Sumit Bajracharya - 19030705 - Aman Raj Bagale

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Module Code & Module Title

CS6P05NI Final Year Project

Assessment Weightage & Type (25% FYP Interim Report)

Semester- 2021 Autumn

Project Title: GET FIT (ANDROID APP)

Student Name: Aman Raj Bagale

London Met ID: 19030705

College ID: NP01CP4A190401

Internal Supervisor: Subin Chitrakar

External Supervisor: Sumit Bajracharya

Assignment Due Date: 2021-12-15

Assignment Submission Date: 2021-12-15

Word Count (Where required): 3462

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am fully
aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.


This report provides a summary of the GET-FIT mobile-based final year project's
progress. This is a flutter application for Android that allows users to reduce weight and
promotes individuals to live a better lifestyle.

As of December 2021, the project is halfway through its development phase. The
purpose of this intermediate report is to maintain track of the project's development. A
thorough chronology of the project's development is included in this report. This project
is structured into five chapters: introduction, background/literature review, progress to
date, progress analysis, and future work. The problem is discussed in detail in the first
section of the introduction. The background/literature review section, on the other hand,
provides comprehensive information on the technology, as well as a study and analysis
of similar initiatives and progress achieved since the initiative's beginning.

The progress of the project's improvement up to this point is provided. The

progress evaluation includes advancement to collect the project's current condition and
progress. This part assists in establishing the true progress statistics for the project and
comparing them to the Gantt chart. Excess work from earlier projects is saved for future

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Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4

Problem Scenario ............................................................................................................ 5

Project as solution ........................................................................................................... 6

Aims and Objectives........................................................................................................ 7

Mobile application features .............................................................................................. 8

Report Structure .............................................................................................................. 9

Background/Literature review: ......................................................................................... 9

Technology Used: ........................................................................................................... 9

Methodology.................................................................................................................. 10

Review of Similar Projects ............................................................................................. 12

Freeletics....................................................................................................................... 12

Workout: GYM workout planner .................................................................................... 14

FitOn Workouts and Fitness Plans ................................................................................ 15

Analysis of similar projects with my projects ................................................................. 17

Analysis of Progress...................................................................................................... 18

Gantt Chart.................................................................................................................... 18

Gantt Chart.................................................................................................................... 21

Use Case ...................................................................................................................... 22

High-Level use case description ................................................................................... 23

Expanded Use Case Description .................................................................................. 25

Sequence Diagram........................................................................................................ 29

Wireframe...................................................................................................................... 32

References .................................................................................................................... 36

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Our health and fitness have always been vital components of our life. Because
we are the leaders of our human version, all we must do is present our best selves. As
twenty-first-century citizens, we have faced a variety of challenges in terms of our health
and fitness. When we think of health, we think of obesity, heart disease, including
coronary artery disease and heart attack, high cholesterol, stroke, and many other
ailments that are on the increase in modern society, all of which are mostly caused by a
lack of activity and excess body fat. A fitness app may help avoid diseases and
enhance our health by notifying and updating you’re eating plans, which will directly
encourage you to maintain your body in shape and live a healthy lifestyle. Fitness apps
are simply designed to assist with exercise, other types of physical training, nutrition
and diet, and other fitness-related topics. Exercise not only changes our bodies but also
aids in the maintenance of our physical and mental well-being. It alters the parts of the
brain that manage stress and anxiety. It can also increase brain sensitivity to the
neurotransmitter serotonin and norepinephrine, which aid in the treatment of depressive
symptoms (Line, 2021).

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Problem Scenario
Noncommunicable illnesses are on the increase these days. These illnesses are
caused by people's laziness as well as their stressful schedules. Furthermore,
noncommunicable diseases are anticipated to account for seven out of every ten deaths
globally by 2020. Each year, there is increasing evidence that obese young people are
more prone than their normal-weight classmates to be cyber-victimized. Traditional
bullies resulted in poorer personal satisfaction, less drive for physical labor, and greater
avoidance and enthusiastic adaption to healthier lifestyles than those who were not
influenced. Unhealthy diets and behaviors’ are almost universal among today's
youngsters. It became popular among them. The purpose of determining what is driving
them to live such a horrible lifestyle is to determine what is causing them to live such a
bad lifestyle. Perhaps they have no concept of what will happen to them if they continue
to eat in this deplorable manner (Bartleby, 2021). Speaking about the issue, there have
been countless absurd situations in the health and fitness world, such as obesity, heart
ailments such as coronary artery disease and heart attack, high cholesterol, stroke,
diabetes, and many more. As a developing country, we confront a double disease
burden: infectious diseases as well as an increase in noncommunicable illnesses such
as obesity, heart disease (including coronary artery disease and heart attack), high
cholesterol, stroke, diabetes, and many more. The first nationally representative study
of both men and women was conducted in 2007. According to the Nepal Non-
Communicable Diseases Risk Factor Survey, which covered 15 of 75 sites and
addressed each of the five authoritative regions and three biological districts,
overweight was widespread in around 7% of the population and obesity in
approximately 1.7 percent.

