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Islamic Studies

APRIL 10, 2023

GROUP 2: Savera Khan, Alina Asad, Ayla Amir, Sabeen Shahid, Hafsa Nawaz, Adeeba Hanif, Laiba Kafayat
Modern ideologies and Islamic ideology differ in several fundamental ways, including their
approaches to humanism, materialism, liberalism, and atheism.


Humanism and Islam represent two different worldviews and approaches to life. Humanism is
a modern ideology that emphasizes the importance of human values, dignity, and rights. It asserts
that human beings can achieve morality, happiness, and fulfillment without the need for religion
or divine intervention. In contrast, Islam is a religious ideology that recognizes the importance of
human values and dignity, but it emphasizes that human beings are created by Allah and that their
purpose and destiny can only be realized through submission to Allah's will.

Humanism is characterized by a focus on reason, science, and human potential. It is a
nonspiritual/materialistic ideology that values individual freedom, independence, and self-
realization. Humanists believe that individuals can achieve happiness and fulfillment through their
own efforts, and that morality can be determined through rational analysis and experimental
evidence. Humanists emphasize the importance of tolerance, empathy, and social justice.
In contrast, Islam is a religious ideology that emphasizes the importance of submission to Allah's
will. It teaches that human beings are accountable to Allah for their actions, and that the ultimate
purpose of human life is to seek the pleasure of Allah. Islam recognizes the essential dignity of
human beings as Allah's creations, and asserts that obedience to Allah's commandments is the path
to true fulfillment.

While there are some similarities between humanism and Islam, there are also some significant
differences. Humanism values reason and empirical evidence, while Islam values revelation and
faith. Humanism emphasizes the importance of human potential, while Islam emphasizes the
importance of humility and submission to Allah.
In terms of morality, Humanists believe that morality can be determined through rational inquiry
and empirical evidence, while Muslims believe that morality is based on Allah's commandments
as revealed in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

In conclusion, humanism and Islam represent two different worldviews and approaches to life.
While there may be some overlap between the two, the core principles of humanism and Islam
remain distinct. Humanism emphasizes individual freedom, autonomy, and reason, while Islam
emphasizes submission to Allah's will, faith, and moral excellence.

Materialism and Islam represent two fundamentally different approaches to understanding the
nature of the universe, the meaning of life, and the purpose of human existence. Materialism is a
modern ideology that asserts that the physical world is the only reality, and that all phenomena,
including human consciousness and morality, can be explained through material causes and
effects. In contrast, Islam teaches that the physical world is just one aspect of a larger reality that
includes spiritual dimensions, and that human beings have a purpose and destiny that transcends
their physical existence.

Materialists believe that everything in the universe, including human beings, can be reduced to
physical matter and that consciousness is simply an emergent property of complex physical
processes. Materialists view the universe as a system that operates according to fixed physical
In contrast, Islam teaches that the universe is a creation of Allah, who is the ultimate source of all
existence. Islam asserts that human beings have a soul, which is a non-physical aspect of their
being that transcends their physical existence. Islam teaches that human beings have a purpose and
destiny that transcends their physical life, and that their ultimate goal is to seek the pleasure of
Allah and to attain paradise in the afterlife.

In the Light of Quran

Materialism – the belief that we are only material and do not have a spiritual (immaterial) side.
The Quran does address this in many ways. Here’s one of the few;
“And indeed mankind intensely loves wealth.” [100:8]

While there may be some overlap between materialism and Islam, there are also significant
differences. For example, In Islamic thought, there are emotions, ethics and virtue. Sharing goods,
helping people who need help is a requirement in Islam. Materialism, on the other hand, accepts
every mean that leads people to success and encourages personal success. Or another example that
Materialism is an understanding that states that something invisible does not exist.

In conclusion, existing only at the materialistic level is like descending into animalism.
Materialism is, in other words, a form of shallowness. A real man is one who discovers the secret
of spirituality. If in materialism there is pleasure of laughter, in spirituality, there is greater and
lasting pleasure. If materialism is to live a life of limitations, spirituality is to live in boundless

Liberalism and Islam are two distinct ideologies that represent different approaches to
understanding human society, governance, and individual rights. Liberalism emphasizes
individual freedom, tolerance, and secularism, while Islam emphasizes obedience to Allah, justice,
and the role of religion in governance.

Liberalism asserts that individual freedom and tolerance are fundamental values that should be
protected by the state. In contrast, Islam asserts that the primary purpose of the state is to promote
justice and to establish the rule of law in accordance with Allah's commandments. Islam recognizes
individual freedom but places it within the framework of the Islamic legal system, which is based
on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.
In terms of governance, liberalism advocates for secularism and the separation of religion from
the state, while Islam emphasizes the importance of religious guidance in governance. According
to Islam, the state should be guided by the principles of the Quran and the Sunnah, which provide
a comprehensive and balanced approach to governance. Islam recognizes the importance of
consultation and consensus-building in decision-making and emphasizes the role of the community
in governance.
In terms of individual rights, liberalism emphasizes the importance of individual autonomy and
freedom of choice, while Islam emphasizes the importance of social responsibility and the
common good. Islam recognizes individual rights but places them within the context of the Islamic
legal system, which balances individual rights with social obligations.
Liberalism sees the state as a neutral negotiator of individual rights, while Islam sees the state as
a guardian of justice and the rule of law.

In conclusion, while liberalism and Islam share some values, they represent fundamentally
different approaches to understanding human society, governance, and individual rights.
Liberalism emphasizes individual freedom and secularism, while Islam emphasizes obedience to
Allah and the role of religion in governance. Liberalism emphasizes individual autonomy and
freedom of choice, while Islam emphasizes social responsibility and the common good.


Atheism and Islam are two distinct worldviews that represent different approaches to
understanding the existence of God, human purpose, and the meaning of life. Atheism asserts that
there is no God, while Islam asserts that there is one God and that He is the source of all creation
and the ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.

In Islam, the existence of God is an essential article of faith that is central to the Islamic worldview.
Islam asserts that God is the creator of the universe and that He is the ultimate authority over all
aspects of human life. Islam recognizes that humans have free will and that they are responsible
for their actions, but it also emphasizes that human beings are ultimately accountable to God for
their deeds.
Atheism, on the other hand, denies the existence of God and asserts that the universe and
everything in it are the result of natural processes. Atheism asserts that humans are free to
determine their own destiny and that there is no higher power that controls their actions or holds
them accountable for their deeds.

Islam and atheism also differ in their views of human purpose and the meaning of life. In Islam,
the ultimate purpose of human existence is to worship God and to seek His pleasure.
Atheism, on the other hand, asserts that there is no higher purpose or meaning to human life and
that individuals must create their own purpose and meaning. It emphasizes the importance of
individual autonomy and personal choice.

In the light of the Quran

What does the Qur’an say about atheism? In Surah At-Tur, Chapter 52 Verse 35, the Qur’an asks:
“Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?”
And in the following verses
“Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain.” –52:36
“We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to
them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things,
a Witness?” – 41:53
“And a sign for them is the dead earth. We have brought it to life and brought forth from it
grain, and from it they eat. – 36:33

In conclusion, Atheism sees the pursuit of material wealth and worldly pleasures as legitimate
sources of happiness and fulfillment, and Islam emphasizes that the pursuit of material wealth and
worldly pleasures is ultimately empty and meaningless and that true happiness and fulfillment can
only be found in the remembrance of God and the fulfillment of His commandments.


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