins
such as Recompensa, Amolillo and the NC/FW/HW system which resemble near-surface poorly
consolidated, non-cohesive and unfoliated fault rocks. There is a clear paucity of hydrothermal
gangue minerals such as quartz or carbonate compared to most of the epithermal vein systems of the
Mexican Altiplano and the relative high fluid temperatures reported for the deposit (around 325°C)
are consistent with mineralisation related to a shallow narrow intrusion.

The explosive/implosive style of mineralisation within the breccia pipes and the veins mean that La
Colorada is different when compared to deposits with parallel-walled, banded epithermal veins such
as Sombrerete or Fresnillo in terms of ore shoot geometry. As the La Colorada structures are largely
extensional then the distribution of ore within each structure is more controlled by changes in
temperature and distance from the hydrothermal source rather than dilational openings so precious
metal grades tend to be distributed along the length of the vein and have sub-horizontal upper and
lower limits dictated by the vertical extent of the boiling zone. The specific controls on CRD-type
manto mineralisation at La Colorada are not known but are likely to be confined to more distal areas
where mineralising conditions are less explosive without a direct route vertically upwards so that
there are opportunities for hydrothermal fluids to percolate laterally into favourable structural sites.
These may be fault/vein splays or intersections with units favourable for replacement such as damage
zones around Laramide thrusts (and folds?) or fossiliferous beds. Therefore, if the structural model is
correct then the SW extensions of the major veins to where they meet the controlling WNW fault
zone would be very favourable but in the Canoas zone may lie outside the Pasmex license block.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

The situation to the NE and SE in terms of exploration targets is not clear as thermal zonation implies
the source lies near/under the proposed flow dome but unless the structural-hydrothermal system is
completely asymmetrical then mineralisation should extend to the east (Fig. 11). If the flow dome
complex is the source then there could be potential for contact skarn mineralisation at depth though
the unaltered angular sedimentary clasts on the margins of the breccia pipes suggest not, at least at
relatively shallow levels. As the western side, the eastern structural limit needs to be found and
potential for mantos exist there too if sufficiently distant from the source. There should be potential
for blind veins adjacent to the breccia pipe zone in the SE part of the deposit.

D4 Basin and Range Extension

During the D3 extensional event there was still active subduction along the western coast but during
this period subduction rates reduced significantly with a concomitant increase in the angle of
subduction. This change in subduction dynamics caused the gradual onset of ENE-WSW extension
in Mexico known as the Basin and Range event (Fig. 14). At around 28Ma the D4 extension began to
overprint the D3 stage resulting in a progressive clockwise rotation in the regional stress field
reaching a peak (with the separation of Baja California and opening of the Sea of Cortez) between 22
and 18Ma. This is seen in northern Mexico in the form of NNW-trending valleys defined by horst
and graben defined by listric normal faulting (Fig. 15) and the NNW trend of the Sierra Madre
Occidental volcanic belt where NNW faulting controlled the emplacement of the Upper Volcanic
Series sequence as fissure-type eruptions.

At La Colorada the overall distribution and eastward younging of rock packages in the Sierra
Chalchihuites is likely due to easterly tilting during post-mineralisation Basin and Range extension as
seen in other outcrops of Mesozoic sediments at the eastern edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental.
Kinematic indicators along the main E-W-trending fault zone (La Colorada or San Fermin Fault?) on
the northern edge of the HW vein close to the new shaft show a phase of ENE extension overprinting
oxidation and implies that the vein/fault was reactivated during post-mineralisation Basin and Range
extension (Fig. 16). This was the likely control on the oxidation of the western end of the HW/NC
vein zone but it is not known to what degree the brecciation of the vein material at La Colorada is
hydrothermal/phreatomagmatic in origin and how much is an overprint due to later post-
mineralisation fault reactivation. In the sulphide zone the textures suggest mainly hydrothermal but
in the oxidised zone reworking of vein material where it is cut by the trace of the post-mineralisation
fault is likely. To the west this fault becomes a major post-mineralisation contact between the Upper
Volcanic Series rhyolites and the Mesozoic sediments but in the mine zone displacement
progressively dies out along the strike of the NC vein zone.