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Project as solution
This project's purpose is to solve the problem indicated above.

A smartphone app called "Get Fit" will allow users to schedule appointments with
various trainers/coaches and receive advice or ideas from them. Following the study of
the data, this project as a fitness application will motivate people to learn more about
virtual fitness classes for those with a busy schedule. Users may also follow trainer-
recommended diet plans as well as the daily diet plans given by this program from
morning tonight. Users may choose their training kind with a single tap on their phone.
This app will also allow users to express their issues so that their trainers/coaches can
respond fast. Furthermore, customers will be able to instantly review the coach list and
discover local training places. Furthermore, following the successful development of this
application, users will be able to use it for better health purposes, as it provides data
about practice gyms and trainers working under exercise centers, and can help to
reduce the number of rising health disease issues and poor physical condition. This
initiative will also be successful in that it will boost the confidence of people who are fed
up with their excess weight, reducing the stress of being overweight as well as
incidences of bullying and suicide.

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Aims and Objectives

The major purpose of this project is to minimize the growing number of health
problems by encouraging people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and developing a mobile-
based technological application to help with preventative actions. The following are the
project's primary goals:

▪ To create a simple and low-cost/free fitness app that would be beneficial in a

real-life situation,
▪ To gain an understanding of Android’s user interface and material design,
▪ To gain an understanding of the Android platform and its numerous features,
▪ Collect research materials such as books, journals, web sources, and cell health
▪ To provide the most effective diet plans as well as better teaching,
▪ To build a positive relationship with users,
▪ To provide excellent physical care administrations and resources to users,
▪ Investigate and deploy current tools and technology that can be used in mobile

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Mobile application features

Flutter is an open-source user interface framework that enables developers to
construct native mobile apps with a single codebase. This software's mobile application
has the following features:

• Users can log in to the system and create an account if they are new to it.
• Users can view a list of coaches/trainers that includes details such as name,
qualification, and department.
• Users can make an appointment with a coach or trainer.
• Users can also select whether they wish to speak with a trainer online or in
• After choosing a time and whether the appointment will be online or in person,
consumers can book their appointment.
• • When the user presses the workout button, the software will offer a variety of
workout options.
• Users can choose when they want to write and what they want to write about
their weight difficulties.

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Report Structure
The section consists of the structure of the remainder of the project.
Background/Literature review

▪ Technology
▪ Methodology
▪ Review of the similar projects
▪ Analysis of similar projects

Background/Literature review:

Technology Used:
This program assists in establishing how the social features of fitness apps
predict the sort of excitement (harmonious or obsessive) for physical exercise, as well
as the positive and negative consequences for one's health. This app is also for those
who are tired of their extra weight and have been suffering from diseases because of it.
The flutter framework, which is based on the Dart programming language, was used to
create this app. The primary advantage of using flutter programming to design mobile
apps is that it lets programmers create native mobile apps with a single codebase. It is
an open-source mobile UI framework developed by Google that was released in May
2017. In a nutshell, it allows you to create a native mobile app with a single codebase
(Thomas, 2021).

I intend to utilize Django for the backend of my project development. Django is a

high-level Python web framework that encourages quick development and
straightforward, practical design. It was created by expert developers to alleviate many
of the problems associated with web development, allowing you to focus on designing
your app rather than reinventing the wheel. It's open-source and completely free.

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The agile approach is a project management strategy that breaks a project into
stages. It demands continuing collaboration with stakeholders as well as ongoing
development at each step. Once the project begins, teams go through a cycle of
planning, executing, and evaluating. Collaboration between team members and project
stakeholders is vital. In this project, I aim to employ the Scrum technique. The rationale
for selecting this technique is because one of the primary benefits of Agile development
is that it helps teams to offer value faster, with higher quality and predictability, and with
a stronger capability to adapt to change in as little as 2-4 weeks. It enables groups to
develop a hypothesis based on their impressions of the capabilities of something, test it,
analyze the findings, and build on it. That is if the framework is used adequately. Scrum
is designed in such a manner that gatherings can mix techniques from many
architectures where they make sense in the circumstances of the gathering. It increases
individual usefulness through observation, adaptation, progressive elaboration, job
prioritization and scaling, and time-boxing.