The effect of the Basin and Range faulting and oxidation is seen on surface in the breccia pipe zone
where many of the old surface workings were developed along NNW-trending, post-mineralisation
faults where oxidation would have allowed easier treatment and processing of ore compared to the
strongly silicified cores of the breccias. Whether there was any supergene enrichment in these areas
is not known.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

The hydrothermal temperature variation at La Colorada of increasing temperature to the SE is

contrary to any effect produced by easterly tilting and implies the temperature gradient is real and
significant. The breccia pipes and proposed flow dome complex on the east side of known
mineralisation at La Colorada is the hottest known part of the exposed hydrothermal system but it is
not known if it lies at the eastern edge or it is at the centre of a much larger system that plunges to
depth to the east under post-mineralisation volcanic cover. The jasperoids at the contact with the
Upper Volcanic Series rhyolites mapped by Tawn Albinson (1988) suggest this could be the case and
exploration to the east needs to consider higher-level features such as argillic alteration,
jasperoids/silica caps, more distal geochemical pathfinder elements (As, Sb, Au, Hg) and sub-
economic values that could point to ore grades at depth. The poor surface exposure of known veins
owing to the non-cohesive brecciated nature of the mineralisation means that other blind veins may
occur around the flow dome complex (now tilted to a deeper level with more preservation of the
vertical vein profile).

D5 Neogene to Recent Deformation

From approximately 12Ma rifting along the Sea of Cortez began to change to one of oblique opening
associated with the southward extension of the San Andreas dextral fault zone under the influence of
spreading of the NNE-trending East Pacific Rise off the SW coast of Mexico. The SW part of
Mexico was subjected to further clockwise rotation of extension to a WNW-ESE orientation and the
D5 extension event. This is clearly seen in the currently active NNE-trending Colima graben and
further north the southern extent of the Sierra Madre Occidental is transected by a series of other N-S
to NNE grabens such as the Bolaños and Tlaltenango and Aguascalientes grabens.

The La Colorada district lies at the northern end of the graben zone which is clearly seen in the
outcrop and valley patterns to the east around Fresnillo and Zacatecas (see Fig. 1) where major N-S to
NNE normal faults define the horst and graben terrain similar to the Basin and Range faulting around
La Colorada. In the mine area this phase of deformation is seen as low-angle NNE fault surfaces with
well-defined E-W to WNW-ESE oriented slip-grooves/slickolines that overprint Basin and Range age
oxidation (Fig. 16d). These structures do not appear to have made a significant impact on the
geometry of the La Colorada deposit.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp


From the geological observations made at La Colorada the following recommendations are made with
respect to exploration in the district:

• At present the limits of the La Colorada vein system are unknown. If the structural model
is correct then the principal vein structures should rotate into WNW-trending controlling
structures to both the west and east. At these intersections there is potential for enhanced
grade/volume mineralisation and mantos. Defining the full extent of the hydrothermal
system is fundamental to the exploration program and the increase in temperature to the
SE suggests either a highly asymmetrical geometry or that only half the La Colorada
system has been discovered.

• Another aspect of this is the proposed flow dome complex at the centre of the breccia
pipe field. The central unit has been mapped as another formation within the Eocene
volcanics but field relations indicate it may be a much younger intrusive/sub-volcanic
similar to the dykes associated with breccia pipes in the veins. This area needs to be re-
appraised as the potential source of the hydrothermal system. Has the breccia pipe zone
been assessed for bulk tonnage, open pit potential?

• As the La Colorada hydrothermal system was tilted to the east during Basin and Range
extension, exploration to the east needs to consider higher-level features such as argillic
alteration, jasperoids/silica caps, more distal geochemical pathfinder elements (As, Sb,
Au, Hg) and sub-economic values that could point to ore grades at depth. The apparent
absence of veins around the breccia pipes needs to be checked and could be due to poor
outcrop and/or blind mineralisation (?). Trenching in the SE part of the district would
help with mapping under scree cover.

• It may be that closer to surface the brecciated vein structures transition into breccia pipes
as they funnel upward to surface and that the breccia pipes may overlie veins at deeper
levels due to the eastward tilting. Brecciation and boiling may have been triggered due to
the interaction of the flow dome with a confined water table below the sediment-volcanic
contact (aquitard). This should be borne in mind when exploring in the eastern zone.
Some detailed petrography at both hand specimen/core and thin section scales on the
different facies and alteration types within the breccia pipes to define the genetic origins
(phreatomagmatic vs phreatic). This would be very useful to try and further constrain the
hydrothermal evolution of the La Colorada deposit.