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Scrum is an excellent framework for big, collaborative projects. It also relates to

our personal life. The basic goal of regular mindfulness practice is to recognize what is
dragging us down, how we may work around it, and where we should go in the following
days or weeks. So, here are my reasons for using scrum methodology:

a. Regular self-reflection,
b. Scrum embraces change,
c. Planning and working in runs,
d. Scrum is a continuous improvement process,
e. Scrum reduces risk by producing the product in increments,
f. Scrum is simple to learn and apply,
g. Scrum allows the developer/customer to use the product sooner,
h. Scrum allows for quick execution,
i. Scrum improves the group’s proficiency and viability.

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Review of Similar Projects


Freeletics is a fitness mobile application for high-intensity interval training that is

available for both iOS and Android. It emphasizes bodyweight exercises that can be
done anywhere and at any time, including burpees, squats, and sit-up variations. It also
provides tailored high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions with audio coaching to
assist you in getting in shape rapidly. This app includes the following features:

1. 5-to 30-minute exercises you can do anyplace, whenever.

2. Top-notch video workouts guarantee you train appropriately.
3. Led by coaches who persuade you through each exercise.
4. 14-day money-back guarantee on Freeletics Coach subscription.

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Workout: GYM workout planner

The Workout: Gym Workout Planner can help you improve your workout
outcomes in the gym. Build muscle and lose weight with a workout regimen tailored to
your wellness goals and body type. Begin working out the smart way, with your trainer
in your pocket. The Workout: Gym Workout Planner has the following features:

▪ It provides guided gym workouts plans,

▪ It also provides full workout and exercise tracking,
▪ It also includes the most effective gym workouts and exercises for every

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FitOn Workouts and Fitness Plans

This FitOn Workouts & Fitness Plans app is compatible with both iOS and
Android devices. It primarily focuses on working out with celebrity trainers and fit
celebrities via video training sessions, building muscle, and losing weight with a
bespoke exercise plan tailored to your health goals and body type. Begin working out
the smart way, with your trainer in your pocket. This FitOn Workouts & Fitness Plans
app has the following features:

❖ You can set daily plans goals,

❖ This app also guides meditations to people to reduce stress and anxiety,

❖ You can likewise look for exercises dependent on specific inclinations,

like hardware free, little space, low effect, and with kids.
❖ These apps lose weight, fabricate muscle, tighten up or diminish pressure
with plans that work for people.

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Analysis of similar projects with my projects

S.N Terms Freeletics Workout: FitOn This System,
Gym Workouts &
Workout Fitness Plans
1. Online Appointment
Booking Module
  
2. Online Trainer Profile
  
3. App Opening Time on 3 sec 1.5 sec 2 sec Target – 1
(3-GB RAM, Redmi sec
Note 8)

4. Diet Plan reminder

5. Exercise tracking
  
6. Motivation video
  
7. Chat System
  
8. Easy to use

9. Send

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Analysis of Progress
S. N Task Status
1 Research and Data Complete

2 Estimating Time and cost Complete

3 Design of wireframe Complete

4 Analysis of problem Complete
5 Use case Model Complete
6 Interim Report Complete
7 Development of the Incomplete
8 Testing Incomplete
9 Release Incomplete
10 Documentation part Ongoing

Gantt Chart

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Achievement so far

After much research, I realized that a program has three major components: the
frontend, the backend, and the APIs.

I learned a lot about the various frameworks used in application development.

Adobe XD, an Adobe program for prototyping and design, was introduced to me. Except
for development, everything is on time according to the milestones.

Not Achieved so far

Flutter appeared to be straightforward to understand and use, and the hot reload
capabilities simplified debugging. I overestimated the amount of time and work required
to develop an application. I hadn't budgeted for the time it would take to debug the code.
Learning flutter is especially tough because of a lack of community support.

Problems faced in past and present

Choosing a technique was one of the most challenging difficulties I faced. The
second problem I ran into was picking which frontend framework to use and which
backend language to utilize.

Designing UI components is also more challenging than I anticipated because I'm

used to drag-and-drop design, which flutters lacks.

Steps were taken to overcome problems

With time and effort, I intend to enhance my programming skills by emphasizing

research and not underestimating tasks. Communication was one of my main concerns,
therefore I'll now try to communicate with my superiors.

I used to create my program in Android Studio, but I've switched to Visual Studio
Code due to its enhanced UI and debugging features.

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Gantt Chart

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Use Case

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High-Level use case description

Use Case: Log in to the system

Actors: User, Admin, and Trainer/Customer

Description: User/Admin and trainer opens the application named Get Fit
in their gadgets. After that user enters his/her details which are username
and password. If they have written correct information, then they will be
taken to the home page otherwise a pop-up error message will be
displayed. After logging in they can use various functions of the

Use Case: Book an appointment

Actors: Customers

Description: Customers/Users can book their appointments by using their

application or even by meeting them whatever method convenient for

Use Case: Cancellation of appointment

Actors: Admin/User/Customer

Description: Users can cancel their appointments through the application.

They can cancel their appointments whenever by logging in to their
account as per their choice. Admin can also cancel a user’s appointment if
the trainer/Coach becomes unavailable or if any inconvenience occurs.

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Use Case: Checking Booking Status

Actors: Users

Description: Users can check their booking status through this


Use Case: View Trainer/Coach Details

Actors: Users, Admin
Description: Users can view details of coach or trainer with their detailed
information and admin can update those details of Coach.

Use Case: Make Payment

Actors: Users

Description: Users can book their appointment through the application via
E-Sewa. They also can pay through cash or any medium to training center
but for easy access, they can pay through the app

High-Level Description of Add/View exercise center List

Use Case: Add/View exercise center list
Actors: Admin, Users/Customer
Description: Users or Customer can view the exercise center list and their
location, respective trainers, and admin can regularly update the list

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High-Level Description of View/ Updating Profile

Use Case: View/Updating profile
Actors: Users
Description: Patient can update their profile if any changes of username,
password, location, phone number, or if any changes are required. He/she can
do it easily through their gadgets.

Expanded Use Case Description

• Name: Login
• Actors: User, Trainer/coach
• Purpose: To get access into the system
• Overview: During this procedure, the trainer or user enters their email and
password to get system access and execute their specific work.
• Type: Essential
• Action Steps:

Actor Action System Response

1. Admin or user clicks on the login

2. System displays the login panel

3. Admin or user Insert

email/username and password.

4. The system sends OTP to the user.

5. System verifies the login details provided.

6. The system will take to the home page.

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Alternative Courses:

Line 4: If the wrong OTP is provided, an empty field notification is displayed.

Line 5: If they have written incorrect information, a pop-up error message will be

Book appointment

• Name: Book appointment

• Actors: User, Trainer/Coach
• Purpose: To book an appointment for consulting Trainer/Coach.
• Overview: During this procedure, Users can pick their date for appointment
through their app or by meeting them in person, whichever approach is most
convenient for them.
• Type: Essential
• Action Steps:
Actor Action System Response

1. Users click on the book appointment


2. System displays the booking appointment


3. Users check the appointment for a


4. System displays book now option

5. user selects book now option.

6. The system will display

booking successful.

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Alternative Courses:

Line 4: If a text field is left blank or incomplete, an empty field notification is


Add/View GYM center Details:

• Name: Add/View Gym center details
• Actors: User, Admin
• Purpose: To add or view Gym center details
• Overview: During this procedure, the admin or user can edit the gym center details
and the information will save into the database.
• Type: Essential
• Action Steps:
Actor Action System Response

1. User or admin select the search

gym center option

2. System displays the gym center list

panel with detailed information.

3. Display the selected order detail


4. User or admin can have edit


5. System will allow the user or admin to

update gym center details.

6. User or admin insert the required

information and click update

7. System displays successfully updated


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Alternative Courses:

Line 3: If you search invalid Gym center then, an Error message will display if the
entered data isn't stored in the database.

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Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram is essentially a collaboration chart that details how actions
are carried out. It demonstrates how and what requests the framework's piece’s
function. It is concerned with an event graph or a circumstance. Object interaction
occurs in the sequence diagram via messages on the vertical and horizontal
dimensions, which are denoted by horizontal arrows and message names.
Essentially, the sequence diagram depicts how the items interact in the system. The
objects are the major components in the sequence diagram that play crucial roles.

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Bartleby, 2021. unhealthy lifestyle essay | Bartleby. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 12 2021].

Line, H., 2021. Exercise: The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 12 2021].

Thomas, G., 2021. What is Flutter and Why You Should Learn it in 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 12 2021].

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