• Both underground and surface outcrops show that intermediate composition dykes and
sills are much more common that current mapping suggests (e.g. sills close to the
volcanic contact in the NC zone and the NE dyke zone adjacent to the San Fermin
breccia). Mapping of dykes and sills both underground and on surface is important for
understanding the geology as well as helping to define structures and their offsets.

• Mapping in the NW part of the deposit where the Mesozoic sediments outcrop shows no
apparent bedding information. Whilst these units are pre-mineralisation in age the upper
levels of known mineralised structures show deflections of bedding traces above the
vein/fault (as seen in the Canoas zone). There is the potential for larger Laramide
structures such as thrusts to play a role in the control of manto mineralisation where they
intersect the main veins.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp

• It is important to understand the structural and lithological controls on manto

mineralisation. It would be of significant benefit to study and define these controls on the
Yuri manto to verify if the NW control may be related to D2 thrusts/shears.

• Albinson (1988) reports that the Upper Volcanic Series contact south of the mine dips to
the south however the relationship between the mapped contact and topography suggest
that at least in some places it has been faulted? Defining the nature and geometry of this
contact is important to estimating the potential for exploration to the south under the post-
mineralisation cover?

• The petrographic study of specimens from La Colorada indicates the presence of

significant quantities of garnet in several samples (Alvarez Hernandez/EEMO, 2012). No
garnets have been observed in any of the mineralisation during the field visit nor have
been recognised by the mine geologists (Javier Estrada pers. comm., 2017) and it is likely
that the study has confused garnets with low-Fe sphalerite which show similar optical
properties as isotropic minerals in thin section. Nonetheless, this should be verified and
therefore it would be a useful process to produce a list of the sample types and locations
of each specimen reviewed in the study (sample site/drillhole location and depth etc).

• Consider dating the mineralisation and intrusive phases in order to confirm the structural-
hydrothermal model for the La Colorada deposit.

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Structural Review of the La Colorada Deposit and District 04-2017 /Pan American Silver Corp


Albinson, T. F., 1973. Breccia Pipes of the La Colorada Mining Area, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Unpubl. Senior Thesis St Paul Minnesota, Malester College, 39p (referenced in Albinson,

Albinson T.F. ,1988. Geologic Reconstruction of Palaeosurfaces in the Sombrerete,

Colorada, and Fresnillo Districts, Zacatecas State, Mexico. Econ. Geol. v.83, p 1647-

Alvarez Hernandez, J. E., 2012. Estudios Petrograficos-Mineragraficos, Informe Final.

Consultant report produced by Estudios Especializados de Microscopia Optica (EEMO)
produced for Plata Panamericana S.A. de C.V., 163p.

Campa, M.F. and Coney P.J., 1983, Tectono-stratigraphic terranes andmineral resource
distributions in Mexico., Can J. Earth. Sci., 20, 1040-1051.

Coney, P.J. and Campa-Uranga, M.F., 1987. Lithotectonic terrane map of Mexico (west of
the 91st meridian): US Geol. Survey, Misc. Field Studies Map MF-1874-D, scale

Lewis Geoscience, Structural Analysis, La Colorada Mine, October 1998 – consultant report
prepared for Plata Pan Americana S.A. de C.V.; reference in Steinmann and Wafforn,
2013 but not available in Mexico for this study.

Mickletwaite, S., Sheldon, H. A., and Baker, T., 2010. Active fault and shear processes and
their implications for mineral deposit formation and discovery. Jnl. Struc. Geol. 32, p.

Servicio Geologico Mexicano (SGM) 1999. Carta Geologico-Minera Chalchihuites F13-B34

Zacatecas. 1:50,000 geology map with notes.

Sharp et al., 2007. Pan American Silver Corp. La Colorada Mine Project, Zacatecas,
Technical Report - reference in Steinmann and Wafforn, 2013 but not available in

Steinmann, M., and Wafforn, M., 2013. Preliminary Economic Analysis for the Expansion of
the La Colorada Mine Zacatecas Mexico. Technical PEA Report prepared for Pan
American Silver Corp. 100p.

Torres Y Espinosa, J. A., 1998. Estudio Estratigrafico-Mineralogico; Distrito Minero La

Colorada Zacatecas. Report produced for Plata Panamericana S.A. de C.V., 68p plus

Valladares Aguilera, I., U., 2016. Modelo Geologico Estructural del Yacimiento Argentifero
del Distrito Minero La Colorada, Chalchihuites, Zacatecas. Thesis Univ. de Guanajuato,
Dicision de Ingenierias, 45p.

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